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Hello, everyone. I got the code on Community and modified it. The code changes the fillColor, but it also fills the stroke with color (even though the stroke doesn't need it). I searched for the code on Community, but still don't know how to fix.
1. only change those real fillcolor, ignoring the state of the stroke.
2, Is it possible to change the code so that it can also change the of strokecolor and ignore the state of the fillcolor?
3, The code doesn't seem to work when the target layer is off display
var document = app .活动文档;
var allLayers = app 。活动。层;
var darkGreyCMYK = new CMYKColor ( ) ;
深灰尘CMYK 。青色= 0 ;
深灰尘CMYK 。洋红色= 100 ;
深灰尘CMYK 。黄色= 100 ;
深灰尘CMYK 。黑色= 0 ;
function getLayer ( layerName ) {
try {
return document . layer.getByName ( layerName ) ;
函数 getAllPathItems ( parent ) {
var list = [ ] ;
为(VAR我= 0 ;我<母体。 pageItems 。长度;我+ +){
VAR项=母体。pageItems [ i ] ;
if ( item . pageItems && item . pageItems . length )
list = [ ] .concat ( list , getAllPathItems (项) ) ;
否则,如果(/路/我。测试(项。类型名)&& !/复合/ I 。测试(项。类型名))
//~change okeCap 和 StrJoin
var targetLayers = [ "a" , "D-14-热塑性填充" ] ;
函数 restyleAllPathItemsWithin ( color , layers ) {
app .选择=空;
for ( var i = 0 ; i <层。长度; i ++ ) {
var layer = getLayer ( layers [ i ] ) ;
VAR列表= getAllPathItems(层);
为(VAR索引= 0 ;索引<列表。长度;索引++){
VAR pathItem =列表[指数] ;
路径项。fillColor = color
//pathItem.StrokeColor = color
restyleAllPathItemsWithin ( darkGreyCMYK , targetLayers ) ;
If you just want to change the fill color of alreday filled items then you need to you use the following statement
if (changeFill && pathItem.filled) {
instead of
if (changeFill) {
So, updated version of your latest script will be
//Define Variables
var document = app.activeDocument;
var allLayers = app.activeDocument.layers;
var darkGreyRGB = new RGBColor(); = 50; = 50; = 50;
//BASE Function
//~avoid failures due to non-existent lay
You can try the following snippet where balck and white are skip based on your document
//Define Variables
var document = app.activeDocument;
var allLayers = app.activeDocument.layers;
var darkGreyRGB = new RGBColor(); = 50; = 50; = 50;
//BASE Function
//~avoid failures due to non-existent layer names.
function getLayer(layerName) {
try {
return document.layers.getByName(layerName);
} catch (err) {
return null;
Here is the full script. It can changes the color of text boxes and path items in layers at the same time (ignoring black and color)
Thank you Charu Rajput for your help
Best regards
#target illustrator
//~Define Variables
var document = app.activeDocument;
var allLayers = app.activeDocument.layers;
var black = new RGBColor(); = 0; = 0; = 0;
var darkGrey = new RGBColor(); = 85;
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nothing happens and no text items and does not contain text items within the group = =
//Define Variables
var document = app.activeDocument;
var allLayers = app.activeDocument.layers;
var redColor = new RGBColor(); = 255; = 0; = 0;
function Changecolor(){
var fillLayer = ["Test"];
function fillColor(color, targetLayer){
app.selection = null;
for (var i = 0; i < allLayers.length; i++) {
var curLayer = getLayer(targetLayer[i]);
if (curLayer = targetLayer[i]) {
document.activeLayer = document.layers.targetLayer[i];
var docText = document.layers.textFrames;
for ( var i = 0; i < docText.length; i++ ){
if (ture && docText.filled ) {
docText.selected = true;
//docText.Filled = true;
docText.FillColor = color;
fillColor(redColor, fillLayer)
i don't know, maybe we can just modify this script to get the text items at the same time
looking for your help
//Gather any children pathItems and textframes in case their parent is a Group/Compound Path
function getAllPathItems(parent) {
var list = [];
for (var i = 0; i < parent.pageItems.length; i++) {
var item = parent.pageItems[i];
if (item.pageItems && item.pageItems.length)
list = [].concat(list, getAllPathItems(item));
else if (/path/i.test(item.typename) && !/compound/i.test(item.typename))
//else if (/path/i.test(item.typename) && /text/i.test(Frames.typename) && !/compound/i.test(item.typename))
return list;
Best regards
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Here is the full script. It can changes the color of text boxes and path items in layers at the same time (ignoring black and color)
Thank you Charu Rajput for your help
Best regards
#target illustrator
//~Define Variables
var document = app.activeDocument;
var allLayers = app.activeDocument.layers;
var black = new RGBColor(); = 0; = 0; = 0;
var darkGrey = new RGBColor(); = 85; = 85; = 85;
var lightGrey = new RGBColor(); = 128; = 128; = 128;
//~BASE Function
//~~avoid failures due to non-existent layer names.
