How to quickly draw this shape?Is there a high-definition version that can be shared?
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It's so troublesome to draw
Who has the high-definition version of this color ring? Can you share it?
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THose are the websafe colors. That it a 1990ies concept that never even really worked.
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Hi~Monika Gause
Are you saying that this color theory is not good?
Is there anything better or more advanced that can be recommended?
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Like Monika said, those are "web safe" colors. They're from a time long ago when many computers and computer monitors could display no more than 256 common colors. But there were differences between the Mac and PC platforms that cut the number of "safe" colors to just 214. These limitations were overcome around 20 or so years ago. Just about any new computer or mobile device can display at least 16.7 million colors or even more.
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It's not even a color theory.
Just leave it alone. It never even worked. It's not even 216 real web safe colors. Research into the matter has shown that the real web safe color palette is about 12 colors. The articles about that are so old, that they can only be found in the internet archive. Just to give you an idea of how obsolete that thing is.
And here is the link:
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Is that just an example that shows how you would like to arrange a greater number of polygons?
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That hexagon pattern is pretty easy to duplicate using Smart Guides. Create your initial polygon (and any lines of point text inside of it). Turn Smart Guides off/on by toggling the Ctrl+U keyboard shortcut or going to the View menu and clicking Smart Guides there. Hold the Alt key to click-drag a copy of the first hexagon and snap the copy to a corner of the first hexagon. Press Ctrl+D to repeat the drag and copy transform action 9 times to fill one half of the row. Do the same thing going the other direction. Then make copies downward. You can also use the Transform>Move command to numerically move new copies or whole rows of hexagons. That whole pattern of hexagon shapes can be created in less than a minute.
You can use the eyedropper tool to copy the colors from the original source image to the vector-based hexagons. Obviously this will take more time than making the initial copies of the hexagon shapes.
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If you want to understand the construction - you only need three transformation effects for the basic structure.
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It should be doable with a script. If I have time in the next couple of days, I'll look into it.
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var d = 15; // tile width (points)
var colors = [
"999999", "CCCCCC", "FFFFFF", "000000", "333333", "666666", "CCFF99", "FFFFCC",
"99FFCC", "CCFFCC", "99CC66", "CCCC99", "FFFF99", "CC9966", "CC9999", "FF9999",
"CC6699", "CC99CC", "FF99FF", "9966CC", "9999CC", "9999FF", "6699CC", "99CCCC",
"99FFFF", "66CC99", "99CC99", "99FF99", "669933", "999966", "CCCC66", "FFFF66",
"996633", "996666", "CC6666", "FF6666", "993366", "996699", "CC66CC", "FF66FF",
"663399", "666699", "6666CC", "6666FF", "336699", "669999", "66CCCC", "66FFFF",
"339966", "669966", "66CC66", "66FF66", "336600", "666633", "999933", "CCCC33",
"FFFF33", "663300", "663333", "993333", "CC3333", "FF3333", "660033", "663366",
"993399", "CC33CC", "FF33FF", "330066", "333366", "333399", "3333CC", "3333FF",
"003366", "336666", "339999", "33CCCC", "33FFFF", "006633", "336633", "339933",
"33CC33", "33FF33", "66CC00", "333300", "666600", "999900", "CCCC00", "FFFF00",
"CC6600", "330000", "660000", "990000", "CC0000", "FF0000", "CC0066", "330033",
"660066", "990099", "CC00CC", "FF00FF", "6600CC", "000033", "000066", "000099",
"0000CC", "0000FF", "0066CC", "003333", "006666", "009999", "00CCCC", "00FFFF",
"00CC66", "003300", "006600", "009900", "00CC00", "00FF00", "99FF33", "CCFF66",
"99CC33", "669900", "996600", "CC9933", "FFCC66", "FF9933", "FF9966", "CC6633",
"993300", "990033", "CC3366", "FF6699", "FF3399", "FF66CC", "CC3399", "990066",
"660099", "9933CC", "CC66FF", "9933FF", "9966FF", "6633CC", "330099", "003399",
"3366CC", "6699FF", "3399FF", "66CCFF", "3399CC", "006699", "009966", "33CC99",
"66FFCC", "33FF99", "66FF99", "33CC66", "009933", "339900", "66CC33", "99FF66",
"99FF00", "CCFF00", "CCFF33", "99CC00", "CC9900", "FFCC33", "FFCC00", "FF9900",
"FF6600", "FF3300", "FF6633", "CC3300", "CC0033", "FF3366", "FF0033", "FF0066",
"FF0099", "FF00CC", "FF33CC", "CC0099", "9900CC", "CC33FF", "CC00FF", "9900FF",
"6600FF", "3300FF", "6633FF", "3300CC", "0033CC", "3366FF", "0033FF", "0066FF",
"0099FF", "00CCFF", "33CCFF", "0099CC", "00CC99", "33FFCC", "00FFCC", "00FF99",
"00FF66", "00FF33", "33FF66", "00CC33", "33CC00", "66FF33", "33FF00", "66FF00"
var doc = app.activeDocument;
var centres = [];
var hexagon = draw(doc.width / 2, -doc.height / 2);
hexagon.filled = false;
for (var i = 0; i < 8; i++) {
var replica = hexagon.duplicate();
replica.resize(100 * (i + 1) * Math. sqrt(3), 100 * (i + 1) * Math. sqrt(3));
for (var j = 0; j < replica.pathPoints.length; j++) {
if (j + 1 < replica.pathPoints.length) {
centres = centres.concat(findMidPoints(
replica.pathPoints[j].anchor, replica.pathPoints[j + 1].anchor, i));
} else {
centres = centres.concat(findMidPoints(
replica.pathPoints[j].anchor, replica.pathPoints[0].anchor, i));
for (var i = 0; i < centres.length; i++) {
var hexagon = draw(centres[i][0], centres[i][1]);
var RGB = hexToRGB(colors[i]);
var color = new RGBColor(); = RGB[0], = RGB[1], = RGB[2];
hexagon.fillColor = color;
addText(centres[i], colors[i], RGB);
function draw(x, y) {
return doc.pathItems.polygon(x, y, d, 6);
function findMidPoints(p1, p2, n) {
if (n == 0) return [];
var midPoints = [];
var dX = p2[0] - p1[0];
var dY = p2[1] - p1[1];
for (var i = 1; i <= n; i++) {
var x = p1[0] + i * dX / (n + 1);
var y = p1[1] + i * dY / (n + 1);
midPoints.push([x, y]);
return midPoints;
function hexToRGB(hex){
return [parseInt(hex.substr(0,2), 16),
parseInt(hex.substr(2,2), 16),
parseInt(hex.substr(4,2), 16)]
function addText(point, contents1, contents2) {
var text = doc.textFrames.pointText([point[0], point[1] + d / 4]);
text.contents = contents1 + "\n" + contents2;
text.textRange.textFont = textFonts["ArialMT"];
text.textRange.size = d / 4;
text.textRange.justification = Justification.CENTER;
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That is a very quick way to draw that shape, femkeblanco!!
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How much time did it take to write that code? Nice though.
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I already had the main part (the part that draws the tiling) from before, so I felt close to the end result. But there was no applicable logic to generate the colors; most of the time was spent inputting the colors by hand. It took just over an hour.