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Ein Kollege hat einen neuen Laptop mit Windows 10 bekommen. Zum üben habe ich dort eine alte Version von FrameMaker (7.2) installiert. Ging auch recht gut. Nun haben wir für den Kollegen eine neue FrameMaker Version gekauft, die auch super läuft, leider braucht der Kollege auch den Distiller und der wird sang- und klanglos nicht mit installiert. Ich habe das alte FrameMaker inklusive des alten Distillers vollständig deinstalliert und auch schon mal den CCleaner drüber laufen lassen. Geht leider nicht. Auf den exakt gleichen Rechnern, wo vorher nur kein FM7 installiert war, geht es ohne Probleme. Vermutlich hat FM7 etwas in der Registry zurückgelassen, aber ich konnte nicht ergooglen, was. Hier hin ging meine beste Spur: leider gibt es die Seite nicht mehr
Hat jemand eine Idee wie ich den neuen Distiller installieren kann?
Vielen lieben Dank!
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Did you purchase the full version of Acrobat or just have the "headless" version that ships with FM?
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No Acrobat, only the FrameMaker Version.
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See post#5 in this thread -
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I am very sorry, but this isn’t helpfully. We have 5 licenses of Adobe FrameMaker 2017. (29,99€/ per month) I have 5 Dell laptops with Windows 10 1607 LTSB. On 4 laptops FrameMaker AND Distiller works very fine. Just one laptop doesn’t want to install the Distiller. The different to the other laptops is just an old and now uninstalled version of FrameMaker 7.2. We do not have Acrobat on these laptops. So, the solution no.5 isn’t working and the system reequipments are met. I tried different re-installations, including system cleaning tools, like CCleaner and customer installation with a hook on the Distiller add on. When we tried to create a PDF, we get the message ..."you must have Acrobat Distiller ... installed". If it is possible I wish an option to get an information why it does not want to install the Distiller, maybe I can fix the problem by myself. Unfortunately, I do not know how to get an error log?
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Hi Mike_Gr. ,
first let's check if Distiller is really not installed, or if FrameMaker 2017 just cannot find it:
Search in C:\Program Files (x86)\Adobe for "acrodist.exe". Can it be found?
If yes, please post the folder path to the acrodist.exe here. Also, please try to run Distiller manually by double-clicking on the acrodist.exe. In Distiller go to > Help > About Acrobat Distiller and let us know the exact version number given at the top of the About Acrobat Distiller window.
If not, please go to the folder where you have your FrameMaker 2017 installer files. Browse to the subfolder "\payloads\AdobePDFCreationAddOn12_x86_x64\" and run the setup.exe. After installation has finished, please restart Windows.
Kind regards,
Stefan Gentz
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Unfortunately, not. In the C\Program folder is only a subdirectory of FrameMaker 2017.
On all other laptops is an acrobat directory, which is having the acrodist file.
I already tried to install the Distiller manually from the "\payloads\AdobePDFCreationAddOn12_x86_x64\" directory. After clicking Next Next Next… it is telling me that I cannot install the addon manually. It is only allowed to install it with another program. I tried to install the addon manually on another laptop, it didn’t work too, with the same message.
Please note: After re-installing FM 2017, I take a look to the event viewer, the error code of missing Distiller is 1603. I googled same ideas, like cleaning Temp Directory or making sure the system user has all necessary rights. It didn’t work, and the user is needing his laptop now.
Thanks a lot for not giving up
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Hi Shaleen, I have the same problem. Would you provide me this solution as well. Thanks Paul
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Hi Shaleen, I have also the same problem. Would you provide me this solution as well. Thanks Oliver