function getLayer(layerName) {
try {
return document.layers.getByName(layerName);
} catch(err) {
return null;
//Gather any children pathItems in case their parent is a Group/Compound Path
function getAllPathItems(parent) {
var list = [];
for (var i = 0; i < parent.pageItems.length; i++) {
var item = parent.pageItems[i];
if (item.pageItems && item.pageItems.length)
list = [].concat(list, getAllPathItems(item));
else if (/path/i.test(item.typename) && !/compound/i.test(item.typename))
return list;
//Gather All textframes
function getAllTextFrames(parent) {
var list = [];
for (var i = 0; i < parent.pageItems.length; i++) {
var item = parent.pageItems[i];
if (item.pageItems && item.pageItems.length)
list = [].concat(list, getAllTextFrames(item));
else if (item.typename=="TextFrame")
return list;
//judge color
function judgeColor(item, isStroke){
var isChangeColor = true;
var _color = item.strokeColor
var _color = item.fillColor
var _red = Math.round(;
var _green = Math.round(;
var _blue = Math.round(;
var _cyan = Math.round(_color.cyan);
var _yellow = Math.round(_color.yellow);
var _magenta = Math.round(_color.magenta);
var _black = Math.round(;
(_red == 0 &&_green == 0 && _blue == 0) ||
(_red == 255 &&_green == 255 && _blue == 255) ||
(_cyan == 93 &&_magenta == 88 && _yellow == 89 && _black == 80) ||
(_cyan == 0 &&_magenta == 0 && _yellow == 0 && _black == 0)
isChangeColor = false;
return isChangeColor;
var blackLayers = ["a"];
var darkGreyLayers = ["b", "c"];
var lightGreyLayers = ["d", "e", "f"];
function restyleAllItemsWithin(layers, color, changeFill, changeStroke) {
app.selection = null;
// Iterate through our layer list:
for (var i = 0; i < layers.length; i++) {
// Get our target layer:
var layer = getLayer(layers[i]);
// If a layer wasn't found or there are no items to restyle, continue looping:
//if (!layer || !layer.pathItems.length) continue;
if (!layer) continue;
else {
var _layerStatus = layer.visible;//Recording layer status
layer.visible = true;
//If pathitem exists in the layer
var listPath = getAllPathItems(layer);
for (var index = 0; index < listPath.length; index++) {
var pathItem = listPath[index];
if (changeFill && pathItem.filled && judgeColor(pathItem, false)) {// Change pathItem fillColor when it exists
pathItem.filled = true;
pathItem.fillColor = color;
if (changeStroke && pathItem.stroked && judgeColor(pathItem, true)) {// Change pathItem strokeColor when it exists
pathItem.stroked = true;
pathItem.strokeColor = color;
///If textFrames exists in the layer
var listText = getAllTextFrames(layer);
for (var index = 0; index < listText.length; index++) {
var textFrames=listText[index].textRange.characterAttributes;
if (changeFill && textFrames.fillColor.typename!="NoColor" && judgeColor(textFrames, false)) {// Change textFrames fillColor when it exists
textFrames.fillColor = color;
if (changeStroke && textFrames.strokeColor.typename!="NoColor" && judgeColor(textFrames, true)) {// Change textFrames strokeColor when it exists
textFrames.strokeColor = color;
layer.visible = _layerStatus;//Restore layer state
//just changeStroke and changeFill
restyleAllItemsWithin(blackLayers, black, true, true);
//just changeStroke
restyleAllItemsWithin(darkGreyLayers, darkGrey, false, true);
//just changeFill
restyleAllItemsWithin(lightGreyLayers, lightGrey, true, false);