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Faster Workflow Help

New Here ,
Aug 10, 2022 Aug 10, 2022

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I create hundreds of different name stickers daily, and would like to know if there is a quicker way to batch process my work flow. My stickers options are availble in 5 sizes, 9 color variations,  4 font options, and offset cutlines.  I feel there is an easier method to this madness, i just can't seem to wrap my brain around it.  I see the VARIABLE method could help?...suggestions?

Feature request , Performance , Scripting , Tools , Type






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Engaged ,
Aug 10, 2022 Aug 10, 2022

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Absolutely. Sounds like it should be 100% automatable, which I imagine would save you significant time. Are you looking for someone to build a solution for you, or is this something you want to learn how to do for yourself?


As to whether you could do it using Variable Data + Appearances alone, that really depends on how your final artworks need to be constructed. VD allows you to (e.g.) label a live text frame to match the label of a column in a spreadsheet, so that when the spreadsheet data is imported into AI its text flows into the text frame. The text frame can be pre-styled using live Appearances effects—apply a fill color to the text, add a outline stroke around the text offset by some millimeters to serve as cutter path, etc—so that when the text flows in it takes those styles automatically.


VD is good for simple artworks that have a fixed layout: you don’t need to know any scripting to use it, and it has the advantage that your artwork file remains live so if you amend your source text you can reflow it into the artwork at any time. That said, its capabilities are limited. For more complex artwork manipulations—e.g. unifying the cutter path outlines around each letter into a single path—you’ll likely have to use Actions/JavaScript, and if there’s much of that needed then it’s probably simpler to do the lot in one script.


Also, consider whether you want a one-off solution that works for your existing templates as long as they never change, or if you want something more open-ended that lets you add new designs in future.


If you want more specific advice you’ll need to provide more detailed requirements, including Before and After of your artworks and a sample data file (I’m guessing your source text is an .xlsx file as lots of folk like using Excel), and any technical notes on how complex elements such as cutter paths need to be built.


If you’re looking for a quote you’re welcome to DM me.







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