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See the screenshot above with the box which usually appears when 'extrude and bevel' are clicked on a shape, however it isnt appearing since updaing and instead the below box appears?
I need to do 'map art' option which I can't find anywhere on this new box. please help? is this a normal box which has appeared or am I missing something glaringly obvious
working on the new update 26.0.1
Effect > 3D & Materials > 3D (Classic) > Extrude & Bevel
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Effect > 3D & Materials > 3D (Classic) > Extrude & Bevel
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Do you have an idea how i can blend steps under extrude and bevel too?
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You can use the blend function on 3D & materials as well.
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okay thanks. will check. The problem am trying to solve is to blend an image and a text (the colors) under extrude and blend. before the update the option was there as blend step, now gone
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In the 3D Classic version you need to click More Options to get to the Blend Steps.