Aligning Image Trace Path to Original Image
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In Photoshop this seems to be an easy procedure. However, this seems to be an ardous task.
I have an image which I made a copy of and using Image Trace, Expand. Now I want to align the path to the original image to make a vector image. Is there an easy method for this?
I have tried the Align tools and they do not seem to work. I don't think Illustrator uses Blend Modes which will allow the user to see the image below.
Using Windows 11 and Illustrator (subscriber)
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Can you please show a screenshot?
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After expanding Image Trace, the original image is gone.
If yo want to keep it, you have to make a copy before tracing or place it agaib after tracing.
And yes, Illustrator has blend modes, see the Transparency panel.
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I make a copy so both are showing. Just need to align them. I found the Blend Modes. However, these appear to much different than PS. In any case thanks appreciate the assist.
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Photoshop has some more blending modes, but the main ones are the same.
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Thanks, I found the Blend Modes (BM) in AI. Still trying to get a better understanding of how they work though. As a user in PS when aligning images manually I know using a Diiference BM I can see where to align. In AI not sure if it makes a difference. This is probably due to the way AI uses Art Boards as an opaque base layer. Just have to get accustomed to the way AI works.
In any case I will have to continue to work towards a solution on the original post. How to align the Vector path on the original image.
Thanks everyone.
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You cannot expect Difference to work as expected with an autotraced image.
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Hi Monika;
Yes, I should have known that. However, encountered another bizzare challenge. After running Unite, then Merge. I discovered only 90% of the image was covered in black! Sooo thinking the path was not encompassing the entire image. Zoomed in where I could see, that was not the problem . . . Any ideas here? I am discovering several challenges in AI. Thanks
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Without seeing anything, it is impossible to help you.
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Since I started over will take a little while to replicate. Thanks
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I have only just seen the question, and I am wondering whether this crude way could be the easy way, Smart Guides being you friends:
1) Place the image and copy it in front of itself;
2) ClickDrag with the Rectangle Tool to snap to opposite corners of the image;
3) Image Trace the copy image, Expand, and Group the expanded trace and the rectangle from 2).
Now the expanded trace will forever be accurately alignable with the image whichever ways you move them about and transform them in identical ways.
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Thanks, will give it a try. Ironically when trying to replicate the Unit and Merge where only 90% of the image was covered in black I had a problem with my computer. I ended up replacing an SSD card. In any case I had to install a new OS and all apps. Will be sure to give it a try. There is a Youtube video
At around the 6:45 time marker when he uses Unite and Merge. When I tried applying this on my image only 90% of the image was covered in black. The top of the image was left uncovered. There was a path covering the area
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westdr1dw schrieb:
At around the 6:45 time marker when he uses Unite and Merge. When I tried applying this on my image only 90% of the image was covered in black. The top of the image was left uncovered.
What a bad video.
He was repeating himself most of the time and a couple of steps were unneeded. So can you please show your image?
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Good morning Monika;
Concur where a few steps may have been repeated or unecessary; however, end state seemed to achieve a solution I am looking for. Convert raster image into vector image. May be you have a tutorial to show this is done? Not sure sending a picture of how the Unite and Merge is only covering 90% of the object will clarify the objective.
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I have just started a tutorial series about this on youtube.
But probably it doesn't cover what you need with your image, because it's not complete yet. The other videos will be published until the end of January. So can you please show it? There obviously is something in your image that is difficult. So we need to see it.
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My humble apologies. After looking at your request again this morning I see you have requested I post the image I have been having an issue with. In the process of replicating the process on Fri based on your request my desktop went into a BSOD (Blue Screen Of Death). I lost some files in the process after replacing the SSD. The file I was working with was downloaded from the internet. Once I have an image which shows the concern I will post it to the group. Appreciate your understanding,
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I spent this weekend trying various steps in Illustrator. I was not able to replicate the initial concern. However, was able to vectorize an image. Started out with a 2X2 and increased the size to 9541 X 9077 pixels (31.8X30.5) inches. Amazed wo any noticibale artifacts looking at 100% manification. Now I need to work on the process where it becomes natural. Thanks and looking forward to the videos.
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"Not sure sending a picture of how the Unite and Merge is only covering 90% of the object will clarify the objective."
It may clarify everything, especially if you show screenshots of before and after, and especially if they show a bit more then the artwork, such as the expanded Layer (Layers panel) and maybe the Appearance panel (said by one that never saw the video and only read up on the thread the, and had to leave before the latest post by Monika, then started writing).