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Hi there,
Can anybody tell me if it's possible to JavaScript Illustrators Find And Replace text function?
I know it's possible in InDesign but I can't find anything for Illustrator.
Many Thanks,
1 Correct answer
Hi Nik, no need to dig down to words, we can search the whole textFrame.contents. Here's a working sample
...var active_doc = app.activeDocument;
var search_string = /blah/gi; // g for global search, remove i to make a case sensitive search
var replace_string = "lalala";
var text_frames = active_doc.textFrames;
if (text_frames.length > 0)
for (var i = 0 ; i < text_frames.length; i++)
var this_text_frame = text_frames;
var new_string = this_text_frame.contents.replace(search
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Hi Carlos! I'm trying to use your code with a folder full of documents, but Illustrator keeps crashing on me. Can you please help?
// Illustrator Find And Replace
// Original code from: https://forums.adobe.com/thread/858021
var search_string = /blah/gi; // g for global search, remove i to make a case sensitive search
var replace_string = "lalala";
var sourceFolder, files, fileType, sourceDoc;
// Select the source folder.
sourceFolder = Folder.selectDialog( 'Select folder with Illustrator files', '~' );
// If a valid folder is selected
if ( sourceFolder != null )
files = new Array();
fileType = '*.ai';
// Get all files matching the pattern
files = sourceFolder.getFiles( fileType );
if ( files.length > 0 )
for ( i = 0; i < files.length; i++ )
sourceDoc = app.open(files); // returns the document object
var text_frames = sourceDoc.textFrames;
if (text_frames.length > 0)
for (var i = 0 ; i < text_frames.length; i++)
var this_text_frame = text_frames;
var new_string = this_text_frame.contents.replace(search_string, replace_string);
if (new_string != this_text_frame.contents)
this_text_frame.contents = new_string;
// Close current without saving
alert( 'No matching files found' );
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Hi Carlos,
Is it possible to have a similar script that would find numeric values in a text frame? Example "Smith12" to find and select only "12". I don't want to replace it with anything just a selection of the number. Any help would be great. Thank you
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Hi born2wrestle, here you go
select one or more text frames to process selection, or don't select anything to process all frames in the active document
// script.name = highlight_numbers,jsx
// script.description = highlights all numbers in either the selected frames or the whole doucument if nothing is selected.
// script.requirement = Illustrator must be open before running the script
// script.parent = CarlosCanto // 11/23/19
// script.support = canto29 at gmail d0t c0m;
function main () {
var idoc = app.activeDocument;
if (idoc.selection.length == 0) {
var tframes = idoc.textFrames;
else {
var tframes = [];
var tframe;
for (var a=0; a<idoc.selection.length; a++) {
tframe = idoc.selection[0];
if (tframe.typename == 'TextFrame') {
var range, framecontent;
var reg = /\d+/g;
var rangesToSelect = [];
for (var b=0; b<tframes.length; b++) {
tframe = tframes[b];
framecontent = tframe.contents;
var result;
while (result = reg.exec(framecontent)) { // this always returns 1 element
//$.writeln(result[0] + " | " + result.index);
range = tframe.characters[result.index];
range.length = result[0].length;
idoc.selection = null;
idoc.selection = rangesToSelect;
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Hi Carlos
i want to select all "*"
because i want change color and formating to super script
i have more than 100 artboards
is this possible
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Hi raviraj, what do you mean? do you want a script that only selects all text items and stops there?
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Yes i want to find and select all at once whatever i find
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Hi @CarlosCanto
Is this possible ?
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I'm new to scripting and I can't get the simplest possible code to work. I found this thread and I copied one lines, which was "var docRef = app.activeDocument; ". It won't compile in the mac script editor. See this screenshot:
I just can't write the simplest possible code. Please help. 
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Save the file as a .jsx file. Then, while your document is open in Illustrator, go to File > Scripts > Other Script. Find your script and open it. This will run the script.
Note that var docRef = app.activeDocument is just a reference to the document, so running a script with just this line won't do anything.

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