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Upgrading from TCS 2.0 to TCS v. 2.5 - Know What You're Getting!!!

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Aug 26, 2010 Aug 26, 2010

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I'm not the type to normally write in forums but I just went through 2 days of customer service and technical support hell and thought I would share the experience with the sole motivation being to spare fellow TCS users the aggravation and make you aware of a possible disconnect between sales and technical support - know what you`re getting!!

Yesterday I purchased the upgrade from TCS 2.0 to TCS 2.5 from the Adobe online store as an electronic download. After receiving a confirmation email I logged into my Adobe account and noted that the download page contained 2 serial numbers, one for Photoshop CS5, one for Captivate 5 and then a zip folder for UPDATES only to Framemaker and Robohelp and also 2 language packs for text-to-speech for Captivate 5. Obviously I was missing links to Framemaker, Robohelp and Acrobat.

The goal of my purchase was to procure an additional licence in order to install TCS v 2.5 on 2 additional computers so, I had a sick feeling that I may have misunderstood what was offered in the upgrade; I then had the following conversation with Adobe`s Chat Live Now (excerpted from transcript):

Me: Hi. I just  purchased the upgrade from TCS 2.0 to TCS 2.5. My expectation was that  this contained all programs within the suite yet on my downloads the  only programs that are listed are Photoshop CS5 and Captivate 5. Does  this upgrade package not include the ability to install Framemaker,  Robohelp and Acrobat. I purchased on the assumption that the upgrade  would constitute an additional licence for these products as well. Was I  wrong?
Perkins: ...TCS includes all programs, you need to select those programs while installing.
Me: Okay, I'm just  downloading it now so I will confirm that it does, in fact, include all  of the programs. So just to clarify, my original understanding was  correct and the upgrade provides me with 2 additional licences for TCS?
Perkins: Yes. You can install 1 copy of the software on 2 computers with same Operating System.

Okay - fair enough, I then re-visited the Adobe Technical Communication Suite 2.5 web page under Upgrade--Reasons to Upgrade where it states:

``Work with full new versions of Adobe professional tools for technical  communicators and help authors, including Adobe® FrameMaker® 9, Adobe  RoboHelp® 8, Adobe® Captivate® 5, Adobe Acrobat® 9 Pro Extended, and  Adobe Photoshop® CS5 software``.

Now to me, FULL means full versions. I subsequently entered customer service hell and spent an hour and a half on the phone being transferred through 5 different people, none of whom were familiar with the contents of the Technical Communication Suite. It took forever jsut to get them to understand that I weas upgrading from TCS version 2.0 and NOT trying to upgrade from Photoshop CS4 and Captivate 4 directly. Eventually my question as to whether I was entitled to an additional licence for Framemaker, Robohelp and Acrobat Pro Extended was elevated to Tier 2 and I was told I would be contacted by Adobe. Today I received a voicemail and email stating that I should install Framemaker, Robohelp and Acrobat Pro Extended from my original TCS v 2.0 installer. I subsequently did so (successfully) and then installed Captivate 5 without issue.

The next challenge arose with Photshop CS5 - the serial number, according to the installer, was invalid. Back to customer support who referred me to technical support - turns out the download link on my Adobe account download page was for a Chinese language-only version of Photoshop Extended which doesn`t even come with TCS 2.5! So, another 90 minutes on the phone throughout which I keep seeking clarification, does TCS 2.5 grant me an additional licence for Framemaker 9, Robohelp 8 and Acrobat 9 Pro Extended...

Technical Service states they can send me a physical disc with installers for Photoshop CS 5 and Captivate 5 and then CONFIRMED that I am NOT entitled to any additional licences for Framemaker, Robohelp or Acrobat, I am ONLY entitled to the 2 installs under the original TCS version 2 licence. This of course runs completely contrary to the literature on the website and my conversation with Live Chat Now. In disgust, I have submitted a refund request.

Just for kicks I decided to again try to clarify with Live Chat Now what products that I, as a customer, receive a licence for by purchasing the upgrade to TCS v 2.5 and have pasted the transcript of that chat as follows;

