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SVG corruption in FrameMaker 2015?

New Here ,
Jan 27, 2016 Jan 27, 2016

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Is there any way to mitigate SVG files becoming corrupted in FrameMaker 2015?






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Jan 27, 2016 Jan 27, 2016

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How is FM corrupting the svg file? It just reads it in unstructured mode.

Are you using structured FM? If so, which structured application?





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Community Beginner ,
Feb 02, 2016 Feb 02, 2016

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Random graphics appear this way in a document.  For example this document has 25 SVG files and this one looks like this.  I can reimport this and it fixes it but then next time I open the file it appears on a different graphics.  These all worked fine in our previous version of Frame.  We have 5 writers seeing this issue. 






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Feb 02, 2016 Feb 02, 2016

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That looks like the text isn't rendering properly. Do you have the font used in the SVG installed on the machine? Is the font embedded in the SVG? What font is it supposed to be?





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Community Expert ,
Feb 03, 2016 Feb 03, 2016

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To extend the questions asked by Arnis…

What application generated the SVGs?

Do they need to be SVGs?
(They might need to be, for example, if the workflow is to XML or HTML5 and you just want to pass them through as SVG {which is XML}. But if the target is print or PDF, converting them to EPS might be more stable, and can be batched in Illustrator - although changing all the import references in FM would require some work or MIF mucking.)





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New Here ,
Feb 03, 2016 Feb 03, 2016

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This started happening in Frame 2015. The SVG files are generated by Visio. We do have a little macro that does the conversion from VSD to SVG.

Fonts are installed on the systems. we use, which are 64-bit Dells. The output is PDF. sometimes the figure shows correctly in Frame and then the dots show up in PDF. As Denise stated, we can re-import the file to fix it, but it is driving our team who are experiencing the corruption crazy, and frightening the others.





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Feb 03, 2016 Feb 03, 2016

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It sounds like the issue is in the PDF creation. The process varies slightly, depending upon whether you use the RGB or CMYK options in the SaveAsPDF route or if you print to postscript and use Distiller. The type of font, embedding and PDF joboptions are critical in the outcome that you will see in the PDF. What precisely is being done in the situations where the fonts do  ot render in the PDF





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New Here ,
Feb 03, 2016 Feb 03, 2016

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We see the Dots replacing the words in the SVG in the Frame file prior to generating a PDF.





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Feb 03, 2016 Feb 03, 2016

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You still haven't answered all the questions on the fonts (in the past, when I've seen similar sorts of dot patterns in a SVG, they represented text ).

Is the font information properly embedded in the SVG (has anyone checked the actual XML entries in the SVG)? Or is the text outlined?

Do you have the required font installed on your machines AND their location has been specified to Distiller?

Is the font actually licensed to be embedded in a PDF (some foundries do not allow this and there is actually a setting within the font to prevent this)?

Other questions:

Have you looked at the SVG in a browser to see if it renders as expected?

Have you tried using the SVGs in any other application to produce a PDF?





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Community Beginner ,
Feb 04, 2016 Feb 04, 2016

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Hello Arnis,  Thanks for your prompt help.  I will try to answer the questions.

Is the font information properly embedded in the SVG (has anyone checked the actual XML entries in the SVG)? Or is the text outlined?

I do not know the answer. The font is set in Visio to be Arial Unicode MS.  I will paste the XML below since I cannot attach a file to this.

Do you have the required font installed on your machines AND their location has been specified to Distiller?

The font is installed on our machine and our job options point to our fonts directory which has the font.

Is the font actually licensed to be embedded in a PDF (some foundries do not allow this and there is actually a setting within the font to prevent this)?

It is Arial Unicode MS.  It worked 100% in all of our docs before upgrading.  I don't know how to find that answer.

Other questions:

Have you looked at the SVG in a browser to see if it renders as expected? 

YES SVG looks totally normal in the browser.

Have you tried using the SVGs in any other application to produce a PDF?

Yes, in Prinice XML and they work fine.  This morning we had a project with 50 graphics and only 1 of them had this issue.  The writer closed Frame and reopened then that graphic was fine but another had this issue.  Sometimes is shows in Frame and PDF and sometimes only in the PDF.


