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Exporting as jpeg with use artboards adds to file name

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Jul 20, 2010 Jul 20, 2010

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When I export from Illustrator CS5 with "Use Artboards" checked it adds a "-01" to the end of my file name before the extention. I'm assuming that its because its artboard #1 or something. It happens with the all or the range button checked. It doesnt show the -01 when you are saving the file name. This is pretty annoying because I have to go back and re name the files when this happens. Any advice? Thanks!




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correct answers 2 Correct answers

Adobe Employee , May 12, 2022 May 12, 2022

Hi Everyone,


We have tried to fix this in Illustrator's latest beta build (v 26.4). We request you all to please download the build from the Beta section of the Creative Cloud Desktop app and share your observations here.







Explorer , Oct 20, 2022 Oct 20, 2022

There has been a lengthy discussion going on here for a while from both sides, but mainly from people whose workflow has been negatively impacted by the change, so Adobe changed it back. Meanwhile they're supposedly going to be thinking of ways to satisfy both sides.


Explorer ,
Aug 11, 2015 Aug 11, 2015

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As far as I know... no it has not.

In illustrator I just named my artboards what I need the file names to be "icon52" "icon64" "icon128" etc.

And then I do Export. And do all artboards with name of an underscore "_" so the names are:





Then I rename the first file "_icon52" by removing the underscore to "icon52" and PRESS TAB so the next file's name becomes editable without having to double click it. It's a dumb workaround but it works and takes seconds to get the right names.




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Community Beginner ,
Jan 17, 2016 Jan 17, 2016

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Hi, Just searching on the same issue. I second the motion for a fix! It simply adds wasted time and we all know how valuable that is in your workflow.




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Community Beginner ,
Mar 02, 2016 Mar 02, 2016

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Adobe come on! What is the issue with providing a fix? It's a hugely annoying part of my workflow every day to have to manually rename your stupidly appended filenames... I want to overwrite a file if I choose, you don't need to know the reason, you don't need to append any automatic numbering system or anything else. Super annoying and can't believe it's been years with absolutely no response from Adobe... lame.




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New Here ,
Jun 23, 2016 Jun 23, 2016

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Same issue, all I want to do is Replace an existing file with a PNG export.  Have a check box for people that want to keep the art board addition to the file name.




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Adobe Employee ,
Jun 24, 2016 Jun 24, 2016

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Illustrator CC 2015.3 "Export for Devices" option in File > Export menu provides finer control for exported file names. It allows option to add pre-fix, suffix and not to include any of them.




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Community Beginner ,
Sep 14, 2016 Sep 14, 2016

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This is almost useful, however does not allow exporting tiffs at 300ppi. Still would like an option to disable appended artboards from legacy export (this is vital for building scripted workflows).




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Community Expert ,
Sep 14, 2016 Sep 14, 2016

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Only a humble question:

Why do you need a 300ppi TIFF from Illustrator?

If you need the file for print, save as PDF/X-4 or even as AI itself, it reults in the best quality possible.

If you need the file for Web or MS Office, export as PNG, as it has smaller file size as any TIFF would have.




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Community Beginner ,
Sep 15, 2016 Sep 15, 2016

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The TIFF is being used in a high res scripted workflow (this tiff is imported into Photoshop as a smart object and has various scaling/transformations done to it, often requiring the image to be zoomed in on). I could save as a higher pixel size 72ppi image, but that would likely break certain parts of the automation.

I may end up going this route anyway using a JPG or PNG, though it will require rebuilding many many Photoshop templates, which is going to be painful.




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Community Expert ,
Sep 15, 2016 Sep 15, 2016

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For THIS purposes are 2 better file types from Illustrator to PS:

  1. Export from AI as Photoshop File
  2. Open or Place an AI file in Photoshop.

No need to have TIFF in place!




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Community Beginner ,
Sep 16, 2016 Sep 16, 2016

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Actually, saving as a new AI file and dropping right into PS is a great idea! I'm not sure why I hadn't considered that before since I regularly drop AI files into PS when working manually. Great idea!

I think exporting as a PS file from AI still runs into the appended artboard name issue, but the other way should work.




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Explorer ,
Mar 26, 2017 Mar 26, 2017

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thanks for the hint.
I try to export several different versions of the logo I created as EPS. Export for device does not have it. Is it possible that EPS is not supported for some reason I don't know? What should I use instead? I'd like to forward the versions of the logos in the most usable way, if they use another kind of vector program I don't want to tell them they should use Illustrator only for their logos.
My customers will also be provided with PDFs - for printing and stamping reason.




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Community Expert ,
Mar 26, 2017 Mar 26, 2017

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https://forums.adobe.com/people/Birgit+Pohl  schrieb


thanks for the hint.
I try to export several different versions of the logo I created as EPS. Export for device does not have it. Is it possible that EPS is not supported for some reason I don't know? What should I use instead? I'd like to forward the versions of the logos in the most usable way, if they use another kind of vector program I don't want to tell them they should use Illustrator only for their logos.
My customers will also be provided with PDFs - for printing and stamping reason.

EPS is not meant for devices. The export for devices exports files for use on screen based media. The only exception is PDF, which can be used on both screen and printed media.

You might not be able to export all the format you need in one export process. So you need to do several export operations.

People might still demand EPS from you. Some because they don't know better, some might actually need it for some reason or other.

PDF should do in many cases. For the other cases: hand them an EPS if it's the only thing that makes them happy.




