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Hi there
I'd like to draw along below picture
I think that is 'bevel' is applied so I tried to use a 3D bevel in
But there is some problem when I process it
1st when I bevel it, Its outline adjustment is not corresponded with what I look
and it's not accurate when I tried to rotate it (I mean basically quite clear when making it with an only line segment, but in Bevel used one isn't done neatly)
2nd when I see it far from the object, It looks difference
so that I worried about when it printed (It drew in CMYK mode)
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Once you apply 3D, you need to do rotations within the 3D effect, not using the regular rotation.
You're better off doing the rotations first.
Draw one leg of the desgin and group the objects.
Select the group. With the Rotate tool, hold down Alt/Option and click the top tip of the group. That sets the origin for the rotation and opensthe Rotate dialog box. You have 8 legs, so in the dialog box type 360/8, then click Copy.
Use the Command-D or Control-D shortcut to repeat the transformation.
Select everything and group all of the objects and choose Effect > 3D and Materials.
These are the settings I used with a 5 pt stroke weight.
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Thanks !
It help me a lot