2 things, in advance :
- Sorry for my bad english.
- I'm still a beginner with Illustrator so my question might be dumb 

So I'm having a problem about aliasing : as you can see, some lines are ugly on this.
There is aliasing on the lines I'd call "vertical" and "horizontal", but not on the "diagonal" lines (the tiles)...
...and I can't figure out why.
I know I made the tiles a long time after the other lines, but I can't remember what I changed (if I changed something) to avoid antialiasing. Now if I delete the ugly lines and draw them again, I have aliasing.
I first drew on a white background so I couldnt see any aliasing, but right after I put the purple background, I now have aliasing on some lines (all lines are on the same layer).

(on this pic we can really see the difference).
So, I know, the answer is probably dumb but I have no clue what I'm supposed to do !
Thanks in advance for your help !
And have a nice day.