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Illustrator APP for Samsung (Android)

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Dec 21, 2022 Dec 21, 2022

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Why can't I use an app I paid for on my phone? I can't use Illustrator on S22 Ultra which also has a pen. Does everyone have to love or buy Apple? Why not Illustrator when every app can? Are you forcing us as Adobe to buy Apple? 

Draw and design , Feature request , Import and export




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Dec 21, 2022 Dec 21, 2022

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It's not "every app" that is available on Android as well. Mostly the ones which need extensive pen support, are not. The cooperation of every part of the operating system with the pen is crucial and that seems to be an issue with Android. There are just several different implementations of it on vastly different hardware.


If you want this support, post a feature request: https://illustrator.uservoice.com




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Dec 21, 2022 Dec 21, 2022

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Am I speaking to an official from Adobe or an Apple spokesperson? Are you trying to advertise Apple here and say that the Android pen is a problem? Have you ever used it? Officially Apple Store, not Adobe.




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Dec 21, 2022 Dec 21, 2022

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Am I speaking to an official from Adobe or an Apple spokesperson?

By @Cavisenko




This is a public forum with 95% of people not being staff. Adobe staff is marked as "Staff".




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Dec 21, 2022 Dec 21, 2022

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My smart phone is a Galaxy S22 Ultra. I really like the phone a lot. Its battery life is so much better than the Note 5 phone I used for several years. My Galaxy phone does a number of things I cannot do with an iPhone; with no extra software involved it can work as an external disc drive when connected via USB to my Alienware notebook.

For all the nice things the Galaxy S22 can do, I wouldn't want to use it for Adobe Illustrator tasks. The S22 screen is big for a phone. But it's tiny as a canvas for drawing or sketching. I bought a large iPad Pro for tasks that involve drawing directly on the screen. The S-Pen in the Galaxy S22 is an improvement over the one that came with the Note 5, although it feels a little more fragile and plastic-like. But the S-Pen is not anywhere in the same category as a Wacom tablet stylus or the Apple Pencil for iPad.

I previously had the Android version of Adobe Illustrator Draw loaded on my old Note 5. But I didn't use the app all that much. There was only so much I could do with it on a smart phone using a stylus with limited capabilities. The version of Adobe Illustrator that runs on the iPad platform is a real version of Illustrator, but it is streamlined in terms of features available in its user interface compared to the full desktop version. The Illustrator user interface would have to be downright minimal to work on a smart phone screen. I'm personally spoiled by the full desktop version because I use so many keyboard shortcuts.




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Dec 22, 2022 Dec 22, 2022

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The S22 ultra was just a simple example, man. I can't use it on my laptop screen size S8 Ultra Tablet either. It has nothing to do with screen size. 




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Dec 22, 2022 Dec 22, 2022

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In your first post you only mentioned your phone. You said nothing about a tablet.

I don't know how many people use Android-based tablets versus Apple's iPad. One thing I do know is the Android tablet market is pretty fractured. Amazon has their own Fire tablet (and separate app store to go with it). Samsung has their Galaxy Tab models. Lenovo, Huawei and a few other companies also make tablets. Not all of these tablets work the same way. I'm guessing Adobe may feel it's not worth the challenge to develop an Android tablet-based version of Illustrator.




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Dec 22, 2022 Dec 22, 2022

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Removing an existing application and then showing it with Apple ads does not mean that Android is insufficient. It seems very clear that Apple printed the money and agreed with Adobe. The more interesting part is that you think everyone is using Apple. Do you live in America? People in America also think that Apple is the only brand in the world and no other brands are used. I had an Ipad and I was not happy with it and I didn't like it so I sold it. If Adobe does not want to continue to receive backlash, it should also release the Android version. You should always get rid of the logic that Android tablets do not work well because there is no truth to it. Suppose a Device can't afford to run the app then it won't run, which isn't a sufficient reason to remove it entirely from a platform.




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Dec 23, 2022 Dec 23, 2022

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The full version of Adobe Illustrator was never available for the Android platform. You might be thinking of the very basic Adobe Illustrator Draw app, which Adobe discontinued on both Android and iOS.

