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Illustrator v29.2.1
Windows 10 Pro 22h2
When exporting from illustrator to a jpeg, the result is that the print is not in the same location on the jpeg as it was on the illustrator file. Been doing this the same way for years, and now it is not working correctly. Any help ASAP appreciated, because nothing I tried has helped.
Monika, thank you!! I did have a "-" in the overprint attribute on in the AI file. I checked and unchecked and it seemed to work. I guess this is a new thing that now I will have to double check each time, since it worked for me for years previously without having to worry about checking or unchecking the overprint.
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Is there something missing?
In that ase maybe check if it overprints.
Or did you export with bleed?
It's kind of difficult to compare them when you have to open them one by one. It's easier when you embed them in your post.
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hi Monika. thanks for responding. I'm new here, and not sure how to embed these files in the post. Actually i had to change the ai file to an svg, because i was unable to upload it as an ai file.
i always have used export as, jpeg, use artboards, and checked the embed ICC profile. it has worked for me until this latest update.
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So it's not just set to overprint, it's actually missing?
This issue?
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Monika, thank you!! I did have a "-" in the overprint attribute on in the AI file. I checked and unchecked and it seemed to work. I guess this is a new thing that now I will have to double check each time, since it worked for me for years previously without having to worry about checking or unchecking the overprint.
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Glad you could solve it.