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Hoping of course to persuade some colleagues this is not the way to go, I'm checking the results of Save as .rtf. The snag so far is that even a single page with four lines of text is taking several minutes to save. Not a problem in itself, but I'm curious – have other people noticed the same thing? FM19, Windows 7.0 on corporate life-support …
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What is the aim?
If I want files in Word, I save as PDF and then Export to Word.
Save as rtf never seemed to work well
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The RTF export was greatly improved in the last FM versions.
I do not know why your export takes so long. No. I had not noticed this.
Does your FM file have any graphics? Did you hide these with View | Options? Does this make any difference?
You might send me your FM file as a personal message. (Click on my name above this post. Then you will get a new page with a button to send a personal message.) Then I would check, if they take equally long on my PC.
Best regards
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Thanks for the update about improved export.
However, if you want to send a whole book for review or comments in Word, do you have to export each chapter separately?
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It's not the classic review case, otherwise I would send a single .pdf and tell them to get on with it ;-} for whatever (misguided) reason, there is a request for an editable Word version. Since different contributors will be involved, it makes sense to deliver one .docx per .fm and stitch them together in due course.
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Interesting idea … but the results, at least for my documents, are unusable: impossible to read, and no styles. The .rtf results, on the other hand, are pretty respectable. I'll make a pitcher of iced tea and settle down to watch the busy cursor :-}
.fm to .rtf next to .pdf to .doc – FM wins hands down