Barb Binder
Community Expert
Barb Binder
Community Expert
‎Mar 21, 2025
09:42 AM
Hi @GIS Analyst 1:
Here's something else to note.
Montserrat is available with our Creative Cloud subscriptions as an OpenType font. Based on your first screen shot, it looks like you have licensed it (the cloud with a checkmark icon next to the name).
However, the document shows that you are using a TrueType (TT) version. So maybe the file is looking for the TT version and you only have the OTF version?
You might try this: save a copy of the file and click on Monserrat Regular (TT) and Replace it with Font Family Monserrat Regular in the dialog box shown below. Does the pink highlighting go away for the regular style?
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‎Mar 19, 2025
05:21 PM
Hi @GIS Analyst 1:
Can you please grab a screen shot of Type > Find/Replace Font and post it in your reply?
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‎Mar 19, 2025
05:11 PM
What was your search term on Stock? I used "book covers" and have 100 pages.
A lot are Photoshop (.PSDT) and Illustrator (.AIT) but they should work if you have an All Apps subcription.
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‎Mar 19, 2025
08:43 AM
Thanks, Matt.
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‎Mar 17, 2025
06:20 PM
1 Upvote
Hi @Robert Posma:
I don't do a lot of hierarchical books either so I have to relearn the process each time.
Presumably, the translated files still have all the <$volnum>, <$chapnum>, <$sectionnum>, <$subsectionnum>, and <$pagenum> and auto-numbering building blocks in them so it might be easiest to create a new book that mimics the structure of the original book. Or maybe even just save the current book file under a new name and add the new files into the correct location.
Use File > Save book as and take a look at this page:
If you are still unsure, perhaps you can share a screen shot of the original book file—no actual content—just the list of files so that we can see what you are working with.
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‎Mar 15, 2025
01:59 PM
1 Upvote
This is all very helpful, Bob. Thank you for taking the time to share your knowledge with me. From reading your posts over the years, I had developed a vague understanding, but this post ties it together.
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‎Mar 15, 2025
07:06 AM
Thanks, Bob!
So it was a font issue! I tried so many I thought it was something else I was doing wrong.
So now I have to ask you, Bob. What is the advantage of this approach versus what I've done in the past? In either case I'm putting in a character that I have to change via a character style. The file will output to PDF, but not to HTML.
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‎Mar 14, 2025
11:03 AM
Hi @kemulholland:
I'll just add to Rick's correct answer that you want to keep the Marker panel open during the duration of this activity.
Because markers are so slender, once you find it, if you click on the page, you may lose it and have to start the search over again. I mention this because I see so many people move their mouse and their eyes together and the unintentional page click deselects the marker and then they have to stop to figure out which marker was selected. This is exacerbated by the fact that multiple markers overprint each other so it can be really hard to find one again if you inadvertently deselect it.
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‎Mar 14, 2025
10:55 AM
Hi Fm Friends:
I am trying to channel my inner @Bob_Niland and designate a bullet with unicode instead of a character style to switch to an ornamental font as I have done forever, but I'm stuck.
I entered \u25b6 as per another one of your other posts, Bob and while the Para Designer understands, I can't find a font that doesn't show a question mark. I am working with Arial and Times New Roman for this job. Fm
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‎Mar 13, 2025
06:58 PM
Hi @Lin23827968yzve:
I can't tell if you met with Rick and were able to solve this, but to answer the last question you asked me, no, you can't use an LOM reference page to control and IOM. They are two different types of lists and each have their own reference pages. And an index is always alphabetical (with or without the group titles). Lists are mostly chronological, with a few exceptions.
If you met with Rick and this is resolved, please mark his last comment as correct so that we know this is resolved—or let us know and I'll do it.
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‎Mar 12, 2025
02:27 PM
Hi @default99d2y87k82lj:
I know before I start typing that this is not the answer that you are looking for or want to hear: InDesign has adopted some, but not all of Adobe FrameMaker's technical document layout features. Not being able to call in auto-numbers into a variable is a prime example of how InDesign falls short.
Just the page count alone is saying use FrameMaker, as is the fact that it is a technical document. These types of files are why FrameMaker is still around since it was introduced in the mid-80s. No other application can do what FrameMaker can. Word wants to, but undoubtably you switched to Indesign because of the instability in technical document layout in Word.
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‎Mar 12, 2025
11:28 AM
@Jeff_Coatsworth you provided the light bulb moment. The character styles do work as intended in an index but not in a list. The same marker be pulled into either, but when you make a list the words appear, when you make an index they assign the character style.
So @Lin23827968yzve: this is confusing: "I'm generating a List of Markers to serve as an index of figures" because you can generate a list or an index. If those character styles were working before, it was because it was an Index of Markers (IOM) and not a List of Markers (LOM). Take a look at the bottom of the Insert menu while in the book window:
Create TOC is the most popular list, so it is pullled out for our convenience.
