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FM 2020 (16.0.1). Dita 1.3
I have yet to figure out what the exact workflow is that causes this problem, but occasionally my system will get into a state such that when I right-click on a DITA file in the DITAMAP, the <open> option is disabled. I need to re-start Framemaker to fix the problem.
Does anyone else have this problem?
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Do you experience this after you start FrameMaker or when you already had used FrameMaker for some time?
All files or only specific ones?
I have a similar problem, although I use regular non-structured files. Sometimes in some files most of the menu items are greyed out. When I close and open the file again, everything is fine. This happens maybe once a week. I created a report in the Adobe Tracker:
I do not know, if this is related to your issue.
Best regards
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Dear Winfried,
This error occurs during usage. Things will be behaving correctly, I will be opening/closing/editing files, and then suddenly I cannot open some of the DITA files. I think (but will have to confirm next time that it happens) that it typically affects most of the DITA files in the open DITAMAP, but not all of them.
I am unsure what happens if I close the DITAMAP and re-open it without re-starting FM.
I am unsure if only the right-click context menu Open open is disabled - I will have to check if the main menu items are also disabled.
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My colleague just experienced the same bug, and we were able to confirm the following:
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Hi @Ian16B7
Right-click <open> option in the DITAMAP gets disabled as soon as you open that file from the repository and the <close > option gets enabled.
This is expected behavior.
I am attaching a small screen video for more understanding
Does your <open > option gets disabled even before opening the file ??
It would be great if you can post a small screen video or mail it to Adobe whenever you face this issue
-Pulkit Nagpal
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Dear Pulkit,
Sorry for being unclear. I am not trying to open a DITA file that it is already open - I am trying to open a DITA file that is not open.
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Dear Pulkit,
This error happened again, and so I took a number of screenshots. When it happened, there were a few files open, but as I mentioned before, the problem was in trying to open files that were NOT already open. I then closed all of the open DITA files and confirmed that the problem still existed - in particular I noticed that closing the already-open files had no effect on which files I was unable to open. You can see in the attached screenshots that in the Files Open panel, there are no files other than the DITAMAP open. I then right-clicked on 5 different files in the map: 3 had the Open option enabled, and 2 had the Open option disabled.
A new observation (which I had not noticed before), is that for the two files that have the Open option disabled, you can see that that Close option is enabled.
Once again, I tried closing and re-opening the DITA MAP, and confirmed that the problem is NOT fixed by this action. I then re-started FM, and again confirmed that the problem IS fixed by this action.
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Hi @Ian16B7 ,
Is this coming on your system or experienced by your other colleagues as well?
Anyway, you can log a ticket on "", Will be prioritized accordingly.
Pulkit Nagpal
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I have created a bug at
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When this issue occurs only randomly, I am pretty sure that it is related to mine.
@pulkitn , when you check Ian's issue, please check also mine.