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Hi, I'm having an issue with an Illustrator file, all the things in the file are in color but when I close the file and click on it to see a preview through Finder (i'm using Mac) the file appears in black and white. And when i open it in illustrator all the color is back, does anyone know how to fix this?
The left is how it looks in illustrator and the right picture is how it looks in finder.
{Renamed by MOD}
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Hi there,
Thanks for reaching out. Please provide some more info like:
1. Version of Illustrator and OS.
2. Is it the only file which shows B&W preview?
3. Is this file saved on a network?
All this information will help us understand the issue and work accordingly.
You should try copying this file to a different location as well and check the preview. Let us know how it goes.
Looking forward to your response.
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The version I use is Illustrator 2019, macOS Catalina 10.15.3
This bug (whaterever it is) has happened to 3 files.
It is saved locally.
I tried copying to other location but i still got the bug.
While i was writting this i was trying out different things with the file and i found something that worked. I deleted some layers, it was stuff i wasn't really using, then saved it in the same laction as the original to compare them.
When i checked the preview it was in color.
My guess is that I was overloading the preview with too many complex designs and the program was trying to simplify what was in the file for the preview (i did not know that was possible).
Thank you for your concern.
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I found a solution that worked for me, using Illustrator 2020, saving the file as .ai.
Make sure the layer that is selected does not have a clipping mask on it or a pattern that was created. I use a background layer with one color box on it. In the layers palette the eyeball is on the layers showing the image as I want to see the thumbnail preview. My completed pattern layer is hidden.
In Save Options section
check Create PDF Compatible File
uncheck Embed ICC Profiles
check Use Compression
This gave me a colored thumbnail in Finder window.
Hope this works for you too.
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Thank you! This worked for me.
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Yes, this works.
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Hi there,
at the agency where I work we have experienced this BW preview issue for a while through several OS and Illustrator versions. Like some of the users here have written it seems to be related to a layer with visibility turned off. This is an issue that makes file viewing not very efficient so I hope Adobe is able to create a fix for the bug.
Here are some info what happens to a standard simple illustrator file saved as .ai:
My conclusion is that the bug is related to ICC profile being included. Hope this is helpful and that the Adobe team are able to fix the bug.
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Previews in the Finder use Apple's wrecked version of a PDF viewer.
And there's not a lot Adobe can do to fix it. You should report to Apple that their interpretation of PDF is just substandard and sucks pretty much all the time. Not that they would care though.
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Although this can be very much part of the Apple play book, in this instance, it seems extremely convenient for an Adobe "expert" to blaim Apple. To my experience this issue is only has only just recently happened with Illustrator and NO OTHER APP, therefore I deem the answer from Monika to be somewhat divisive.
Ai CC 2023, MAC OS 11.7.8
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@iD3Z1GN schrieb:
y just recently happened with Illustrator and NO OTHER APP,
Only recently is probably after your recent MacOS update?
And No other app means that probably your AI file contains some transparent and other complex elements that Apple Preview is known to have issues with.
I have been using Apple computers since 1990. I have come to hate every single aspect of them. I just suspect that I'll hate Windows even more and that's why I still keep using Macs.
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We can probably debate those details at noseum, what does work is the reported hack of:
Make sure all layers are visible > Save & Close file > The finder preview should now be in colour.
I can then re-open the file, work with it and even leave some layers as non visible without the preview being nagtively effected. Note: I have only totday started to use this work around, I will update if things change.
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Occasional same problem as above, consistently with cmyk files that have white objects (preview was creamy whites and dulled colors otherwise). My fix was open and resave with Illustrator 2022.