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I have several 48px x 48px simple icons set up in 6 different artboards. I select each icon and collect for export. The size of the resulting PNG should be 48px x 48px but it's not.
All of the icons have a square shape with rounded corners (48px square with 5px radius corners). However, the exports are somewhere between 101-104 px x 101 -104 px and never square. I have fit all the artwork to be pixel perfect and it still messes up.
I do have a layer that applies an SVG blur to the center icon as a secondary fill, but it is well within the bounds of the icon background.
Below is a screenshot of my individual artboards for each icon, and my asset panel.
I'll try a couple of different ways, but this just seems really odd.
Here's my workspace showing the added space around the icons when collecting for export
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How does the bounding box look, wehn you select those objects? Does it reflect that export result?
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Unfortunately, the bounding box does not reflect the larger space. To be certain there wasn't something else going on I tried creating a symbol from the same selection and there was no space around the art in the symbol bounds. Thanks for replying.
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Actually, I wanted to take that back. All kinds of crazy happens with the symbols. But it is indicative of the same mess. Here is a screen shot of the symbols, layers, and the artboards. Notice the white space on the symbols and layers? No explanation. Opening the layers shows two items, neither of which justify the size of the symbol. Looking at the properties of the symbols shows them random widths and heights, but opening the symbols shows that there are only 2 layers. Neither layer is more than 48px wide by 48px tall. Select all, deselect the two elements, nothing is selected. Very Odd.
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What happens if you choose File > Export > Export for Screens and use the Artboards option?
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Same thing happens with export. Somehow, though the artboards are 48x48px and spaced 2px apart, they still export as some random width and height>100px.
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Hello, I think that the problem is the export format. When you use Illustrator for after use in the Internet sofware (Adobe muse, Dreamweawer etc... is better to use export with SVG format (SAVE AS------SVG format), this format is perfect for keep the vectorial information and you can scale the size whithout losing resolution. Try it please you will discover a amazing propiety.
Best regards
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Although I do like the use of SVG, it is problematic in a number of specific situations. I was hoping to use this as part of an email signature and I have read several reports that SVG in various email clients render as text--ugly text. I will try it again and do some tests, but I am fairly certain that this is not the problem. Besides, if the requirement was PNG for whatever reason, it should work and changing formats doesn't solve the problem.
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I thought I had it figured out. checked the "Document Raster Effects" setting and there was a setting to add 36px around artwork. YEAH! So I changed that to 0 and attempted to recreate my document by cutting and pasting the source artwork from one to the other. NOPE. When I select one icon and attempt to make it a symbol, same thing happens.
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Can you share an Illustrator file with one of these artboards that gives the problem?
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Hopefully, the link above will work for you, let me know if it doesn't. Thanks for your time and consideration.
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Thanks for sharing, but unfortunately the link does not work.
Could you try CC file sharing, Dropbox, WeTransfer or something like that?
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I got it using FireFox, having a look at it now.
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I donwload you file. I think I know the problem. You have used the symbols, these one save your original size. You need break de link with the original symbol and just after it will conserve your page size 48px x 48 px.
Best regards.
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No, it is Effects > Document Raster Effects Settings > Add 32px Around Object that is causing the extra space.
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If you go to Effect > Document Raster Effects Settings and set the Add 36pt Around Object to zero, it works fine.
Export for Screens and using Artboards works fine also.
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I saw here: Nov 02, 2019 that you already tried the Document Raster Effects setting.
That it did not work for you can be caused by your copying into a new file, which has the default 36 px settings again.