List Of is next and offers the remainder of the list options, including Markers and Markers (Alphabetical). Character styles will not work in these.
Standard Index is the most popular index, so it is pulled out for our convenience.
Index Of is last and displays the other index options and also offers Markers. You need to use this one.
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‎Mar 12, 2025
09:04 AM
Yes, that works as a manual approach. InDesign can do it for us in the book panel menu. Do keep in mind that the norm in published documents is that right pages have odd numbers and left pages have even numbers. This can become an issue when you manually adjust the pages. That said, it sounds like you are back on track, so happy publishing! 🙂
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‎Mar 12, 2025
08:42 AM
Hi @Mateomono:
It looks like your are setting up individual chapters (.indd files) to pull together into a book (.indb) file? If yes, don't worry about it yet.
When you put the chapters into the book file, you can use the book panel menu to designate the first page of each chapter to continue from the previous page in the document (so if the last chapter ends of a left page, this one would begin on a right page), or continue on the next odd page (typical for books) or on an even page. If you choose the latter two, InDesign can add a blank page for you to make it work.
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‎Mar 11, 2025
05:25 PM
Hi @Viktoria24203226e6hj:
It's a very frustrating situation:
Some of InDesign's interactive features were designed to be used with Flash which reached end of life at the end of 2020.
Some of InDesign's interactive features work well in Publish Online or a fixed layout ePub, but are not supported in PDFs.
Some interactive features work as expected in Adobe Acrobat and Adobe Acrobat Reader but not in 3rd party PDF readers.
We can't blame Adobe for that: the 3rd party reader companies are in charge of how compatible they want to be with PDF standards. @Dave Creamer of IDEAS mentioned two examples, there are plenty more.
It's also hard to control random people accessing our files who want to decide how they read a PDF and have no idea about the lack of compatibility that some of the readers deliver. You might test this theory by asking "those it works for and those it doesn't" what applications they are using to access your files.
Admitedly, the post below is meant as a sales tool to help promote in5 from Ajar Productions (by all accounts an amazing product but not one that I use) but it also offers a useful list of what does and doesn't work using Publish Online, fixed layout ePubs and then using their product to export to HTML5, while simultaneously acknowledging the limitation of trying to create a reliable interactive PDF.
This is another sales tool (sorry!) but it offers another look at the same dilemma.
The bottom line is an interactive PDF is probably not going to be way to go for you. You might want to take a look at Publish Online, which is included within Adobe InDesign or HTML5.
FWIW, I created and continue to maintain an InDesign to interactive PDF that I use when teaching and it works great, but I know the limitations, I work within the limitations and use Acrobat or Acrobat Reader to display it to my students as we work through each class. It's a very controlled environment.
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‎Mar 11, 2025
04:26 PM
1 Upvote
Hi @hendy_5450 :
It would be so helpful for you to come back and clarify a question when there are so many interpretations of what you are asking for.
My interpretation hasn't been addressed yet so here I go. I think you're asking how to change the first letter of each of the ingredients to uppercase without having to retype it yourself. If that's correct, you can do this with a GREP Find/Change.
I've posted a demo to see if that works for you and if it does, there's a screenshot that you can use to recreate this yourself.
If yes:
And @hendy_5450 , you probably know by now that we are all volunteers just trying to help. We are not Adobe staff—we are experts in our fields, vetted by Adobe and have the time to share that knowlege. As I look over the six pages of conversations/questions you have had with us in 2025, I don't see that you have marked any as Correct. Maybe none were but more likely some of the answers provided by our volunteers did solve the problem for you. If you have time, it would be a welcomed courtesy to work through your questions to Like the ones that were helpful to you and mark the ones that were correct as Correct.
Also, @Dave Creamer of IDEAS is an awesome InDesign trainer and he knows long document layout like few others. Booking a few hours with him would head off most of your questions.
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‎Mar 11, 2025
12:07 PM
1 Upvote
Well, well, well, @Bob_Niland, I'm wrong way more often that you give me credit for! 🤣
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‎Mar 11, 2025
09:53 AM
1 Upvote
The .ini file is the initialization file that FrameMaker reads when opening. Was there an option to change anything in there?
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‎Mar 11, 2025
09:33 AM
1 Upvote
Hi @B_C_E_75:
Not within the FramewMaker feature set, as far as I know.
As you said, FrameMaker defaults to 100% on opening. I use keyboard shortcuts to quickly change views: Esc z p (sequential not consecutive) is a quick way to put the document to Fit Page in Window view. And since it defaults to 100% and 120% is the next listed view, Esc z i will take you to 120%.
