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Table Headers: Borders/Lines

New Here ,
May 17, 2010 May 17, 2010

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This seems so elementary I feel foolish, but how do you get the bottom rule of a table header to repeat to subsequent pages? The top rule, side and column rules, and row rules repeat just fine, but the bottom rule never does. This means I have to go in and manually specify the top rule on the first row of every subsequent page. And when changes make the table re-flow, I have to manually re-do all the first row lines.

I've tried highlighting and sepecifying a bottom rule on the header row(s). I've tried specifying it in the Table Designer (bottom rules for header rows are not specifcially mentioned anywhere). Am I missing something really obvious?

Note: Just having rules on all rows isn't an option in this case.

Thanks for your help.


Formatting and numbering




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correct answers 1 Correct answer

Guide , May 20, 2010 May 20, 2010


It ain't so.

When using the custom ruling and shading dialog, it is important to note all those check boxes. If they are not checked or cleared correctly, you may be applying rules and shadings that you do not want. If you want to remove all custom rulings and shadings from a table, select the entire table, select all the check boxes, and select From Table in all the dropdown lists. Click Apply, and the entire table returns to the specifications in the applied table format, or possibly the



Guide ,
May 17, 2010 May 17, 2010

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In the table designer, rules tab, CLEAR the check box labeled Draw Bottom Ruling on Last Sheet Only. That has always worked for me.




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New Here ,
May 17, 2010 May 17, 2010

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Thanks for your quick response.

Which version did that start working in? I'm using Framemaker 6 (by customer's requirement), and the box you mentioned in the Table Designer is cleared, and it still doesn't work. Any other ideas?




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Advisor ,
May 17, 2010 May 17, 2010

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Jerry, I think what you're looking for is the table format setting that's on the middle tab of the Table Designer, the one that's called "Ruling".

The bottom ruling on a heading row is called Separators in FM's dialog.

As a test, if you add set the separator to be something "unique" that isn't already used in your table, say Double, and then hit Apply, the ruling should be changed  in the table that your cursor is in. If it doesn't, then that means that there's probably already an override applied to the heading row, in which case you should highlight all cells in the heading row, then go to Table > Custom Ruling and Shading, and click on Show Current settings, which would show you whether an override has been applied either to the heading row itself, or to the cell below the heading (in the first row). If there are overrides, you can set the row back to "From Table" there, and then work on removing the overrides from the body row below.

Once the table is working as you want and you have the correct bottom ruling on the header row, then be sure to do "Update all" so that the table format gets the new setting.





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New Here ,
May 19, 2010 May 19, 2010

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Thanks for your suggestions. I tried all of your recommendations. The settings for Rules in the Table Editor seem to have no effect on my tables. I've changed them several times (to double, thick, thin, etc. with Apply and Apply All), and I've gone into Custom Ruling and Shading and reset everything back to "from table". I still get no change (and no Separators).

Is the fact that this is an SGML-Structured document a significant factor? I've gone into the EDD and poked around all of the Table elements, and I can't find anything in the EDD that will define rules.





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New Here ,
May 19, 2010 May 19, 2010

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OK, here's some more data.

I can create a table that does just what I want. However, I cannot modify an existing table that has had Custom Cell Ruling applied.

So now my question is: How can I delete/erase/remove Custom Cell Ruling from an existing table? Unchecking the box and hitting "Apply" doesn't seem to do the job.




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Advisor ,
May 19, 2010 May 19, 2010

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Hm. I've just checked*, and this looks a lot more difficult than it should be!

  1. create table and add custom ruling/shading to a few cells
  2. select entire table and choose "From Table" ‒ shading clears, ruling stays
  3. select entire table and choose "None" ‒ shading clears, ruling stays

On the basis of this quick test, it seems that you can only removing custom rules cell per cell: someone say it ain't so!


* FM 9, latest patches, XP




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Guide ,
May 20, 2010 May 20, 2010

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It ain't so.

When using the custom ruling and shading dialog, it is important to note all those check boxes. If they are not checked or cleared correctly, you may be applying rules and shadings that you do not want. If you want to remove all custom rulings and shadings from a table, select the entire table, select all the check boxes, and select From Table in all the dropdown lists. Click Apply, and the entire table returns to the specifications in the applied table format, or possibly the current settings in the table designer (just a thought, have not checked the last point).

NOTE that if you select From Table in the ruling part of the custom rulings and shadings dialog box and Custom Cell Shading is cleared, then only the rulings revert to what's defined by the table format. If Custom Cell Shading is SELECTED and the As Is is selected from the dropdowns, then the shading is not removed. The point is that you have to be careful that all the necessary selections are made or you may not get the results you expect.

Jerry... Given all the above, you cannot remove custom ruling and shading from a cell or table by simply CLEARING the Custom Cell Ruling and Custom Cell Shading check boxes and clicking Apply. This does nothing because the custom boxes are not checked. You have to check them AND select From Table to get the custom rulings and shadings removed.

Getting back to some of the other lines of thought in this thread....

If you want the bottom rule of the last row in the heading (as Sheila notes, this is called a separator) to be different from the other rules in the heading rows, select the desired separator in the table designer and click Apply. The Rows dropdown only applies to headings with more than one row. The top rule in the top row or a heading is the Top Outside rule of the table.

If you want the Bottom Outside rule of the table to be drawn on every page of a table that spans more than one page, CLEAR Draw Bottom Ruling on  Last Sheet Only in the table designer, and click Apply.

So, Jerry, I suggest creating a table format that has all or most of the formatting you want in the table. Set the table to this format and make custom changes if needed to get what you want.

Hope this helps,


I am using Frame 9.0.3 on Windows XP




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New Here ,
May 20, 2010 May 20, 2010

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Thanks, Van. This works, even in Version 6. The trick I had to realize is that the "From Table" for the Rules is the first option in the list, and when the Custom Cell Rule window comes up, this option is invisible. You have to scroll up to find it. BUT IT WORKS!!

Thanks again.




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Advisor ,
May 20, 2010 May 20, 2010

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Thanks for the patient explanation, Van ‒ that's a posting for saving in my hints and tips directory.




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New Here ,
Nov 30, 2021 Nov 30, 2021

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I have a somewhat similar issue. I have a table that runs into multiple pages. The header row on the first page has thin borders for right, left, top, and bottom wheras the header row on the second page has thin border on right, left, and top; double border (separators). I desire to have all the header rows with double separators. Here is the ss of "Table designer" and "Custom Ruling and Shading"when the entire table is selected. What am I doing wrong? Any help is really appreciated.

Screenshot (125).png




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Community Expert ,
Nov 30, 2021 Nov 30, 2021

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Turn these on to change your cell rules back to Table [Style]:


David Creamer: Community Expert (ACI and ACE 1995-2023)




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New Here ,
Nov 30, 2021 Nov 30, 2021

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Thanks!!! It worked!




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