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>

<!DOCTYPE svg PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD SVG 1.1//EN" "http://www.w3.org/Graphics/SVG/1.1/DTD/svg11.dtd">

<!-- Generated by Microsoft Visio, SVG Export X15153-flash-memory-ldpc-schematic-symbol.svg Page-1 -->

<svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" xmlns:xlink="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink" xmlns:ev="http://www.w3.org/2001/xml-events"

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            <desc>LDPC Codec</desc>

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            <desc>FEC Encoder</desc>

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                        x="18.88" dy="1.2em" class="st5"> </tspan>Encoder</text>        </g>

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            <desc>FEC Decoder</desc>

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                        x="18.6" dy="1.2em" class="st5"> </tspan>Decoder</text>        </g>

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        <g id="shape37-138" v:mID="37" v:groupContext="shape" transform="translate(296.25,-121.662)">



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            <text x="4" y="413.57" class="st4" v:langID="1033"><v:paragraph/><v:tabList/>m_axis_dout_tready</text>        </g>

        <g id="shape38-141" v:mID="38" v:groupContext="shape" transform="translate(77.25,-203.316)">


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            <text x="4" y="413.57" class="st4" v:langID="1033"><v:paragraph/><v:tabList/>m_axis_dsts_tdata</text>        </g>

        <g id="shape49-194" v:mID="49" v:groupContext="shape" transform="translate(296.25,-57.5567)">



            <v:textBlock v:margins="rect(4,4,4,4)"/>

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            <text x="4" y="413.57" class="st4" v:langID="1033"><v:paragraph/><v:tabList/>m_axis_dsts_tvalid</text>        </g>

        <g id="shape50-197" v:mID="50" v:groupContext="shape" transform="translate(296.25,-38.0743)">



            <v:textBlock v:margins="rect(4,4,4,4)"/>

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            <rect x="0" y="407.587" width="80.25" height="7.16263" class="st3"/>

            <text x="4" y="413.57" class="st4" v:langID="1033"><v:paragraph/><v:tabList/>m_axis_dsts_tready</text>        </g>

        <g id="shape51-200" v:mID="51" v:groupContext="shape" transform="translate(224.625,-80.1906)">


            <path d="M0 414.75 L58.73 414.75" class="st6"/>


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            <path d="M0 414.75 L61.73 414.75" class="st8"/>








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Feb 04, 2016 Feb 04, 2016

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Try using just the Arial font, not the full Unicode version. Arial Unicode MS has been quite a troublemaker in the past. The latest version of Arial has a very large component of the unicode set in it anyway.

You can do a gloabal edit to the svg file(s) to replace the Arial Unicode MS with just the Arial. Try this on a copy of a set of them in a publication to see if FM and the PDF creation behaves better.





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Community Beginner ,
Feb 04, 2016 Feb 04, 2016

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We are using unstructured.  Thanks, Denise





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Community Beginner ,
Feb 03, 2016 Feb 03, 2016

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We have also filed this.  Since the dotted text shows up in Framemaker 2015 before the PDF is even created I suspect it is something in FrameMaker.  We have hundreds of documents that are released quarterly.  We cannot easily change file formats.  Any help is appreciated. 

Bug#4109022 - Figures get corrupted when opening FrameMaker 2015





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Community Expert ,
Feb 04, 2016 Feb 04, 2016

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re: We have also filed this.

And how are you generating SVG? If not Adobe Illustrator, see hack below.

re: We cannot easily change file formats.

If you have Illustrator, you might try opening one of the affected SVGs and re-saving it. If that fixes the problem, you can set up a batch process in AI to re-save them all (back them up first, of course).

This rather looks like it might be an FM2015 issue, but you have work to do, so if the hack works, it might dodge the downtime until a patch is at hand.





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Community Beginner ,
Feb 04, 2016 Feb 04, 2016

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Thanks Bob.

And how are you generating SVG? If not Adobe Illustrator, see hack below.

Visio 2013

re: We cannot easily change file formats.

If you have Illustrator, you might try opening one of the affected SVGs and re-saving it. If that fixes the problem, you can set up a batch process in AI to re-save them all (back them up first, of course).  Good point I can try that

This rather looks like it might be an FM2015 issue, but you have work to do, so if the hack works, it might dodge the downtime until a patch is at hand.





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