Barb Binder
Community Expert
Barb Binder
Community Expert
‎Sep 25, 2013
10:50 AM
Are you trying to include chapter numbers in your table of contents? For a step-by-step tutorial, check out this blog post on "Adobe FrameMaker: Including Chapter Numbers in a Table of Contents" at Barb Binder, Adobe Certified Instructor on FrameMaker
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‎Nov 15, 2012
10:21 AM
@Matt: I'm quicker in Photoshop, and I can use Actions to automate a lot of the process. It's so darn clunky in FramerMaker—the "illustration" tools haven't been updated in 26 years! I did play with the canvas size, same result. @Arnis: Ummm, no... it didn't occur to me ... and it worked! It's the psd format that's the issue. I saved it as a png and the line is gone. And I can put that in my action, so it won't slow me down. Thank you!!! Once again, you earned your 10 points. Now what are you going to do with them?
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‎Nov 15, 2012
10:10 AM
Hi Matt! Long time, no talk. Hope you are doing well! I agree that you can set the defaults for new tables as you described. I was trying to confirm that Michael is correct in stating that he no longer needs multiple table formats, one each for 2, 3, and 4 column tables, since the number of rows and columns are not stored in the table designer. ~b
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‎Nov 15, 2012
09:55 AM
@Arnis, it's a eBook, so I'm fine with the RGB colorspace. I'm taking (and annotating) a bazillion screen shots so I don't want to use a format that will flatten my vector layers because if I get a correction I'll have to set up the whole shot again and then re-annotate. Using the .psd format means my files are editable. @Error7103, I tried evening out my pixel columns, same result. Thanks to both of you!
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‎Nov 15, 2012
09:26 AM
But the line is showing up in FrameMaker, before I ever get around the making the PDF! (That's a FrameMaker 11 screen shot up there.) I read the string on the horizonal line, and played with flattening the file, but got the same results. I'm leaning on the side of it being a FrameMaker issue: the same .psd image does not produce that line in InDesign so it's not in the .psd file, and while yes, the line shows up in Acrobat (I'm viewing it on Pro X), it's also visible in FM when the borders are hidden. Thanks for trying!
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‎Nov 15, 2012
07:54 AM
Background I'm running FrameMaker I'm grabbing screen shots with Snapx Pro X, which open into Photoshop CS6. I'm annotating the shot and saving the file as a .psd, then importing the .psd into a new frame in Framemaker. The frame has no fill and no stroke. The problem About half the images show up with a black line on the right side. The exact same image imported into InDesign CS6 does not have the black line. My solution Crop the frames slightly to hide the line. Anybody else seen this, and/or have a better solution? Thanks! Barb
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‎Nov 15, 2012
07:34 AM
Hey Michael: Take a look at this post on Adobe FrameMaker Heading Rows: Tables coming in from Word may look like they have header rows, but they don't repeat until you make them "official" header rows. The number of columns are not saved with a table format. ~Barb
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‎Nov 02, 2012
10:31 AM
I started this whole thing in Illustrator CS6, because I wanted a vector shape. I still can't make it work with the native .ai file or the recommended .eps file. I give up! Thanks for trying so hard.
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‎Nov 02, 2012
10:28 AM
Hey Van, thank you for responding. (And thank you to Jeff, Arnis, Peter and Mike!) I did set the fill afterwards, and thought that was conveyed by the screen shot above, showing the selected frame with the transparency settings in the Graphics Toolbar. I'm going to give up on this one for now, and submit "transparency support in native .psd and .ai files" (like we've had in InDesign for years) as a feature request for FM 12. ~barb
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‎Nov 02, 2012
10:22 AM
Hey Arnis: It took me forever to locate both maker.ini files. (I run Windows on my Macs and they were in hidden folders.) Anyway, no to combined fonts and nothing I could find in either maker.ini file. I think some file somewhere must be corrupt so I'm just going to deactivate, uninstall and reinstall. Thank you so much for your help. ~Barb
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‎Nov 02, 2012
09:45 AM
Tried the eps with a clipping path, saved as a PDF. Same thing!
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‎Nov 02, 2012
09:38 AM
I'm in FrameMaker Unstructured 11.1 (patched today). Here's the file in PS (checkboard=transparency): That screen shot is a vector smart object, but I also rasterized it with the same result. Here is the same file imported into FrameMaker with the image background set to transparent:
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‎Nov 02, 2012
09:17 AM
Arnis! You are a genius! Thank you, thank you, thank you.
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‎Nov 02, 2012
09:10 AM
That sounded promising Arnis, but it didn't work. I saved the file as an .eps from both AI and PS, and as a .tif in PS and tried it out with all of them and had the same result. This is the PS .tif. Am I missing something obvious? My workaround was to "draw" the swoosh with the arc and line tools, but I just can't get the curve I need, and then a student asked me the exact same question yesterday. My workaround won't work for her logo.
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‎Nov 02, 2012
08:11 AM
That's certainly my impression too, Jeff, but it's 2012. Shouldn't it be supported? It used to be, but only as a .wmf file. It seems to have fallen off the feature set within the last few upgrades.
