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I cannot "Save as pdf" with FM 2015. Solutions to this problem?

New Here ,
Feb 20, 2019 Feb 20, 2019

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Since yesterday I cannot generate pdf using "Save as PDF.."

Iv'e tried different .fm an .book files. Individual .fm files work fine but saving book files as pdf FM crashes.

While Distiller does run, it aborts after a few hundred pages and the only output is a large tps file.

I tried troubleshooting the tps file according to Troubleshoot PostScript errors  but the PostScript error is  "%%[Error: ; OffendingCommand: ]%% , i.e. nothing to go on.

Does anyone know why this can be happening? or how to use the find the problem in the tps file?


PDF output




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Community Expert ,
Feb 20, 2019 Feb 20, 2019

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Do the comments in this post help?


Can you save all files of the books as PDF?

Is this also when you just create a new file (with the default FrameMaker template) and add this to a new book file? Without any content or with some text or with several graphics of different formats?

Best regards





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New Here ,
Feb 20, 2019 Feb 20, 2019

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Hi Winfried,

Thanks for the tip. I did read the thread but posted anyway because I'm using FM 2015.

Unfortunately FM 2015 doesn't support PDF settings in the Publish pod.

> Is this also when you just create a new file (with the default FrameMaker template) and add this to a new book file? Without any content or with some text or with several graphics of different formats?

It happens when I add content with text and graphics. However it is not new content; it seems like FM or Distiller is all of a sudden not able to handle large files.

My Windows 10 version is 1703

OS Build 15063.1563

If the problems are related and one fix fits all that would be great





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Adobe Employee ,
Feb 20, 2019 Feb 20, 2019

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I have seen the "offending command" postscript error usually in the context of eps graphics referenced in FrameMaker document.

I usually narrowed it down by analyzing the page where Distiller stopped: Copy the content into a new document and then print only this page. If it still fails, look at the graphics and then delete them one by one, until the ps process goes through. Then check the last deleted graphic: Open it in Adobe Illustrator and re-save it.

This fixed it in 99% of the cases where I had faced this problem.




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New Here ,
Feb 20, 2019 Feb 20, 2019

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I hope you are right. This is the direction I am going in - process of elimination.

I wonder though if the problem may have something to do with the number of fonts and/or the instances of stylized text (i.e. italics). The latter is something I recently introduced to my content and I am not sure if there is a threshold beyond which it may cause a problem for the FM to pdf process.




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New Here ,
Feb 26, 2019 Feb 26, 2019

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An interim solution

The problem seems to be caused by images/diagrams in my documents so I identified the files in the book where the distiller was stopping and then regenerated the images/diagrams. I checked the fonts used in the diagrams and made them all one font. I don't know if this was the problem, otherwise the diagrams were no different than the rest.

It is still not clear where the problem comes from, what causes it and how it will be fixed. Adobe?

Wrote to Adobe Support with links to discussions in the forum and received no response.




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Adobe Employee ,
Feb 27, 2019 Feb 27, 2019

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It sounds like my hunch was right and the graphics might have been the problem. Did you create the diagrams in FrameMaker with FrameMaker's graphics tools, or are the diagrams imported graphics created in some other software? And if so, which software did you use to create the graphics?

If you were using FrameMaker to create the diagrams, do you still have the problematic file(s)? If so, can you share them with us?

If you were using a tool like Adobe Illustrator, you might want to head over to the Adobe Illustrator Community Forum.

In case the problematic illustrations were created by some other tool, the support forum or support team of this company might be the better.




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Community Expert ,
Feb 27, 2019 Feb 27, 2019

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Hi Stefan,

I do not think that the graphics files are the issue.

Two weeks ago I had not had any problems creating PDFs with Distiller. Now this does not work with _most_ of my documents.

If this would be a graphics problem, then I should have had this problem already weeks ago!

When I check one of the many samples which I cannot distill, I end up with three EPS graphics: 123 error.

With 12 and 13 I get an error message. 23 OK. Thus I would assume that graphics 1 causes this issue.

However, when any of these three files is alone in the FM file (brandnew with the FrameMaker default template, no font or formatting issues), I can create all PDFs.

If it would be graphics 1, then I should not be able to create a PDF. However, this works.

I created my graphics files with Corel Designer a few years ago.

It's not a problem to export these files again. However, in other documents I have hundreds of graphics, and the source files are in different folders. Therefore I cannot just export everything with a macro easily.

Generally I would like to switch to SVG, but at least at the moment text in SVG files in FrameMaker 2019.0.2.517 is stacked on top of each other. I am looking forward to the next build to test, if this is fixed.

Best regards





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Adobe Employee ,
Feb 27, 2019 Feb 27, 2019

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By the way, if you need support for FrameMaker you can contact the TCS Support Team directly on their email address tcssup@adobe.com.




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New Here ,
Feb 27, 2019 Feb 27, 2019

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Thanks, I did write to that email address on Friday.

Most of the diagrams (svg files) with problems were created with Adobe Illustrator (most or all of which were last modified in 2012), some were created with Microsoft Visio.

I opened, edited the svg files in Visio and generated them again. 

It seems to work; however I'm sure there are other diagrams/svg files with multiple fonts.

Why these run smoothly through the distiller, I don't know.




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Adobe Employee ,
Feb 27, 2019 Feb 27, 2019

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Ah, okay, so we're talking about SVG. This is helpful information. The SVG filter in FrameMaker 2015 was a little bit aged. Would you mind downloading the free 64-bit FrameMaker 2019 trial (it runs without limitations for 30 days)? We have introduced a completely new SVG filter in 2019 release and also a completely new native and super-fast PDF Engine. Would be interesting to know if the problems with your SVGs still exist in the new version. As both the SVG filter and the PDF Engine are completely new, there is a good chance, that this problem will no longer be there.




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Community Expert ,
Feb 27, 2019 Feb 27, 2019

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I think the new SVG filter is still a bit wonky. At my company we've had to move to using PDF images because the SVG import keeps moving things around on the graphic. The graphics are created using Visio and are a combination of screenshots and text and other markups added in Visio. This is a reproducible problem that FrameMaker tech support is aware of (I provided files for them back in October or November), and the Tracker status shows this as "To Track", I think because the people responsible aren't FrameMaker developers. I had thought it might be an issue with Visio's export to SVG, except that, if I recall correctly, images created in Illustrator showed the same issue.

Tracker number is 5286.




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Adobe Employee ,
Feb 27, 2019 Feb 27, 2019

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I suggest continuing the discussion in this thread:

Re: Unable to save as PDF in FrameMaker 2017

The problem seems to not be related to the FrameMaker version as it affects users working with 2015, 2017, and 2019 versions. Also, it seems to happen for multiple users with very different documents and graphics at the same time just recently.

It might be related to a recent Windows Update. For more details, see the link above.




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