You are looking at the inherent inaccuracy of a Bezier circle with 4 Anchor Points.
A Bezier circle created with 4 Anchor Points is created to have the exact diameter at every 45 degrees, in other words vertical and horizontal and midway in between, and is inherently bulging in between (in between).
Circumference ratio when compared with true circle is about 1.000014, in other words a deviation of about 0.000014 or about 14 in a million too long.
Bulging rate (relative radius/diameter) at 22.5 degrees compared with true circle is about 1.000262, in other words a deviation of about 0.000262 or about 262 in a million too wide.
If needed and applicable you can rotate a circle to have the right diameter at some other angle.
And if needed, a circle with more Anchor Points can be used.