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Unselect or Deselect Row in table after selection

Explorer ,
Jul 14, 2020 Jul 14, 2020

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I have a table of 80+ pages with header row. so when i select a cell and CTRL+A or Triple click the cell, the entire table get selected including header row.  I couldn't unselect or deselect the row once it is selected.

I have to manualy scroll through all the pages to select all the rows except header.


Is there a way to unselect or deselect row in table after selection?






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correct answers 2 Correct answers

Community Expert , Jul 14, 2020 Jul 14, 2020

Editing to explain: this will NOT let you deselect the heading row after selecting the whole table. What it does is select all the body rows without including the heading row. Same result, but I find it easier. YMMV.


  1. Select an entire single body row by clicking in the leftmost (or rightmost) column and then clicking and holding the mouse button down while dragging the cursor to the right (or left, depending on where you started) to select all the cells in the row.
  2. Press Esc+thb (sequential pr



Explorer , Jul 14, 2020 Jul 14, 2020

Thanks. much appriciated. I kept selecting one cell and chose that button in the Table toolbar and thought it wont work. Thanks for pointing it to select the whole row first.



Community Expert ,
Jul 14, 2020 Jul 14, 2020

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Editing to explain: this will NOT let you deselect the heading row after selecting the whole table. What it does is select all the body rows without including the heading row. Same result, but I find it easier. YMMV.


  1. Select an entire single body row by clicking in the leftmost (or rightmost) column and then clicking and holding the mouse button down while dragging the cursor to the right (or left, depending on where you started) to select all the cells in the row.
  2. Press Esc+thb (sequential presses) to select all the body rows without selecting the heading row or click the Select Column Body Cells button from the Table toolbar. select columns.png

Another Edit: You cannot use the buttons in the tool bar to first select all the cells in the row and then select the columns in the body area. It'll just change your selection from the row your cursor is in to the column your cursor is in. 





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Explorer ,
Jul 14, 2020 Jul 14, 2020

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Thanks. much appriciated. I kept selecting one cell and chose that button in the Table toolbar and thought it wont work. Thanks for pointing it to select the whole row first.





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