Me: Can you please  confirm for me whether upgrading from the Adobe Technical Communication  Suite version 2.0 to version 2.5 entitles me to 1 additional licence for ALL of the applications that constitute the Technical Communication  Suite (i.e. Robohelp, Acrobat, Framemaker, Captivate, Photoshop and  Presenter) OR does it merely entitle me to 1 licence to install  Photoshop CS5 and Captivate 5 in conjunction with my pre-existing TCS  2.0 installation?
Morph: Give me a minute, I’m reading it.
Me: sure
Morph: When you place the order for upgrade, you will get new products.
Me: I understand that I will get Photoshop CS5 and Captivate 5 BUT do I also get Framemaker, Acrobat and Robohelp?
Morph: Adpbe eLearning  Suite  2 includes: Adobe Captivate 5, Flash Professional CS5,  Dreamweaver CS5, Photoshop CS5 Extended, Acrobat 9 Pro, Adobe Presenter 7  (Available only on Windows platform), Soundbooth CS5.
Morph: No.
Morph: Only Acrobat is Included.
Me: I am not talking about the e-Learning Suite, I am referring to the Technical Communication Suite
Morph: Oh okay, got you, first tell me, using which product you will be upgrading this from?
Me: TCS 2.0
Morph: Okay.
Morph: Yes, if you do this  upgrade you will get Adobe FrameMaker 9, RoboHelp 8, Adobe Captivate 5,  Photoshop CS5, Acrobat 9 Pro Extended, and Adobe Presenter 7
Me: so this will  entitle me to 1 additional licence for all of these applications, over  and above the licence I already own for the TCS version 2?
Morph: Correct, however,  you may also be installing the software (Upgrade version) directly  without uninstalling the previous version of the software.
Me: So just to  clarify, if I purchase the upgrade and decide that I want to install on a  completely different machine than the two computers that already have  TCS version 2.0 installed (as entitled by my licence) then I will be  able to, in effect, install the TCS 2.5 onto two completely different  computers (as per the Adobe licence) so that, at the end of the day, I  can actually have FOUR computers with TCS installed by virtue of the 2  licences that I should have - one from TCS version 2.0 and 1 licence  from TCS version 2.5É
Morph: Purchasing the  “upgrade” version product is nothing but a “full” version, but if you do  not have the serial key for older version you can’t Install the  upgrade, but for full version you do no need previous version serial  number.
Morph: Correct.
Morph: You can simply purchase your upgrade and verify that you have the qualifying older product during the installation process.
Morph: If it's installed on  your computer, the Adobe installer will either find it or prompt you to  help it find the software for verification.
Morph: If it's not installed, you will be prompted to enter the qualifying serial number for the older version.
Me: Is the download file one individual installer or an installer for each application
Morph: It is one Indiviidual Installer.
Morph: When you download it will automatically Install every program in the Suite one-by-one.
Me: Okay, the reason I  have been asking is that yesterday I made this purchase yet my download  page had links only to Photoshop (a Chinese language only version of  Photoshop Extended which does not come with the Suite) and Captivate.  There was no link whatsoever for the other applications. I went through  customer service and technical support and no one, and I mean no one,  could answer the questions I`ve asked you. According to customer support  and the serialization team, the upgrade to v. 2.5 DOES NOT include  Framemaker, Robohelp and Acrobat. As a consumer I have absolutely no  idea what is right and what is wrong. How am I supposed to make an  informed purchase...
Morph: did you check on the link and confirmed that it does not Include the upgrade to version 2.5?
Me: Sorry - not clear what you mean, my receipt from the Adobe store was for TCS v 2.5
Morph: Like I said  upgrade for the Technical communicate suite Includes Adobe FrameMaker 9,  RoboHelp 8, Adobe Captivate 5, Photoshop CS5, Acrobat 9 Pro Extended,  and Adobe Presenter 7, and you should be getting all as a single  download link, seems like you are not able to make it with the link to  Install Individual products altogether, so you need to contact our  Customer Service at 800-833-6687. for the
Morph: precise Info.
Me: I went through  that route yesterday and today and they told me that the upgrade DOES  NOT include the other applications. As well, I noticed that the download  file size for the upgrade is 1 half the size of the full version -  obviously something is missing
Me: The information you are telling me is the precise opposite of what they told me. How do I, as a consumer, get the proper answer
Morph: upgrade do Includes the product I have mentioned above.
Me: I know you`re  trying to assist but I`m flummoxed - my case was escalated to Tier 2 and  they told me it doesn`t include the other applications
Morph: up to some  extent i can help being a sales team member, ant only customer people  generate the links and have access to customer account to check what  really went wrong.
Me: Is it possible to  have a senior sales rep contact me - this matter of a `simple` upgrade  has consumed a ridiculous amount of time. As far as my issue - Adobe  tells me nothing was wrong and that the upgrade is only a licence for  Photoshop and Captivate
Morph: Okay,Just a minute.
Morph: You can contact our Sales Team on 1-800-585-0774.

So, at the end of the day, sales tells me that upgrading to v 2.5 grants me an additional licence for ALL applications in the suite whereas Adobe`s own technical support has told me this is not true. Again I ask, how does a consumer make an informed choice...

I`ve been buying Adobe software for both Mac and PC since Creative Suite 2 came out and this has absolutely been the most frustrating experience I have ever had. I get great use out of the Techncial Communication Suite and thought it would be nice to have an additional licence but at the end of the day I have decided it certainly was not worth the hassle - particularly when Adobe itself can`t figure out what I am entitled to!!

I am a fan of Adobe`s software but honestly, is business that good that you can treat your customers this way????

Technical Communication Suite




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Community Beginner ,
Aug 26, 2010 Aug 26, 2010

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johnstst wrote:

Yesterday I purchased the upgrade from TCS 2.0 to TCS 2.5 from the Adobe online store as an electronic download. After receiving a confirmation email I logged into my Adobe account and noted that the download page contained 2 serial numbers, one for Photoshop CS5, one for Captivate 5 and then a zip folder for UPDATES only to Framemaker and Robohelp and also 2 language packs for text-to-speech for Captivate 5. Obviously I was missing links to Framemaker, Robohelp and Acrobat.

