Illustrator blend tool + eraser turns straight lines into wobbly lines?
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Hello community,
after extending a blend between 2 parallel lines,
my eraser turns these straight lines into wobble lines.
Does anyone know a solution to this problem? Would be much appreciated.
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Unfortunately that is a known issue.
Can you give us the big picture of what you want to do?
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Thank you for your fast reply.
I want to shade using parallel contour lines, be able to erase parts ( in this case the top of the ball )
and be able to edit every single line after i´ve cut them. for example make them tapered etc. .
I used now the brush in the same colour as the background to simulate it.
I have a course on this drawing technique and many people on there have this issue... but as my tutor is doing the exact same process, it works for him. Unfortunately the course is too old, for him to respond anymore....
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I get similar results with stroked paths.
If I outline strokes (as you would need to if you want to achieve your second image) I get rather less noticeably bad results, but its still apparent.
Haven't noticed this bug before.
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The eraser tool unfortunately distorts lines, especially curved ones. You may want to try instead:
1) Drawing with blob brush instead of eraser
2) Use transparency palette >> make mask
To make edits select the mask and you will be painting with blob brush in mask. Double click blob tool and uncheck "keep selected" or whatever else you may prefer.
3) When done object >> flatten transparency >> vectors 100
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Since you don't want to outline strokes, I would suggest you draw the shape that you want to erase, fill it with a different color than the stroke color and then apply the pathfinder "Outline". The part you don't want, can be selected by stroke color and then deleted.
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In AICC2017 and Sierra 10.12.6, I'm unable to reproduce the wobble. I make a blend of two paths (no fills), expand the blend (Object>Blend>Expand), then use the eraser (shift-E) to remove segments at random angles. My resulting path segments are not distorted. What am I missing?
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Use the direct selection tool and drag a selection rectangle over the paths. Then you should see additional anchor points and handles on formerly perfect straight lines.
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Thanks, Monika. I see the added anchor points and handles. But the OP's graphic shows warping ("wobbling") of the resulting paths, as if something like a Tweak Effect has been applied. My lines after the procedure I describe above remain perfectly horizontal, added points and handles and all. That's what confuses me.
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Hello ddkatz,
that´s what confuses me aswell. Ofcourse you get added anchor points if you cut one line into two seperates.
What i don´t get is, that my eraser somehow changes the path of the line. I worked in cs6 before and i didn´t have this issue. I enjoy workin in CC but at the moment i only need this blend effect for my future graphic design work.
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"of course you get additional anchor points"
Sure you get them. Eactly at those points where you cut the lines, but you shouldn't get them anywhere else. But that is what is happening. And it has always happened since the eraser tool has been added.
This is Illustrator CS4:
And don't you dare and zoom in, because, no, those handles are not straight:
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I don´t understand why adobe wouln´t fix that since adobe cs4...
I understand that there are specific tools from adobe to draw, but i really enjoy working and experimenting with the blend tool, especially that you can change the strokes afterwards.
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Unfortunately we're all in the same boat here.
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This has nothing to do with the blend tool. It's the eraser that ruins it. See my post further up in this thread where I have posted how you can solve the issue using pathfinders.
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I finally found a good solution!
You just need to make the canvas bigger ( 2000x2000+ ) it will add anchor points here and there, but most of the times it works now.
Thank you everybody for your participation.