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i am looking for a script to create a simple box with Finger Joints for laser cutting, any suggestions?
Input box, Width, Height, Depth, Finger width, Material thickness , Units
(My scripting knowledge is not so good yet... The screenshot is from a plugin available only for Corel)
Thanks a lot!
That full version with interface​ (units are mm or pt)
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Could you explain the settings here ?
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Script will ask for inputs, "Box Width", "Box Height", "Box Depth","Box Finger Joints width", "Material thickness" , "Units, e.g mm" of previous inputs
The result is 6 parts of a box with "finger joints" at inserted dimensions
There is an online application for doing this , MakerCase - Easy Laser Cut Case Design , but i would be great if a illustrator script could do the same
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siomosp , hello!
The simple script for Illustrator (without interface).
You must input or change the values into the script, save and execute it.
Units is only pt.
I tested not very thorough.
* ExtendScript Adobe Illustrator CS4+
* (c)MaratShagiev
* The generator of the box with the edges connectors of the type "finger"
* */
//@target illustrator
* the values entered by the user
* */
var options = {
boxW : 150,
boxH : 105,
boxD : 65,
tabW : 8,
thick: 4
(function genBoxFingerJoints (opts) {
addPointsMethods ();
var boxW = opts.boxW || 115,
boxH = opts.boxH || 70,
boxD = opts.boxD || 60,
tabW = opts.tabW || 7,
thick = opts.thick || 3;
var doc = activeDocument,
lay = doc.activeLayer;
var frontPnts = getShapePnts ('front', 0, 0);
var backPnts = getShapePnts ('back', boxW, 0);
var rightPnts = getShapePnts ('right', boxW * 2, 0);
var leftPnts = getShapePnts ('left', boxW * 2, -boxH);
var bottPnts = getShapePnts ('bottom', 0, -boxH);
var topPnts = getShapePnts ('top', boxW, -boxH);
addShape (frontPnts);
addShape (backPnts);
addShape (rightPnts);
addShape (leftPnts);
addShape (bottPnts);
addShape (topPnts);
function addShape (pnts) {
var fillCol = new CMYKColor ();
var strkCol = new CMYKColor ();
fillCol.cyan = 30;
fillCol.yellow = 90; = 99;
var shape = lay.pathItems.add ();
shape.setEntirePath (pnts);
shape.closed = true;
shape.fillColor = fillCol;
shape.strokeColor = strkCol;
shape.strokeWidth = 0.1;
return shape;
function getShapePnts (dimCase, x, y) {
var topPnts, rightPnts, bottPnts, leftPnts;
switch (dimCase) {
case 'front':
case 'back':
topPnts = getPnts ({
boxDim: boxW, x: x, y: y
rightPnts = getPnts ({
boxDim: boxH, x: x, y: y
}).rotatePnts (true).mvPnts (boxW, null);
bottPnts = getPnts ({
boxDim: boxW, x: x, y: y
}).reflectPnts (null, y).mvPnts (null, boxH).reverse ();
leftPnts = getPnts ({
boxDim: boxH, x: x, y: y
}).rotatePnts (true).reflectPnts (x, null).reverse ();
case 'right':
case 'left':
topPnts = getPnts ({
boxDim: boxD, x: x, y: y, shftExtrmX: thick
rightPnts = getPnts ({
boxDim: boxH, x: x, y: y
}).rotatePnts (true).reflectPnts (x - thick / 2, null).mvPnts (boxD, null);
bottPnts = getPnts ({
boxDim: boxD, x: x, y: y, shftExtrmX: thick
}).reflectPnts (null, y).mvPnts (null, boxH).reverse ();
leftPnts = getPnts ({
boxDim: boxH, x: x, y: y
}).rotatePnts (true).mvPnts (thick, null).reverse ();
case 'bottom':
case 'top':
topPnts = getPnts ({
boxDim: boxW, x: x, y: y, shftExtrmX: thick
}).reflectPnts (null, y - thick / 2);
rightPnts = getPnts ({
boxDim: boxD, x: x, y: y,
}).rotatePnts (true).reflectPnts (x - thick / 2, null).mvPnts (boxW, null);
bottPnts = getPnts ({
boxDim: boxW, x: x, y: y, shftExtrmX: thick
}).mvPnts (null, boxD - thick).reverse ();
leftPnts = getPnts ({
boxDim: boxD, x: x, y: y,
}).rotatePnts (true).mvPnts (thick, null).reverse ();
rightPnts.splice (0, 1);
rightPnts.splice (rightPnts.length - 1);
leftPnts.splice (0, 1);
leftPnts.splice (leftPnts.length - 1);
var resPnts = topPnts.concat (rightPnts, bottPnts, leftPnts);
return resPnts;
function getPnts (opts) {
var shiftExtremeX = opts.shftExtrmX || 0;
var boxDimension = opts.boxDim || 100;
var x = opts.x || 0;
var y = opts.y || 0;
var i;
var points = [],
centerTabW = tabW,
centerTabNumb = Math.ceil (boxDimension / centerTabW) - 5;
if (centerTabNumb < 2) {
centerTabW = boxDimension / 5;
centerTabNumb = 1;
margTabW = centerTabW;
} else {
if (!(centerTabNumb % 2)) {
centerTabNumb -= 1;
margTabW = (boxDimension - centerTabW * centerTabNumb) / 4;
points.push ([x, y], [x + margTabW, y], [x + margTabW, y - thick], [x + margTabW * 2, y - thick]);
x += margTabW * 2;
for (i = 0; i < centerTabNumb; i++) {
if ((i % 2)) {
points.push ([x + centerTabW, y - thick]);
} else {
points.push ([x, y], [x + centerTabW, y], [x + centerTabW, y - thick]);
x += centerTabW;
points.push (
[x + margTabW, y - thick], [x + margTabW, y], [x + margTabW * 2, y]);
if (shiftExtremeX) {
points[0][0] += shiftExtremeX;
points[points.length - 1][0] -= shiftExtremeX;
return points;
function addPointsMethods () {
var i;
Array.prototype.reflectPnts = function (axisX, axisY) {
if (axisX !== null) {
for (i = 0; i < this.length; i++) {
this[0] = axisX * 2 - this[0];
if (axisY !== null) {
for (i = 0; i < this.length; i++) {
this[1] = axisY * 2 - this[1];
return this;
Array.prototype.mvPnts = function (deltaX, deltaY) {
if (deltaX !== null) {
for (i = 0; i < this.length; i++) {
this[0] += deltaX;
if (deltaY !== null) {
for (i = 0; i < this.length; i++) {
this[1] -= deltaY;
return this;
Array.prototype.rotatePnts = function (clockwise) {
var x0 = this[0][0],
y0 = this[0][1];
var x, y;
if (clockwise) {
for (i = 1; i < this.length; i++) {
x = this[0];
y = this[1];
this[0] = (y - y0) + x0;
this[1] = (x0 - x) + y0;
} else {
for (i = 1; i < this.length; i++) {
x = this[0];
y = this[1];
this[0] = (y0 - y) + x0;
this[1] = (x - x0) + y0;
return this;
} (options));
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Looks like a real pro project!
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That full version with interface​ (units are mm or pt)
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I cannot express my gratitude , it is excellent , thank you so much .
( sorry for the late reply , i am a new father since last 2 months )
Best regards