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Explorer ,
Mar 26, 2017 Mar 26, 2017

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Thanks. Since this thread is about the horrible suffix of the file name, we may have a use case here to actually extend the Export for Device feature for print files as well.

In case of the TIFF, I know of design schools who demand a closed, non-changeable high resolution file. In this case it would be TIFF. For legal reasons the teachers, lecturers and professors are not allowed to be able to change anything in the file. The student must always be able to proof that he has a non-changeable file on his device, exported on a certain datetime.

And for some really nice tricks in InDesign you simply need a TIFF. These tricks are not possible with any other file format.




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Community Expert ,
Mar 26, 2017 Mar 26, 2017

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https://forums.adobe.com/people/Birgit+Pohl  schrieb

And for some really nice tricks in InDesign you simply need a TIFF. These tricks are not possible with any other file format.

Now you got me curious: what would that be?

As for non-changeable file: what would make a TIF file unchangeable? You can change everything. It's a lot of effort, but still possible.




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Participant ,
Mar 28, 2017 Mar 28, 2017

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The file type / usage is completely irrelevant to the issue.

It is counter-productive to my workflow (and apparently many others) to be forced to create a file name for export, only to have Illustrator append something to the file name that we did not want nor need and then be forced to manually edit the name of the file we just created.

This has been a constant source of annoyance to me, specifically when I simply want to export to replace an existing file.

It cannot be that difficult to add a Preferences option to turn off this non-feature.




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Community Beginner ,
Mar 28, 2017 Mar 28, 2017

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I totally agree with this we need something to be able to turn that off.




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Explorer ,
Jun 28, 2017 Jun 28, 2017

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Here is a hint: Color greyscale image.

Thing is, except for TIFF, none of the others has ever worked for me, especially when you have transparencies. Maybe a bug?




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Engaged ,
Aug 23, 2017 Aug 23, 2017

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What is this a hint to? Color application for exporting "use artboard" file naming issues? I am confused relative to topic.




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Explorer ,
Aug 28, 2017 Aug 28, 2017

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I am sorry Sir, of course it is irrelevant for you, because you haven't ask. Another person did. So I was so kind to answer her question.




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Community Beginner ,
Mar 28, 2017 Mar 28, 2017

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where is this function in 2017? I don't see "export for device" under file-export. How do you turn off Illustrator adding the -01 at the end of exporting artboards?




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Adobe Employee ,
Mar 30, 2017 Mar 30, 2017

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"Export for Device..." is changed to "Export for Screens..." in File menu Export sub menu




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New Here ,
Mar 30, 2017 Mar 30, 2017

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Do not listen to rama, he (or she) does not understand the problem in the given context and is wasting your time. As of now, there is simply not a way around this that doesn't require an external application. Sorry. I wish Adobe would do something about this, but they won't because they don't care, and haven't since CS5.

@staff member rama:

Wrong answer. Please try again. Exporting for a device doesn't even allow for you to make a file name. The file name defaults to the artboard name which you cannot change unless you change it manually afterwards (the thing everyone is seeking to avoid). Your approach to an answer only adds extra steps in workflow, and is just as irritating as changing the file name upon export. You clearly don't understand OP's original question, nor the complaint literally everyone has here. Have you ever even opened the program before? Do you understand why this issue is so frustrating for so many people? Why not just fix it or tell us how?

CC is absolutely terrible in this regard. Why on earth would anyone ever need to export something not on an artboard? Why is it the default set to not export using the artboard? Why are things so confusing and obfuscated in CC where it wasn't with anything CS5 or prior?

OP, as well as myself, and practically everyone else wants to know one simple thing:

"How do you make a one-off thing in Illustrator, and export the thing at artboard size WITHOUT appending "01" to the name?"

This wasn't a problem with earlier builds and no utilitarian value was added by this "non-feature" debacle.

Hardly anyone I know ever uses multiple artboards. This is an Illustration program, not Indesign. Even if the intent was well meaning, or for the few people that use multiple artboards, this is NOT the typical use case scenario from what I've observed. I just want to know plain and simple, is what I am advocating possible to do? Can you export something at the size of the document without having "01" appended, without naming the artboard, and without making a rectangle at the document size beneath it?

It is that simple, and you nor anyone at Adobe seems to have an answer, and this has been ongoing for 4 years now.

Please either answer the question directly, or admit that there is not an answer and that this issue will never be addressed so we can stop wasting our time looking for an answer.




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New Here ,
May 02, 2017 May 02, 2017

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Since the last reply is only a month-ish old, I am guessing they still have not addressed this.

This causes me such problems, huge hassle!




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Explorer ,
Jun 28, 2017 Jun 28, 2017

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Hello, the program do it because the file can have many pages. I use de resource "annoying" renamed the Artboards whit something that I need in the file name JPEG and no write that it in the name on hour of save.

Other option is use the save for web. I use export from Illustrator only if I export many pages or CMYK files.




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Participant ,
Jul 18, 2017 Jul 18, 2017

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extremely annoying. Adobes naming process when exporting artboards also cause me a lot of extra work.

I found this tool: http://www.tbyrne.org/export-illustrator-layers-to-svg-files/comment-page-1

Export Illustrator Layers to SVG files | Thomas Byrne

there is also a updated version for salein exchange:


It's not 100% perfect, but it's a big step in the right direction! Adobe should give this guy a job!






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