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Hi there,
I have just installed the trial version of Adobe Illustrator to use the mockup feature.
I have followed the steps but I cannot find the 'make' button to generate the mockup with my images.
Can someone please advise how to make a mockup?
Thanks in advance
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Bottom image needs to be a raster image.
Top artwork needs to be a vector artwork, which I do not think is the case in yours.
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Hi Monika,
Thanks for your swift response. Can you provide info on how to achieve raster & vactor images?
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A raster image is just a photo you place, that's fine in your case.
A vector image needs to be drawn in Illustrator using the pen tool or the shape tools or other tools. You can also try and use Window > Image Trace to automatically draw your existing image. This might or might not work very well.
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I've changed the settings of the image trace to colour.
I have applied a mockup, but it does not seem to be working.
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If there is white in your vector artwork, it will stay white. You would have to delete the white shapes in order to get rid of them.
That thing in the background - is that a carpet? It's flat, so the Mockup function doesn't find anything to do. The most important part in the Mockup function is to figure out distortion and perspective. It will not do shading or material.
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I would like the texture of the rug (background image) to be seen on the disc. How can this be achieved?
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You could make a copy of the rug file. Then edit that in Photoshop. Make it much lighter and make it grayscale. Overlay it in Illutrator and set it to "Multiply" in the transparency panel. All you need is an impression of the texture, so that should do. It will not be very realistic. For a more realistiv option, you would use Photoshop.
Probably ask in the Photoshop forum about the procedure:
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@Tomar388448645rzu even if you created this pattern into Photoshop and back into the 'mockup' of Illustrator, you won't be able to use any raster images (pictures) because Illustrator cannot do this
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@creative explorer schrieb:
@Tomar388448645rzu even if you created this pattern into Photoshop and back into the 'mockup' of Illustrator, you won't be able to use any raster images (pictures) because Illustrator cannot do this
Please read my first answer in this thread.