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How to manage items shown in the .ai > Home > Recent screen?
This is driving me nuts. I want to control what files are shown on the Home > Recent screen.
I created this note to myself about managing this situation:
How to find Adobe Illustrator documents to Open or to Delete from ai Home page
When you open Documents > Pictures > Ai document icons
Note: under the Ai icon you will read the name of the document you saved. Then open what you need by clicking upon the Ai icon of your choosing.
Or delete that file
Now, if I open my .ai then when I see the Recent files, I don't want to see any files I deleted.
I am not sure if I am doing this correctly.
Here's the reason:
If a file is no longer needed -- for whatever the reason -- then I don't want to see it anymore in my Recent files.
I recently tried using images from a company called and, when I found out how their licensing terms were, I decided this company and their images was not for me. Why? Because currently I am new to even considering the use of online images in a website that I've been building, which I will soon be launching, and I have no way of knowing how many views a particular image is going to get, which Vecteezy said is my responsibility to know. When my website launches and goes worldwide, I have no way to know or control how many views this company's images is going to tally. I didn't like that risk. I didn't even like their buy their file rates, which still had more limitations. Who needs to worry about that? I am too new to even considering the use of online images to worry about Views. // I also spoke to Adobe Stock and found a much better deal for my objectives, especially with my upcoming website. It seems Adobe Stock gives a much better and safer deal.
But I want to get Vecteezy' images on any file I used with their images off my Recent screen. This way I don't make an unintentional error uses any of their images.
@BlueDog007 did all that?!
Another way is to delete or trash the Veectezzy files from your computer. Select them, right-click the Veectezy donloaded files and delete them forever, and it shouldn't show again. Just make sure you clear the trash bin too for good measure!
I do the opposite, and not show my recent files at all. Or reduce the number of recent files to show. For example, my screenshots will be for a Mac, but this will work on a PC too. this is what is showing on my
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I have been working on this all night. And I finally did manage to delete unwanted .ai files shown in the Recent items screen.
I research thing and found out how to do that in my file explorer. However, this took quite a bit of work. In the path of one of the files I wanted to delete showed this path: C:\users\douga\pictures\vecteezy-downloads\the best project your will ever work on is you-M 1 July 24.png
Please note: I spelled you as your in that path. But that wasn't the main problem for finding this file.
I finally realized the reason why I couldn't find the file was because: The file was in a folder named [vecteezy-downloads].
Once I opened that folder [vecteezy-downloads], I found the file I was looking for and deleted it. Then I closed down Adobe Illustrator and reopened it. When I looked again at the Recent items screen in .ai, the file was gone, removed, sent to the "grave yard" of problems that drove me to stick my head out of my window and scream: "I'm not going to take it anymore!" I hope that made you smile, but this has been a major hassle for me.
I still would like to know a simple Step by Step plan for accomplishing this again in the future.
Thank you
Boy-o-boy, am I ever glad I used some of my debugging skills to solve this problem.
But I sure wish there was a Step by Step
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@BlueDog007 did all that?!
Another way is to delete or trash the Veectezzy files from your computer. Select them, right-click the Veectezy donloaded files and delete them forever, and it shouldn't show again. Just make sure you clear the trash bin too for good measure!
I do the opposite, and not show my recent files at all. Or reduce the number of recent files to show. For example, my screenshots will be for a Mac, but this will work on a PC too. this is what is showing on my Home Screen - Recent Files.
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mpchow: Thank you. You reminding me about Preference and how to find it was helpful.
Yes, I went through quite a bit of a hassle finding the files that use a couple of Vecteezy images and deleteing them from my computer.
And "yes" I also made sure to delete all items from my Recycle Bin. I both knew enough to do that too, but I acknowledge the good suggestion.
Look, it is too bad that I had to pretty much "kick out" Vecteezy, but I did so for good reason. For one thing, figuring out how to keep track of how many views their images on my website gets is something I've yet to learn how to do. I haven't launched my website as yet, but when I do it probably wont be long until I get a strong number of hits per day on one particular page of my site. And I don't want to get caught up in some rabbit hole wondering if I am still within the views limits set by Vecteezy. And when I asked what if I just purchased the image files I wanted, then they said: $99 per image but it still had limitations. So, I asked what would it take to own it entirely, they said: $2,000 And I said: what are you crazy? what is this company nuts? are they kidding me? -- of course, those questions were to myself. But I did say a few things to the rep I spoke to regarding my discontent.
Look, I am still a beginner with illustrator, and it is not my main line of work. I use it as a tool once in a while.
One thing I still need to do is go to my file listing and download listing and make sure to remove all Vecteezy files there too.
When it comes to seeing Recent files on .ai, it is helpful to see the files you are immediately working on. But remembering to control what is shown in the Recent page can be helpful when a project you're working on is done.
What I did really was a bit of a hassle, but it did get the job done. Now, I've got to start over with images from Adobe Stock, which seems like a much better deal.
And would you believe I have been wrestling with an upper respertatory infection since Wed 17 Jul 24. On Sat 20 Jul 24, I finally visited the ER and found out what I have been dealing with. Thankfully, I now have an Rx and it wasn't Covid. But it really sucks when you body is feeling down.
Anyway, thanks for your suggestions. Have a nice day.