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Creating/Print a HUGE banner at 371 inches x 108 inches!?!?!?! + Stock Images

Engaged ,
Feb 27, 2019 Feb 27, 2019

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Hello Everyone!

With all my experience, its my first time realizing that Adobe Illustrator has a limit on the size of the canvas! WOW!

This Banner I am creating will be mounted on (I measured) 371 inches x 108 inches wall. I understand when creating anything in print, it needs to be CMYK and 300dpi. But I am having issues not only with the file dimensions in Illustrator but also finding the right images that are at least 108 inch in height. Adobe Stock Images don't allow you to filter out properly in size, only in L XL XXL theme. And Shutter Stock which has a proper filtering system, literally has 5 images to choose from. The type of images I am trying to find are iconic buildings of major cities. I'm wondering if maybe there is a way of making a lower res image that will allow you to blow it up to become a bigger image without loosing quality. I understand that you can't create more pixels like we are secret services in the movies, but I know when I walk up close to a huge poster, it does look kind of grainy and was wondering what these guys are doing with there banners?

Please help!!! I appreciate all your help! Thanks!




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correct answers 1 Correct answer

Guide , Feb 27, 2019 Feb 27, 2019

It's not always 300dpi

The ideal resolution (dpi) of your artwork depends mostly on how far away the artwork is from the viewer. Here's a chart to show you what resolution to aim for when creating your artwork.

Viewing DistanceMin Resolution
0.6m  /  2ft300 dpi
1m  /  3.3ft180 dpi
1.5m  /  5ft120 dpi
2m  /  6.5ft90 dpi
3m  /  10ft60 dpi
5m  /  16ft35 dpi
10m  /  33ft18 dpi
15m  /  50ft12 dpi
50m  /  160ft4 dpi
60m  /  200ft3 dpi
200m  /  650ft1 dpi

The above resolution chart is based on someone with good eyes



Community Expert ,
Feb 27, 2019 Feb 27, 2019

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First of all: you need to work in scale.

Then: please contact your print service provider as to which reolsution you really need. Often you can get away with far less than 300 ppi. It depends on the device and of course the viewing distance.




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Engaged ,
Feb 27, 2019 Feb 27, 2019

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Thanks for your feedback! When you say work in scale, do you mean piecing out art boards to the size of the banner? I have contacted my printer, they are hopefully getting back to us tomorrow. I am afraid of his reaction after telling him what I needed lol. Seems like a first for them as it is for me making something at this size!

Thanks again!




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Community Expert ,
Feb 27, 2019 Feb 27, 2019

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You should not need to have multiple files. Instead just make it 1/10 of the size or even smaller (sorry, I have a cold, am not able to think math at the moment).




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Engaged ,
Feb 27, 2019 Feb 27, 2019

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Sorry I'm still confused what your meaning? If I make it small then it will be to small. Not sure what your saying here?

Sorry to hear you have a cold! I find oil or oregano really helps me! Try that!

I appropriate your help!




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Community Expert ,
Feb 27, 2019 Feb 27, 2019

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For example you need to do a banner that is 10 metres wide, you make a file that is half of that, so 5 metres. Or one tenth of that, so 1 metre. You would need to calculate resolution for placed files accordingly. ANd when printing it the service partner blows up your document on their device.




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Guide ,
Feb 27, 2019 Feb 27, 2019

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It's not always 300dpi

The ideal resolution (dpi) of your artwork depends mostly on how far away the artwork is from the viewer. Here's a chart to show you what resolution to aim for when creating your artwork.

Viewing DistanceMin Resolution
0.6m  /  2ft300 dpi
1m  /  3.3ft180 dpi
1.5m  /  5ft120 dpi
2m  /  6.5ft90 dpi
3m  /  10ft60 dpi
5m  /  16ft35 dpi
10m  /  33ft18 dpi
15m  /  50ft12 dpi
50m  /  160ft4 dpi
60m  /  200ft3 dpi
200m  /  650ft1 dpi

The above resolution chart is based on someone with good eyesight and in good light.

Viewing Distance and DPI Chart - Design Resources

Perhaps refer to a guide like the above for the resolution




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Engaged ,
Feb 27, 2019 Feb 27, 2019

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Holy crap man! You are the best! Thanks a lot for this! I'll give it a go!




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