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I've been a photoshop user for many years & I'm just now making the jump to illustrator again. Photoshop has the option to zoom with only the scroll wheel & I've really gotten used to to that workflow. I find myself constantly trying to zoom in using only the scroll wheel in illustrator and its becoming a difficult task to retrain my brain to work this way. Can anyone shed light on a workaround or fix to this request?
Preferences > General > Zoom With Mouse Wheel
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When I was in high school, Tim Berners-Lee was writing ENQUIRE and thinking "Somebody should invent HTML in five or ten years." HTML 2.0 was released the year I built my first web page. Within a year or three, I was one of those annoying evangelists who passed around a link to CSS Zen Garden like it was a Chick tract, saying "Brothers and Sisters, have you heard the good news?"
Anyway... Thank you again.
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I found this solution to apply in InDesign. It worked!
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Thanks, @UnBOlievable
Your scripts works perfectly. Best regards. (WIN10)
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Old post, I know - but your script is beautiful! Works like a charm. are saving my sanity 🙂
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Thanks for this. I can't believe people think that windows is anywhere near as functional as a Mac. I recently had to switch from Mac, and I find doing everything that came so simply in Mac OS on a PC requires extra effort, background programs, or expenditures--and even then it doesn't work that well. For example, I used to make custom icons for my Adobe Substance folders in Mac. It was as simple as opening the info window for the image, copying the icon and pasting it into the folder icon. Done. In windows, you have to download an .ico converter for Photoshop, open Photoshop, reduce the image to 256x256 pixels, save it as an icon, choose the folder, open properties, go to customize, click on change icon, find the .ico file, click ok, then ok again, and then (maybe) the icon will display as long as you never move the icon file. I have over 100 Substances that I need to make icons for. A process that used to take 10 seconds on a Mac takes 5 minutes on a PC. Unfortunately, I need to use a PC because I have to run newer Nvidia cards for my work and they won't work with Macs. Sorry, I had to rant. I feel so much better.
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OMG, thank you times a million for sharing this script!!!! And how to use it.
I use Adobe CC because it's an industry standard, so it's often required software when working in Graphic Arts.
Honestly, I always want to quit within minutes of using it. There are several major bugaboos, but the biggest is the headache of their limitation on the Alt+Scroll shortcut to Zoom, instead of just scroll.
Can I send you a few bucks for a cup of coffee? It's the least I can do for sharing your solution to this major Adobe PITA. 🙂
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Thank you !!
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Thank you UnBOlievable! I have a few questions if you don't mind. I use both Inkscape and Ai and go back and forth with the two...I want the same mouse wheel behaviors for Ai as Inkscape has for zooming in and out, as well as for moving the page horizontally, as that is what I am more used to (been using Inkscape for far longer than Ai). So, I want Ctrl+Wheel to zoom in and out, and I'd just change the first "Switches to" where it says Wheelup and Wheeldown to Ctrl+Wheelup and Ctrl+Wheeldown, right?
However, that may put a wrench in the next one I want to change, and that is I want Shift+Wheelup and Shift+Wheeldown to move the page horizontally instead of vertically. But since Ctrl+Wheel in Ai by default is set to move the page horizontally, and I've already reassigned it to zoom in and out, by saying Switches from Ctrl+Wheel to Shift+Wheel, will it then reassign the Shift to do zoom instead? I hope I am making sense with what I'm asking. Let me know if it's not clear...and how I'd do that exactly, or if it's even possible.
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;There is a timing issue that allows the occasional mousewheel to get through and make it jitter, you can solve this by writing it this way instead.
#SingleInstance force
#IfWinActive ahk_exe Illustrator.exe
;Switches Alt+Wheelup with Wheelup
send {alt down}{Wheelup}
sleep 100
send {alt up}
;Switches Alt+Wheeldown with Wheeldown
send {alt down}{Wheeldown}
sleep 100
send {alt up}
;Middle Mouse Button activates hand tool dragging.
Send, {Space down}{LButton down}
KeyWait, MButton
Send, {LButton up}{Space up}
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If you're on a Mac with SteerMouse, you can map the scroll buttons to the "cmd +" and "cmd -" keystrokes. That will zoom in and out at from the cursor location, unless you have an object selected. Then it will scroll with that object as the center.
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I assume many landed here looking for "thumb scroll zoom" on illustrator on windows. If that is the case, try "edit>preferences>General> tick "force enable pinch-to-zoom on touchpad". that should do the trick
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Preferences > General > Zoom With Mouse Wheel
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THIS! Thank you! So easy!
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Love you. You are a saviour!
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Edit>Preferences>General>Zoom with mouse wheel
Works like a charm!!