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‎Nov 02, 2012
08:08 AM
As soon as I launch FrameMaker 11 (before opening any files), I'm getting this weird console showing that I don't have "Adobe Garamond Pro Myriad Black." No kidding, I have each of them separately, but FrameMaker appears to think they are a single merged font. Any ideas on how to clear this one up?
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‎Nov 02, 2012
08:03 AM
I have installed Myriad Pro Semibold in Windows: But it will not show up in either the Family or the Weight list. Any ideas?
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‎Nov 02, 2012
08:00 AM
I am placing a shape (from either Illustrator CS6 or Photoshop CS6) with a transparent background and it shows up with a white background over the colored frame underneath. Is there a format I can use that will maintain the transparency? ~Barb
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‎Sep 18, 2012
09:44 AM
Are you trying to figure out how to add a watermark to a FrameMaker document? It seems like it should be so easy, but there's one default just waiting to trip you up. For a step-by-step tutorial on adding a watermark, see "Adobe FrameMaker: Adding a Watermark" at Barb Binder, Adobe Certified Instructor on FrameMaker
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‎Sep 07, 2012
04:47 PM
Object styles are an awesome, powerful new feature in Adobe FrameMaker 11. If you'd like to get up to speed quickly, follow this step-by-step tutorial, "Adobe FrameMaker 11: A First Look at Object Styles" at Barb Binder, Adobe Certified Instructor on FrameMaker
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‎Sep 02, 2012
11:31 AM
As you may have noticed, some of the magnification commands are missing from the FrameMaker 11 Zoom menu. I'm a huge fan of Fit Page in Window, but as of version, it's MIA. Here's a quick tutorial on using the keyboard shortcuts to handle all of your magnification needs: "Adobe FrameMaker 11: Missing Zoom Commands" at I guessing that once you master these shortcuts, you won't care about the menu anymore! Barb Binder, Adobe Certified Instructor on FrameMaker
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‎Apr 25, 2011
11:05 AM
Or, I just explain to my clients that I will "fix" the footnotes on the final draft, and then let them fall where they may during edits. On the final draft, I will adjust the page breaks (ususally by adjusting the "Keep with" settings in Pagination properties) to ensure that my footnotes are on the same page as their references. Doing this too early will drive you nuts. The key to this approach is to be sure the client understands, and can wait until the final draft to see the corrected layout. ~Barb
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‎Nov 07, 2010
09:30 AM
Thanks Art. In my experience, converting to RTF first usually makes Frame drop a footnote or two (or more) in each chapter, and then I have to comb through to figure out which ones are missing... I'm trying to get back to the days of old (pre-7) when the footnotes simply behaved as expected. ~Barb
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‎Nov 07, 2010
09:18 AM
When I open a Word doc with footnotes in FrameMaker, sometimes the footnotes convert properly (shown in blue below), and sometimes they show up several characters to the left of what appears to be a footnote anchor (shown in red below). (I know, there's no such thing as a footnote anchor.) I can fix them, and I can try saving in various formats, but I'm wondering if anyone has direct experience with these anchors, and knows how to prevent them in the future.
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‎Mar 30, 2010
07:10 PM
No, no, no, your title made it clear, but then I wasn't sure from the actual post. I was hoping that you could go ahead and create the named destination as specified, and then link to it from the other application. I've never run across your specific application, so now I'm just guessing. Did you try putting in a named destination in Frame, and then linking to it with the html-compliant #anchorname as in your example? ~Barb
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‎Mar 30, 2010
05:03 PM
Links within FrameMaker docs, yes. It's a two-step process. Specify a named destination: Click an insertion point where you want to link to go Special > Hypertext Command: Specify Named Destination and add newlink yourlinknamehere (substituting your link name for my words yourlinknamehere, of course) Click the New Hypertext Marker button Add the link to the named destination: Select the hypertext link hotspot (could be an otherwise empty frame, or an insertion pt within a para, or an insertion point within a character format within a para Special > Hypertext Command: Jump to Named Destination and add gotolink yourlinknamehere (substituting your link name for my words yourlinknamehere, of course) Click the New Hypertext Marker button You can test the link by pressing Control Alt and clicking on the hotspot. Barb Binder Adobe Certified Instructor Rocky Mountain Training
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‎Mar 30, 2010
06:22 AM
The font can be set separately for the page numbers (since they will be links, this is one way to help people looking at the file in Acrobat recognize them as hyperlinks.) To make everything look the same on the body pages, be sure you use the same typeface, size and style for all the lines you have circled in the screen shot above: the para tags are SeparatorsIX, Level1IX and IndexIX. Use Paragraph Designer and hit Update all after updating each tag. And remember, reference page changes don't take effect until you update your book. Barb Binder Adobe Certified Instructor Rocky Mountain Training
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‎Mar 29, 2010
04:11 PM
1 Upvote
I think Matt is on the right track. Check out the IOM reference page and change the space between the paratext and the pagenum building blocks to a tab, and then set the tab stop, of course. If you aren't clear on how to set tabs in FrameMaker, here's a tutorial: Best, Barb Binder Rocky Mountain Training
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‎Dec 01, 2009
07:04 AM
So don't hold my breath, right?
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‎Nov 30, 2009
08:39 PM
GREP query strings and GREP styles are tremendous timesavers in InDesign. I'd really like to see these time-saving production features added to the next version of FrameMaker. I'd even be happy with saved Find & Save queries.
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