Contrary to what you might think, I am not an Apple fan. I use Windows-based PCs (an Alienware notebook and a Dell XPS desktop) and my smartphone is a Samsung Galaxy S22 Ultra. Does that sound like I'm an Apple fan-boy?

I do own an large iPad Pro because, objectively speaking, it is indeed a better, more powerful tablet than anything made by Samsung, Amazon or Lenovo. The Apple Pencil is one of the things that sold me on buying an iPad Pro. I wanted a device where I could draw effectively, with pressure sensitivity, directly on a screen. The Apple Pencil is great at doing just that. The only comparable alternative was a Wacom Cintiq tablet computer costing upwards of $3000.

The Galaxy S-Pen stinks compared to the Apple Pencil. None of the stylus devices for Android phones and tablets are actually made for drawing or other fine-tuned graphics purposes. They're only designed for basic note taking and other interactions with the Android user interface. I can actually draw and sketch things using an Apple Pencil because it actually feels like a real art tool.

Also what difference does it make if I live in the US? You're arguing as if you think I'm an Adobe employee or something. I have no direct line of contact with executives at Adobe or Apple. That means you don't have any business getting mad at me or shifting into ad-hominem kinds of arguments. I am not the topic of this conversation, so leave me out of it. I can understand the frustration people around the world might feel at having to buy computers, mobile devices and software engineered in the US (with hardware made in China) -and having to pay more for that stuff than the price Americans pay. That's not going to change until companies elsewhere in the world decide to really challenge American tech companies. It's happened before in other categories. Look at what Japan did to the US with automobiles and consumer electronics. Edit: I almost forgot about Samsung being a South Korean company.




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Feb 27, 2023 Feb 27, 2023

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I would appreciate it if you could send me an article or review that proves the Apple Pencil is much worse than the Spen Pro. As someone who uses both Apple Pencil and Spen, there is no difference between them. If you say that Spen is only made to touch the screen, please prove it. 




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Feb 27, 2023 Feb 27, 2023

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I would appreciate it if you could send me an article or review that proves the SpenPro is much worse than the ApplePencil.




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Feb 27, 2023 Feb 27, 2023

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I don't need to send you an article. I've test driven Apple and Android tablets as well as other devices, such as Microsoft's Surface products. The Apple Pencil is better. As an owner of a Galaxy S22 Ultra phone I can say with 100% confidence the S-Pen included with it is a joke compared to the Apple Pencil. That S-Pen is good for jotting down notes and doing a few other Android OS-related tricks. It's lousy as an actual art tool. The only stylus that's any better than an Apple Pencil is a Wacom Pen, but I already described the issues involving that. For graphics purposes the iPad is a far more mature platform than the various Android-based tablets. That's an objective fact. It's also a fact that it's easier for companies like Adobe, Serif, etc to develop applications for that platform than Android due to all the weird stuff companies like Samsung do to customize their versions of Android.

It doesn't make any difference at all what I manage to prove or don't prove to you. I'm not someone calling the shots at Adobe. So it's pointless arguing to me about it.




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Feb 27, 2023 Feb 27, 2023

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You're just talking nonsense because you can't prove anything. If what you say doesn't have any truth to it, it doesn't make any sense. Although I have searched many times to see which one is better and I have tried it myself, I can't see any difference. because you are lying. I don't think there is any need for further discussion. I prefer to argue with objective people 




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Feb 27, 2023 Feb 27, 2023

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Dude, the S-Pen in the S22 Ultra phone is a little tooth pick. I defy anyone to draw worth a hoot using it. If you were using a full size Galaxy Tab device you could use other, much better pens with it -like the Wacom One pen. But you're demanding Illustrator to be ported to a dinky smart phone screen. That just isn't going to work. It's just like no one is trying to run Illustrator on an iPhone either. It's silly.




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Feb 27, 2023 Feb 27, 2023

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The S22 Ultra is a big enough phone. Also I want to use it on my Tab S8 not Phone. The Tab S8 Spen is larger unlike the Pen on the phone. You don't know about devices and pens, you're just talking nonsense. 




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Feb 27, 2023 Feb 27, 2023

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Whatever, troll.




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