Now Rick (@frameexpert) might have a scripting solution and Jeff (@Jeff_Coatsworth) seems to know the .ini file well—any other answer may lie with one of them.
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‎Mar 11, 2025
08:17 AM
1 Upvote
Hi @hendy_5450:
I would just avoid that workflow altogether and have multiple paragraph styles.
I mean, you can certainly highlight each line and set the leading individually, but that is a problematic worklflow. It's going be much more of a headache (and time-consuming) than just setting up the paragraph styles from the beginning.
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‎Mar 11, 2025
08:06 AM
As a visual learner, I prefer demos.
It's just a toggle.
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‎Mar 11, 2025
07:53 AM
I added a link in my last answer that shows how I clear overrides.
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‎Mar 11, 2025
07:52 AM
1 Upvote
Hi James:
Here's a demo of how it will work when you get the process straightened out. I'm showing you the first two components individually, and then how the nesting works when I click on the table style.
And two good points were made while I was making the demo: be sure you clear all overrides from the table (see: and be sure the top row is designated a header row.
EDIT: Thank you for sharing the screenshot. You do have the cell style nested correctly, so it's one of the two things that were already pointed out. Overrides or the top row was not designated as a heading row, or both. Almost there! 😊
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‎Mar 11, 2025
07:35 AM
Hi James:
Can you show us the table style definition? Right click blue table > Edit "blue table". Stay in the General category and grab a screen shot.
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‎Mar 11, 2025
07:18 AM
1 Upvote
Hi @James3669094303ct:
Tables in InDesign are admittedly awkward in certain situations, but one of the strongest features is the ability to nest styles within styles.
When I am setting up tables, the first thing I do is define the paragraph styles for the text in the header and the body rows.
The second thing I do is create cell styles to control the look of the header rows—including the background color—and the body rows. I can then nest the paragraph style definitions in the cell styles, so that assigning a cell will simultaneously assign the paragraph style I created in the previous step.
Finally, I create a table style to control the look of the entire table and as part of the table style definition, I can nest the cell styles so that they are automatically assigned to the header rows and the body rows.
Not only does this offer one click formatting for a simple table, but it allows us to redefine the background color of the cell style being used by the header rows, which will then change every table that that's using that cell style.
Styles are one of the most important features InDesign when you're looking to streamline your workflow. If you're new to styles, I would take some time to get up to speed on each of these three different style categories and then pull them all together.
If you have questions, of course come back and ask us.
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‎Mar 10, 2025
01:44 PM
Thanks for sharing those links, @Jeff_Coatsworth!
And @Susan305351693t3o, styles are the topic of an upcoming webinar. The website went live this morning, but they haven't been announced yet. If you are on the email list, you will get a notification.
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‎Mar 10, 2025
09:38 AM
Me too! 🤣
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‎Mar 09, 2025
02:54 PM
Glad that was so easy! 😊
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‎Mar 08, 2025
07:34 PM
Hi Keith:
I think I may have the same set-up question as Robert... why are you creating/assigning/calling in character styles? I use a Running Header (Character style) in place of a Running Header (Paragraph style) when I just want to pull some of an insanely long title into the running head. (I have authors who will write 4-5 line titles that will never fit in the space provided for the running head.) But in your case, you are mostly pullling in entire paragraphs so you could simplify the workflow and juse use Running Header (Paragraph style) to call in the H2s and H3s. (Your H1s are partial paragraphs in that you are not calling in the word Chapter.) Not saying that's the issue but it's worth noting.
Now I do use Running Header (Character style)s in a very footnote-intensive document (~300 notes per article, 3–5 articles in a file) with absolutely no issues. However, I'm still using v19.5.2 for production because I don't fully trust v20 yet.
So some questions (and I know you know InDesign, Keith, so please forgive me for checking the obvious things first):
What version of InDesign and what OS?
The RH variables do require threaded text frames and that gets overlooked sometimes—are your frames threaded between the two pages you are sharing with us?
Where is the footnote reference? In a head or in a body para? We can't see it in your screen shot.
And a missing head should still show the variable placeholder—it's not on yours?
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‎Mar 08, 2025
03:33 PM
Hi @christiane_2136:
I have both the CC All Apps Plan and the TCS Plan (which includes FrameMaker), but the CC Desktop App only manages my CC apps. I manage my TCS updates from within the applications (i.e., in FrameMaker, Help > Updates). There isn't an auto-update option for the TCS apps. (And I turn it off for the CC apps so not missing it.)
I found this quote (that I evidently solicited from the TCS support team a few years ago) in response to a similar question::
There is no automatic update that happens for FrameMaker/RoboHelp/Technical Communication Suite. Once the release is available, a user has to download and install the new build manually.
Until this changes, you upgraded FrameMaker the right way (and the only way).
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