The goal of my purchase was to procure an additional licence in order to install TCS v 2.5 on 2 additional computers so, I had a sick feeling that I may have misunderstood what was offered in the upgrade;


My sympathies on the runaround. However, I can't find anywhere in the TCS online content where one is entitled to additional licenses via an upgrade. AFAIK, upgrades just continue an existing license to a newer version of a product. For TCS 2.5, only the Photoshop and Captivate components are new, so upgrading from TCS2 to TCS 2.5, that's all one gets. If you were upgrading from a TCS1.x version, then you should also be getting the FM, RH, Acrobat, etc. products (at a much higher price).

If you read the EULA that comes with the TCS or check the FAQ here: http://kb2.adobe.com/cps/195/tn_19592.html - it kind of limits your options of how and when you can use the products.

Can I use my software on two computers?

If you own,  or  are the primary user of, a single-user or volume license Adobe  product  that is installed on a computer at work, you can also install  and use  the software on one secondary computer of the same platform at  home or  on a portable computer. However, you may not run the software   simultaneously on both the primary and secondary computers.




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New Here ,
Aug 27, 2010 Aug 27, 2010

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Hi. I suspect that may indeed be the case. If so, that's fine but nowhere is it clearly articulated what a user gains by purchasing the upgrade (and I am specifically referring to an upgrade from TCS version 2 to v 2.5) and certainly sales (as evidenced by my chat transcripts where I believe I asked quite specific questions) are advising customers that you will, in fact, gain an additional licence to ALL components of the TCS by upgrading.

If it had been clearly articulated on the Adobe TCS 2.5 website that an upgrade from TCS version 2 only entitles users to install Photoshop CS5 and Captivate 5 in conjunction with the existing installation of the other components of TCS 2 - or - better yet, stated clearly that the upgrade from version 2 to 2.5 does not entitle the end-user to an additional licence for Acrobat Pro Extended, Framemaker, Robohelp and Presenter 7 then that would allow me, as a consumer, to make an informed decision whether to make the purchase. Since that is not the case, and Adobe's sales representatives are clearly advising customers otherwise, I felt compelled to post this so others don't waste their time as I did trying to sort it out. At one point I was advised that I should use my existing TCS version 2 installer to install Acrobat etc but received contradictory answers as to whether I was entitled to an additional licence for these products. At no time during my first hour and forty-five minute conversation, my second ninety minute conversation nor my third, and last, twenty minute conversation was anyone able to clearly articulate what you have stated - and - that still leaves the fact that the text on Adobe's website is misleading.

BTW - why I received a download link from Adobe for a Chinese-language-only version of Photoshop CS5 Extended is still a mystery

At the end of the day, I think the TCS (while not perfect) is a very useful tool and I will, in all probability, upgrade to the full version of TCS 3 which will, no doubt, constitute a full licence for all components of the suite. I am not attributing malicious intent to the Adobe employees, but I am saying that they themselves seem confused about what is included in the upgrade and provided contradictory statements. If Adobe employees can't provide a straight, cut-to-the-chase answer about what seems a straightforward question then that certainly creates unnecessary confusion for the customer.




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Aug 27, 2010 Aug 27, 2010

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You are getting a license for TCS v2.5. This includes a license for all of the software. However, you now no longer have licenses to run the TCS v2.0. So you can only run two copies of the suite, non-simultaneously. You could not honestly believe Adobe was selling you for $299 a full license that you would have in addition to your original license as opposed to replacement licenses. If you did believe that you were being dishonest to your self. Upgrades have always been replacement licenses whether from 1 to 2 or 2 to 2.5.




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Aug 28, 2010 Aug 28, 2010

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Thank you Michael for the informed response. I believe that both yourself and ArnisG are correct and the simple fact is that I was wrong and misunderstood what the upgrade entailed. In fact, in my first post I stated " I had a sick feeling that I may have misunderstood what was offered in the upgrade" prior to making any contact whatsoever with Adobe. If the Adobe customer service representatives and / or technical support could have responded to my question as succintly as you and ArnisG have then I would never felt the need to post to the forum about it.

I specifically included the transcripts of my chats with Adobe Chat Live Now representatives to demonstrate that their understanding / explanation of the components of the Suite conflicts with your explanation. As follows (Morph was the Chat Live Now rep - very polite and helpful):

Morph: Yes, if you do this  upgrade  you will get Adobe FrameMaker 9, RoboHelp 8, Adobe Captivate 5,   Photoshop CS5, Acrobat 9 Pro Extended, and Adobe Presenter 7
Me: so this will  entitle me to 1 additional licence for all of these  applications, over  and above the licence I already own for the TCS  version 2?
Morph: Correct,  however,  you may also be installing the software (Upgrade version)  directly  without uninstalling the previous version of the software.

I am not in the "industry" so to speak and I am unfamiliar with what is and isn't standard practice. I didn't think my questions were that difficult to decipher. I created this post so that Adobe customers are aware of what they get when they upgrade to 2.5 - I was not.

Thank you again for the clarification.




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