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How can I move a file in illustrator from a folder to another preventing the links' loss?
I already know the "package function, but in my case it is not useful, because I have multiple files each with the same links and I cannot make a package for each, because it would span too much hd space.
Apparently you've asked this same question today in two separate posts. In the other posting I posted an answer which I'll copy here:
It sounds like you’re talking about a situation where several illustrator files have linked art from the same links folder and you’re trying to move individual files to a different location (possibly to another drive) without duplicating the links folder multiple times. To me the best way to do this—and the way that I usually would recommend handling placed art in
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You can't expect the link to stay when you move the linked file somewhere else.
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I move the entire folder, not just the attached file. The folder with links and file in illustrator!
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Can you please be precise as to what is inside the folder (and what is not)? Are there any links outside the folder? What do you expect to work afterwards?
If the entire project folder contains both the links and the AI project, then actually you should be fine (at least with this project)
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I have a folder with illustrator's files and inside another folder with link! When I move the first folder and open an illustrator's file, it don't find link! I must relink them.
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Apparently you've asked this same question today in two separate posts. In the other posting I posted an answer which I'll copy here:
It sounds like you’re talking about a situation where several illustrator files have linked art from the same links folder and you’re trying to move individual files to a different location (possibly to another drive) without duplicating the links folder multiple times. To me the best way to do this—and the way that I usually would recommend handling placed art in Illustrator—is to embed placed art rather than keeping it linked. When you do so Illustrator makes a pixel-by-pixel copy of the formerly linked raster art, retaining the resolution. If the original Photoshop image is later changed in any way simply clicking on “Relink” in the Illustrator links panel will update the edited image in Illustrator. Then it can be reembedded. This way you can keep a single folder of Photoshop links that all Illustrator files can get their raster art from prior to embedding and you’ve saved the space on your hard drive.
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I moove a folder with a lot folder and file. For example my folder is in this way:
folder: work
folder: ai
folder: link
I have a lot of illustrator file, If I embed every file, my illustrator's file weigh so much. Is there another solution?
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Having worked for many years in a multi-user environment where jobs have to travel from machine to machine to outside vendor I've found that the method I've outlined above is the most efficient way to do it regardless of the added size to the Illustrator files. I have personally experienced many production delays from files we've received from outside agencies and vendors that neglected to supply links needed for Illustrator files. As with most things there is always a choice to be made as to what is most important in work flow.
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thank'you very much
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I repackage often. Illustrator files not large in size and with at least 1T of hard drive space it would take a long time for the entire drive to be full.
I like to package each project and its linked files. I have work this way for years and i have never filled up a HD . I think that is a good habit since you can alway zip the folder and compress to share or archive.
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If you have a folder with your AI files and put your links inside that folder directly next to the .ai file (without putting them in a separate folder). You can move that folder and Illustrator will find the links.
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But it doesn't.... at least for me. It keeps looking for the linked files in the original folder. Funny enough if I change the name of the original folder only then updates with the local links. Wich means that it can be done, but Adobe won't let you do it.
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thank'you everyone