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Combine paths with same X position

Explorer ,
Jun 14, 2020 Jun 14, 2020

I have a series of vertical line paths across the artboard. Some have one or two lines above each other on the same X position.


What I'd like to do is combine each set of lines that 'line up' above each other as one object. The example has max 2 lines per X position, but I'd like to to it for any number on the same X.


As a bonus I'm looking for a way to select every second path once they are combined by X and reverse the path direction, so they alternate up, down, up... across the page.


test file: link


Thanks to @CharuRajput and @femkeblanco for the script to order the layers: https://community.adobe.com/t5/illustrator/organise-object-layer-order-based-on-object-x-position/m-...











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correct answers 1 Correct answer

Community Expert , Jun 14, 2020 Jun 14, 2020


I have not properly tested. But you can try following snippet that will group all path with same x. 


var items = app.activeDocument.pathItems;
for (var i = 0; i < items.length; i++) {
  for (var j = items.length - 1; j > i; j--) {
    if (truncate(items[i].left, 3) == truncate(items[j].left, 3)) {
      try {
        var group = app.activeDocument.groupItems["group_" + items[i].left];
      } catch (e) {
        var group = app.activeDocument.groupItems.add();
        group.name = "group_"
Guide ,
Jun 14, 2020 Jun 14, 2020

Try this for grouping 2 paths with same X



var items = app.activeDocument.pathItems;
var groups = app.activeDocument.groupItems;
for (var i = 0; i < items.length; i++){
  for (var j = items.length - 1; j > i; j--){
    if (items[i].left == items[j].left){
        var group = groups.add();
        group.name = "group" + i;



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Explorer ,
Jun 14, 2020 Jun 14, 2020

Error on line 8 "no such element" - can't see why in the script.

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Community Expert ,
Jun 14, 2020 Jun 14, 2020


Did you try your script? I am getting an error while running the script at line number 8, I just updated your version

var items = app.activeDocument.pathItems;
for (var i = 0; i < items.length; i++){
  for (var j = items.length - 1; j > i; j--){
    if (items[i].left == items[j].left){
        var group = app.activeDocument.groupItems.add();
        group.name = "group" + i;



Best regards
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Guide ,
Jun 14, 2020 Jun 14, 2020

Sorry.  There was an "app." missing.  I don't need to make app explicit in CS6. 


var items = app.activeDocument.pathItems;
var groups = app.activeDocument.groupItems;
for (var i = 0; i < items.length; i++){
  for (var j = items.length - 1; j > i; j--){
    if (items[i].left == items[j].left){
        var group = groups.add();
        group.name = "group" + i;
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Explorer ,
Jun 14, 2020 Jun 14, 2020

Thanks Charu & Femke. That works for two items at a time. Any more than two items on the same X are left out. Pretty close!


Running the script again doesn't group existing groups with items with the same .left - it just puts lone items in groups by themselves. I guess a groupItems isn't an item, so it wouldn't work.


If there was a quick way to make all the groups into compound paths, the loop could just be run again as many times as needed until all items with matching .left/x positions were collected into one item each? 



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Community Expert ,
Jun 14, 2020 Jun 14, 2020


I have not properly tested. But you can try following snippet that will group all path with same x. 


var items = app.activeDocument.pathItems;
for (var i = 0; i < items.length; i++) {
  for (var j = items.length - 1; j > i; j--) {
    if (truncate(items[i].left, 3) == truncate(items[j].left, 3)) {
      try {
        var group = app.activeDocument.groupItems["group_" + items[i].left];
      } catch (e) {
        var group = app.activeDocument.groupItems.add();
        group.name = "group_" + items[i].left;

function truncate(number, digits) {
  number = number * Math.pow(10, digits);
  number = Math.round(number);
  number = number * Math.pow(10, -digits);
  return number;



Let us know if this works for you.


Edit : Remove extra line of code which is not required,  var isGroupExists = false;

Best regards
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Explorer ,
Jun 14, 2020 Jun 14, 2020

Hey it works. Running it once it groups two per X position, then running it again groups the third so there's single paths, groups of two and groups of three. I imagine this would work indefinitely.


I'm just a noob but what does "isGroupExists" do? You've defined it but it isn't implemented anywhere. 

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Community Expert ,
Jun 14, 2020 Jun 14, 2020

isGroupExists, this do nothing :-).

It is just extra variable. Left by mistake.

I have removed that variable and updated the script. 

Best regards
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Explorer ,
Jun 14, 2020 Jun 14, 2020

Nice. So tidy!

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