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Hi - I'm looking to do a project. I'm not sure which Adobe application is the right one to use, if any, but I figure Illustrator is the most likely candidate, so I'll as here.
I'm looking to do a project where 4 high resolution images will be properly aligned under a lower resolution image of the entire scene.
My reason is that an image of the whole scene at the detail I need is producing too large of a file when exported as a flattened JPG, PNG, PDF, BMP, etc. While I'm not super savy when it comes to this, I guess I'm looking for my my computer to only open and use the files that cover the part of the image that I'm viewing, and would access the detailed viles when zoomed in, but the broad image when zoomed out.
Can anyone recommend an adobe app to build and read such file from, that is, if one even exists?
Thanks. PS - I have a very powerful mac. 20 cores and 128 GB of memory.
It sounds like you're really just setting up a simple layout with raster images of different resolutions. I would recommend setting the layout up in InDesign since that program is by design a page layout program while Illustrator is essentially a drawing program with some basic layout features. To keep the file size down I would make sure that the high resolution images are imported at 100% size (that they will be used at) and a resolution no higher than 300 ppi. The export resolution of your ul
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It sounds like you're really just setting up a simple layout with raster images of different resolutions. I would recommend setting the layout up in InDesign since that program is by design a page layout program while Illustrator is essentially a drawing program with some basic layout features. To keep the file size down I would make sure that the high resolution images are imported at 100% size (that they will be used at) and a resolution no higher than 300 ppi. The export resolution of your ultimate flattened raster file should be determined by either the vendor (for print) or the standards of whatever website or other digital usage that is intended.
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Thanks for the quick response. I'll give it a try.