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Is there a place to see the "Marker Text" for the entire index and make changes?

New Here ,
Oct 28, 2009 Oct 28, 2009

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I know how to make individual changes in "marker text" for the Index.

Is there a place to see the "Marker Text" for the entire index and make changes there?

I am indexing a book that uses quotes from scripture.

As an example, I want to change listings from

Colossians 3:10-11


Colossians 3 verses 10-11

I would appreciate any help.

If this is not the correct venue for this question, please disregard.




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Oct 28, 2009 Oct 28, 2009

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You didn't mention which version of FM that you're using. In FM9, this can now be done in the Marker Pod.

There are third-party utilities that also let you see all marker content.

In the freebie category is MarkerWorker from Cudspan at: http://www.cudspan.net/plugins/

In the paid plug-in category are:

IXgen: http://www.fsatools.com/ixmid.html

MarkerTools : http://www.leximation.com/tools/info/markertools.php

emDex: http://www.emdex.ca/

Indexing add-ons:

IndexTools (helpful for formatting and other Index layout tricks): http://www.siliconprairiesoftware.com/Products.html

In the DIY category, you can create a List of Markers for the Index (with hypertext enabled), open the Marker window (Special > Marker...) and then use ctrl+alt click on the entry to make a hypertext link to the location and see it in the marker window for editing. [Note: you can also do the same thing from the Index itself]




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Community Beginner ,
Jan 11, 2019 Jan 11, 2019

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Hello, just checking whether I understood the question and answer: do any of these tools you suggest allow for mass editing of an index entry, in FrameMaker 2017. Similar to OP question, if I have an index entry ABC that I have applied to text throughout a manual and now that entry actually needs to read CDE, is there a script or tool or plugin that I can use to mass edit the entries so that I don't have to find each one and manually change it? Even going into the generated list of markers and clicking to go back to each entry (as info provided elsewhere), it would be time-consuming in my case, if, for example, I have 200+ instances of entry ABC. I'd like to be able mass-edit or batch-edit all instances of that entry in a very large manual, instead of having to manually go back to each entry to edit in the Marker dialog. Thanks.

PS: I have queried or will query the posted plugin sites; just wondered if someone here might know ahead of time.




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Jan 11, 2019 Jan 11, 2019

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Scott Prentice's MarkerTools allows you to export and re-import the marker content - this allows for the mass editing required using a text editor.

emDex is no longer available.

IXgen also creates an editable marker list, albeit in FM as an FM document. You can then use FM's Find/Change to make mass edits and re-insert the revised marker content. The revised link to Frank Stearns' IXgen is: Frank Stearns Assosciates - IXgen . See the Whitepaper on IXgen's capabilities.

Either product has a demo mode to allow you to try it out so you can see which is more appropriate in your workflow. They're both excellent tools.




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Engaged ,
Jan 12, 2019 Jan 12, 2019

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I think that

Indexing add-ons:

IndexTools (helpful for formatting and other Index layout tricks): http://www.siliconprairiesoftware.com/Products.html

does what you want.

The index markers will all appear as conditional text.

You can then set to show all markers, and use regular Find/Replace to change the text in the markers




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