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Hi everybody,
When I created the table of contents for my book, a problem occurred: I had to manually correct the errors to get the table of contents correct.
Is there any solution to optimize the table of contents?
Looking forward to receiving your response!
Best regards,
3 Correct answers
Hi, @Quân2929 ,
put a second tab right before the pagenumbering variable.
As your text is breaking to the next line your pagenumbering tab is "jumping" to the first defined position (the indent position) and so in this case you need to define 2 tabs right before the pagenumbering variable.
But maybe @Barb Binder has another/better solution regarding the FM version.
Hi @mk-will. I agree with you‚ that is the answer. @Quân2929 just add a second tab character in front of <$pagenum> building block on the reference page for those third level headings and update your book. The second tab won't hurt the short heads, but fixes this issue on the ones that wrap to a second or subsequent line.
I was asking about the version because when you have long heads like that in a TOC, it is helpful to allow the page numbers stand out, and the fix is version-specific. It loo
...Hi Quan, you have to enter the second tab on the reference page and then go back to the body page and update your book. Did you do this?
If you cannot enter a tab, the insertion mark is possibly not before the <$pagenum> building block. Use the arrow keys to go to the correct position.
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IMHO there seem to be TAB craracters in the faulting headings.
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I agree with Rick and Klaus...if you turn on the view of your text symbols, you'll likely find tabs at the beginning of the offending headings. In the case of section 3.3, you'll likely find at least 2 tabs preceding the text.
FrameMaker Course Creator, Author, Trainer, Consultant
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I think Klaus is correct; some of your headings have leading tabs in them. If you generated Hypertext links when you created the Table of Contents, you can Control+Alt+Click on the faulty entries in the TOC and it will take you to the source headings. Then you can delete the leading tabs and then update the TOC.
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Here is a short video illustrating the problem and solution:
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hi @frameexpert ,
Sorry for not having time,
I am very happy to receive the answer and I think it is very useful, I will take the time to check my data again.
Thank you very much!
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hi @frameexpert ,
I have solved the dot in front of the heading, but there is one problem: there is no automatic dot between the content and the pages number.
How to solve it?
please help me.
Thank you very much!
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What version of FrameMaker are you using, @Quân2929?
And can you please provide a screen shot with your cursor in TOC entry 2.8.3 with the rulers visible?
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Hi, @Quân2929 ,
put a second tab right before the pagenumbering variable.
As your text is breaking to the next line your pagenumbering tab is "jumping" to the first defined position (the indent position) and so in this case you need to define 2 tabs right before the pagenumbering variable.
But maybe @Barb Binder has another/better solution regarding the FM version.
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Hi @mk-will. I agree with you‚ that is the answer. @Quân2929 just add a second tab character in front of <$pagenum> building block on the reference page for those third level headings and update your book. The second tab won't hurt the short heads, but fixes this issue on the ones that wrap to a second or subsequent line.
I was asking about the version because when you have long heads like that in a TOC, it is helpful to allow the page numbers stand out, and the fix is version-specific. It looks like—based on an earlier post—that you were on 2019 and possibly updated to 2022 this fall. In either case, after you fix the tab situation, you might want take a look at this post.
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Dear @mk-will , @Barb Binder ,
Nice to receive comments from experts,
I'm using version 2019 and am planning to upgrade to version 2022 but in the current version I can only add a second tab character before the <$pagenum> building block on the reference page for criteria That high school topic manually.
Best regards,
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Hi Quan, you have to enter the second tab on the reference page and then go back to the body page and update your book. Did you do this?
If you cannot enter a tab, the insertion mark is possibly not before the <$pagenum> building block. Use the arrow keys to go to the correct position.
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dear @Winfried Reng , @mk-will , @Barb Binder ,
After I added the tab before <$pagenum>, the table of contents was updated correctly,
I sincerely thank you for your support!
Best regards,
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