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Créer un PDF avec mot de passe impossible à hacker depuis IlovePDF

Explorer ,
Nov 23, 2022 Nov 23, 2022

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Bonjour à tous,


Je dessine des maquettes que j'envoie uniquement par PDF pour mes clients. Mon problème est que lorsque je créé un PDF avec mot de passe cette sécurité ne sert finalement pas à grand chose car en allant sur des sites come IlovePDF on peut facilement déverouiller des document PDF encodés.

J'aimerais donc savoir s'il est possible de générer via  un script ou autre des documents PDF avec des mots de passe impossibles à contourner grâce à des sites tierces.

Bonne fin de journée,

Feature request , Import and export , Scripting , Third party plugins , Tools






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Mentor ,
Nov 23, 2022 Nov 23, 2022

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a). Get paid first. You can send low rez jpg or png comps, then when they've paid for the work you've done, release the pdf version.

b). Get better clients.





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Community Expert ,
Nov 23, 2022 Nov 23, 2022

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It's probably worth looking into third-party tools like 7-Zip. I don't know how secure they are, but it's probably better than PDF password protection.





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Nov 23, 2022 Nov 23, 2022

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If you can't trust your clients to adhere to contractual obligations and good business practices, a technical solution isn't going to do it, either. I'm fully with @Met1 - if your clients are that scummy, you need better ones and can only turn the current ones off with sending them watermarked low quality images until they actually pay.







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Explorer ,
Nov 23, 2022 Nov 23, 2022

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@Met1 @Mylenium Je n'ai pas dit que je me faisais pirater mes fichiers mais je sais que c'est possible et c'est pour cette raison que j'aurais aimé savoir s'il existe un moyen de rendre mes fichiers impossible à pirater à moins d'avoir le mot de passe.

Merci à vous,





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Mentor ,
Nov 23, 2022 Nov 23, 2022

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Impossible? No.





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Nov 23, 2022 Nov 23, 2022

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Anything that is on the Internet can be decoded, hacked, cracked. It's just a question of time, effort and resources on the part of the evildoers. The only times your files are safe from digital manipulation is on a computer not conencted to the Internet or turned off, but even then you could just spill coffee on it and ruin your harddrive. There is no ultimate security and you have to live with the probability that some of your files may get misused without you getting paid.







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Explorer ,
Nov 24, 2022 Nov 24, 2022

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Ok... thank you all





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Engaged ,
Nov 24, 2022 Nov 24, 2022

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> Anything that is on the Internet can be decoded, hacked, cracked.


It’s not even that. It’s a complete misunderstanding of what PDF’s password feature does and does not do. Password locking in XLSX and PDF files are entirely trust-based, used to discourage accidental editing/casual tampering only. They do not provide any security.


The intractable problem here is that the file’s content cannot be encrypted: the data has to remain fully readable at all times for the file to be viewable. All passwording does is set a “do not copy/edit” flag within that file. Excel and Acrobat voluntarily respect that flag when opening the file, asking the user to enter the password before they will turn it off. Other apps have zero obligation to respect this flag, and it is trivial to write a script to delete that flag from the file so Excel and Acrobat can also edit it without asking for a password.



If OP is worried about dishonest customers refusing to pay for the finished vector files since they can unlock and use the approval PDFs, s/he has two options regarding the files themselves:


1. Don’t send vector files for approval. Provide medium-resolution bitmaps only, with a watermark or other indication these preview files are for design approval only. If the customer is a complete hack they’ll probably use those anyway, but any self-respecting client will want the high-quality vector originals. If your market is full of cheapskates, tell customers up front that you will require full payment before sending the final files; you may also want part payment in advance so even if they stiff you later you’re not entirely out of pocket.


2. Send them the high-quality vector files for approval and don’t bother with any password nonsense (all that does is annoy your honest customers). If a customer subsequently refuses to pay you for the work you’ve done, proceed according to the procedure stated in your contract. The first step is sending written notice that payment is now overdue by X days and must be paid in full no later than Y date. Sometimes a customer fails to receive your original invoice (e.g. your email was caught in an over-sensitive spam filter) or makes an honest mistake (e.g. forgetting to pass it onto Accounts Payable). If they fail to respond by Y, you can escalate to your lawyer who will send a legal nastygram, to small claims court, and ultimately passing their delinquent account to a debt collection agency to pursue. Or you may choose to write it off as one-time loss if it’s not worth the time and expense of pursuing them; just one of the costs of doing business. (Either way, if they haven’t paid up by Y, blacklist that customer and never do work for them again. Fool you twice…)


(@OP: You do have written, signed contracts with all your customers, don’t you? If not, the only person to blame here is yourself. Without a signed contract, you have no legal recourse: kick yourself, eat the loss, and never make such a stupid mistake again.)


Beyond that, as others have said, part of your responsibility as freelancer/sole trader/small business is to find yourself good customers and not hesitate to fire the bad ones. There is loads of good business advice out there. It’s up to you to educate yourself so you know what you’re doing and operate professionally, for your own sake and for your customers’ too.





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