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with my limited knowledge I've made (or rather clumsily hacked together) a script that I use for exporting proof pdf's from illustrator that will simply draw a rectangle with a thin stroke around my document and save a pdf, then delete the rectangle and resave the .AI file (this last part is just to speed things up, so I can keep working on my ai file afterwards).
This all works perfectly fine on a document with only one artboard, however the whole thing falls apart if I want to make a multipage pdf with more than one artboards.
I need it to do the same actions but instead of just drawing the rectangle once I want it to draw it around every artboard in my document.
I realise this is probably easily achieved by looping through my artboards I just don't know how to go about it.
I've included the script I'm using in full below, it probably has quite a few redundant bits here or there, but hopefully you can make sense of it
var idoc = app.activeDocument;
var width = idoc.width;
var height = idoc.height;
newCMYKColor = new CMYKColor; = 100;
newCMYKColor.cyan = 0;
newCMYKColor.magenta = 0;
newCMYKColor.yellow = 0;
var CurrentPath = activeDocument.path;
var folderPDF = Folder(CurrentPath);
if(!folderPDF.exists) folderPDF.create();
var docName =^.*[^.ai]/i);
var myDoc =;
if (folderPDF) {
if ( app.documents.length > 0 ) {
var destFile = new File(folderPDF + '/' + docName + "_HR");
var sourceDoc = app.activeDocument;
targetFile = getNewName();
targetFileAI = getNewNameAI();
pdfSaveOpts = getPDFOptions( );
illustratorSaveOpts = getAIOptions();
var rectangle = idoc.pathItems.rectangle(0, 0, width, height);
rectangle.filled = false;
rectangle.strokeColor = newCMYKColor;
rectangle.strokeWidth = 1;
sourceDoc.saveAs( targetFile, pdfSaveOpts );
sourceDoc.saveAs( targetFileAI, illustratorSaveOpts );
function getNewName()
var ext, docName, newName, saveInFile, docName;
docName =;
ext = '_HR_CMYK_PROOF_nobleed.pdf';
newName = "";
for ( var i = 0 ; docName != "." ; i++ )
newName += docName;
newName += ext;
saveInFile = new File( folderPDF + '/' + newName );
return saveInFile;
function getNewNameAI()
saveInFileAI = new File( folderPDF + '/' + );
return saveInFileAI;
function getPDFOptions()
var pdfSaveOpts = new PDFSaveOptions();
pdfSaveOpts.pDFPreset = "Inferno Print File (no bleed)";
return pdfSaveOpts;
function getAIOptions()
var illustratorSaveOpts = new IllustratorSaveOptions();
illustratorSaveOpts.pdfCompatible = false;
return illustratorSaveOpts;
Not tested yet, but it should work
...var idoc = app.activeDocument;
newCMYKColor = new CMYKColor; = 100;
newCMYKColor.cyan = 0;
newCMYKColor.magenta = 0;
newCMYKColor.yellow = 0;
var CurrentPath = activeDocument.path;
var folderPDF = Folder(CurrentPath);
if (!folderPDF.exists) folderPDF.create();
var docName =^.*[^.ai]/i);
// "/^.*[^.ai]/" is strange, it will match all of the name.
// so above code =
// var docName =;
// maybe you sho
Copy link to clipboard
Not tested yet, but it should work
var idoc = app.activeDocument;
newCMYKColor = new CMYKColor; = 100;
newCMYKColor.cyan = 0;
newCMYKColor.magenta = 0;
newCMYKColor.yellow = 0;
var CurrentPath = activeDocument.path;
var folderPDF = Folder(CurrentPath);
if (!folderPDF.exists) folderPDF.create();
var docName =^.*[^.ai]/i);
// "/^.*[^.ai]/" is strange, it will match all of the name.
// so above code =
// var docName =;
// maybe you should use /^.*(?=\.ai$)/
if (folderPDF) {
if (app.documents.length > 0) {
var destFile = new File(folderPDF + '/' + docName + "_HR");
var sourceDoc = app.activeDocument;
targetFile = getNewName();
targetFileAI = getNewNameAI();
pdfSaveOpts = getPDFOptions();
illustratorSaveOpts = getAIOptions();
var artboardRef = sourceDoc.artboards;
var rectLayer = sourceDoc.layers.add(); // so all rectangles will add to this layers
// add rect for all artboards
for (i = 0; i < artboardRef.length; i++) {
var top = artboardRef.artboardRect[1];
var left = artboardRef.artboardRect[0];
var width = artboardRef.artboardRect[2] - artboardRef.artboardRect[0];
var height = artboardRef.artboardRect[1] - artboardRef.artboardRect[3];
var rect = docRef.pathItems.rectangle(top, left, width, height);
rect.filled = false;
rect.strokeColor = newCMYKColor;
rect.strokeWidth = 1;
sourceDoc.saveAs(targetFile, pdfSaveOpts);
rectLayer.remove(); // remove layer to remove all rectangles
sourceDoc.saveAs(targetFileAI, illustratorSaveOpts);
function getNewName() {
var ext, docName, newName, saveInFile, docName;
docName =;
ext = '_HR_CMYK_PROOF_nobleed.pdf';
newName = "";
for (var i = 0; docName != "."; i++) {
newName += docName;
newName += ext;
saveInFile = new File(folderPDF + '/' + newName);
return saveInFile;
function getNewNameAI() {
saveInFileAI = new File(folderPDF + '/' +;
return saveInFileAI;
function getPDFOptions() {
var pdfSaveOpts = new PDFSaveOptions();
pdfSaveOpts.pDFPreset = "Inferno Print File (no bleed)";
return pdfSaveOpts;
function getAIOptions() {
var illustratorSaveOpts = new IllustratorSaveOptions();
illustratorSaveOpts.pdfCompatible = false;
return illustratorSaveOpts;
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Thanks heaps Moluapple. This works perfectly