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This is in only in one book of many. Framemaker 9.0.3. Running XP Pro on Parallels on a Mac Pro.
All but one Illustrator based graphic, of many, in a book, has severe resolution loss (almost looks like a low rez bitmap).
All files are imported by reference. All files are are created in CS3 as .ai files and show as PDF in the Facets block of the Object Properties menu. I just encontered this upon opening the Book yesterday and up until then everything was just fine.
The one graphic that is OK is listed as a FrameVector and CGM in the Facets window.
I've tried adding new graphics frames and re-importing my files tpo existing graphics frames to no avail.
Of course, this only happens when the book is nearly complete deadline is now fully amped up!!!
I'm far less Windows OS savvy but have to run Frame Windows on Parallels on my Mac to survive
Thoughts? Some arcane setting or preference somewhere?
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Hi Mike,
I'm not sure if I'm coming into an existing thread, but here's my $.02
Where are you seeing the resolution loss?
In FM, you may/may not get a good preview, but that shouldn't be a
If you're seeing the problem in print, you're likely not using a Postscript
printer driver.
Save as PDF (yes, you can also print to the Adobe PDF printer driver) and
you should be ok.
If not, let "us" know & we'll go from there.
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Resolution loss is in the screen view to a noticable degree. But very severe when saved as a pdf. I have the output selected to "High Quality Print".
Most illustrations have no text, as I do callouts and leader lines in the documents with the Graphics toobar to maintain consistent font size. The one graphic that has text in the Illustrator file looks fully rasterized at 400% in screenview, almost a greyscale like effect.
For print output I use the HP 5200 postscript driver.
I notice also my Frame 9 doesn't accept .eps graphics. Is this a version issue or possibly a import filter issue. I thought Frame recognized .eps. I seem to recall that .eps was OK with 7 and 8.
If I didn't mention it, I use Illustrator CS3 for Mac for illustrations. All current up dates are installed.
I also have all current service packs installed for Windows as well.
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Check the default print driver used when FM fires up. If it's not a proper postscript device, FM only picks up the the low-res raster preview images for eps and pdf files - which is what your descriptions sound like. It may also balk at importing the eps.
It's best to set the AdobePDF printer instance as the system default printer for FM use. The Sundorne SetPrint utlity at ( will do this for you automatically.
Note: Illustrator .ai files are a special form of a PDF file with editing info. FM does not support native import of this format. It tries to parse the PDF component and render it internally as an eps format. Either save as PDF or EPS from AI to get a stable graphic for your FM workflow.
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Must have been something hinky with the default printer driver. I deselected it and then reselected it and all is fixed.
I still need to follow up on the .eps thing. When I import an eps. I get the gray box.
Until now, I haven't had any issues with .ai files. It's just as easy to save all Illustrator content as a pdf and more shareable across platform and applications with my normally PC using compadres. I may do that anyway it to avoid future issues.
Thanks again... now back to work for me
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Good to hear!
The gray eps boxes indicate an unuseable preview saved with the eps
file...another reason to go with PDF!
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Check that the EPS was created a with preview (TIF format, not WMF).
FYI, as I mentioned earlier, FM always converts PDF files to EPS format when importing, so to avoid a bit of overhead when you have a choice, save as EPS instead.
Note: there also is a maker.ini setting EPSLevelForPlacedPDF, which by default is not included, that should be set equal to 3. It is mentioned here: on page 6.
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Yep, you should expect the screen representation to be less than perf
EPS should be fine..but you could save the images in PDF & replace to verify
that the PDF of the graphic is acceptable
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Thanks Matt
Excellent thoughts. As I mentioned to Arnis, looks like pdf is the way to go in my environment.
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To add to what others have said, with Illustrator there is no need to keep the illustration as an .ai file. You can save it as eps and it is still fully editable.
Although I have Illustrator CS3 for the Mac, it has been awhile since I have used it. When you save as eps, check to see if you have the option to save as PC eps or Mac eps; I think the only difference is how it saves the screen preview. FrameMaker being a Windows app with old code may not handle a Mac eps properly. This is just a guess; I have not tested it.