hi all,
AIErr retrieveLayerDetails() {
AIErr result = kNoErr;
ai::int32 documentLayerCount;
AILayerHandle layerHandle;
result = sAILayer->CountLayers(&documentLayerCount);
std::string documentLayerCountChar = std::to_string(documentLayerCount);
ai::UnicodeString eachLayerTitle("");
result = sAILayer->GetLayerTitle(layerHandle, eachLayerTitle);
std::string documentEachLayerName = eachLayerTitle.as_UTF8();
return error;
the above code i used to retrieve the layercount and layer name details so i'll get proper layer count and layer name from the document.
i have created a panel using c++ to display the details of layer.
so i want to again retrieve the layer details when i edit the layer name, when i click on the refresh button
(IBAction)refreshSelectedTab:(NSButton *)sender {
@catch(NSException *err)
the above code i used to refresh the panel after clicking it on refresh button.
file name:plugin.cpp
void refreshPanel()
retrieveLayerDetails();//so here i called same function to retrieve the layercount and layer name
after clicking on the refresh button i called retrieveLayerDetails(); same function to retrieve the layer name and layer cout ..when i call retrieveLayerDetails(); from objevtive-c the layer count and layer name is not get retrieving .
so any please kindly help me to solve this problem
Thank you