How to repeat headings on a multipage table?
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I have a few multicolumn tables I created that use my own cell formats called Table Caption, Table Heading, and Table Cell. When I created a table that spanned two pages, the table caption and the table heading did not continue at the top of the second page. This is with Frame 7.2.
I checked my manual and it gave no clue as to how to make the table title and headings continue on multiple pages. Well, it did mention the table continuation variable.
I then inserted a Format A table (one of the built-in tables) and it worked properly but I did not see any table continuation variable in that table. But the table formats were called TableTitle, CellHeading, and CellBody. When I examined them with the paragraph designer, I cold not see any setting that referred to multipages.
This is frustrating.
What is it about the built-in table and its formats that are different from the ones I created and why do the built-in table formats automatically continue the title and headings to the next page?
Michael F
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Hi Michael,
For the title, you'll want to modify the table format using the Table Designer, adding the Table Title on the first sheet of properties.
For the Headinga, add a row to your table, but make sure you add "To Heading" instead of simply adding a body row above/below current rows.
For the Continuation Variable, add that from the Special > Variables... menu item. It is placed in the Table Title.
If this solves your problem, make sure to click on Helpful or Correct to help others find it faster.
FrameMaker Course Creator, Author, Trainer, Consultant
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I have no such item as Table Title on the Table Designer panel. On the Basic tab page there is a Title Position but that's it.
I did try your suggestion to add a heading row "To Heading" and that did work.
The weird thing is that I tried a few other homeamde table formats and they now replicate the title and headings to the next page. Weird.
I would still like to know what controls the multipage title and heading row. There is nothing in the UI that I can see. Does anyone know where those attributes are defined?
Another weird behavior is that Frame 7.2 does not save the number of columns when you create a new table format. This is something I can do with Word and the Autotext feature but not with Frame. So I guess I don't need my table formats for 2,3, and 4 column tables. One is sufficient.
Michael F.
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Hey Michael:
Take a look at this post on Adobe FrameMaker Heading Rows: Tables coming in from Word may look like they have header rows, but they don't repeat until you make them "official" header rows.
The number of columns are not saved with a table format.
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Yep, setting the Title Position is the correct option.
All heading rows repeat. Those that are body rows will never repeat.
Actually, the number of rows is stored by default in the table format. To update that default, place your cursor in the table with the desired # of rows, then hit Update in the Table Designer. Poof, you've updated your default settings.
FrameMaker Course Creator, Author, Trainer, Consultant
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Hi Matt!
Long time, no talk. Hope you are doing well!
I agree that you can set the defaults for new tables as you described. I was trying to confirm that Michael is correct in stating that he no longer needs multiple table formats, one each for 2, 3, and 4 column tables, since the number of rows and columns are not stored in the table designer.
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Ah, I confess I didn't even see the default table part of your response!
I think we're both right on this one...there's no explicit row and column setting controlled by the designer, but (like the assigned para format patterns) there is a default stored with the table tag itself.
Didn't mean to cross up your post, sorry!
FrameMaker Course Creator, Author, Trainer, Consultant
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Thank you. Your tips got me across the finish-line on this table issue.
Exact steps for anyone else with FM 2017 who needs detailed instructions.
1. Put your cursor on the table title.
2. At menu, click Table - Insert Table Variables.
3. At the Table Variables dialog window, check Table Continuation (Continued).
4. Click the Insert button.
The next page of the table will show (continued) behind table name.
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Glad to help!
Along with the option you found in the Table menu, you can also use the Insert > Variables command (or Ctrl+0, my personal favorite) to directly insert that variable or others.
FrameMaker Course Creator, Author, Trainer, Consultant