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Illustrator Newsletter - December 2021

Adobe Employee ,
Dec 13, 2021 Dec 13, 2021

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May the spirit of Christmas brings hope, positivity and joy to your life. Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to all of you! 


This is our first community newsletter for Illustrator and we couldn't be more excited to bring this to you.

Adobe MAX is behind us, and I am sure, like us, you were blown away by the many sessions and announcements. In case you have missed it, you can still watch Adobe MAX 2021 sneaks to what Adobe has lined up.


ACP Highlight


Monika_2.jpgMonika Gause Monika joined our Adobe family as an Adobe Community Professional on ‎June 20, 2007. Monika is not only one of Illustrator’s most prolific contributors, she is among the top contributors in the Adobe community. Her expertise of  Illustrator, has helped millions of users that visit our community.


Let's know more about her in her own words:- 

My interest in design was triggered when being introduced to the Bauhaus in High School. Following a (paid) internship at an advertising agency I studied design at the Institute of Design in my hometown Hamburg. It was the beginning of the digital age, I learnt manual processes as well as some desktop publishing. For my graduate project I produced a computer animated tv commercial (by videorecording the vector application drawing the artwork on a 286's screen 😄 ).


In my freelance career I started with vector illustrations and DTP, then designed and produced illustrations and 3D animations for POI terminals and installations in museums and also got involved with web design and content management systems. For 15 years I was a die-hard FreeHand user. When around 2000 it wasn't updated anymore I had to finally give Illustrator a chance. This conincided with the inquiry by a publisher if I could write a book about Illustrator.


Somehow adventurous I wanted to check out writing a book, learnt Illustrator by doing it and got hooked on Live Paint. And the Appearance panel. And knockout groups.


So I'm now mostly writing Illustrator books and tutorials, magazine articles about vector graphics and layout, still have my freelance design business and for the last 20 years I have also been lecturing courses on image editing, layout and typography at the Leuphana University in Lüneburg.


My website with short tips and longer articles: www.vektorgarten.de

Why I wouldn't trade Illustrator for any other vector application: https://www.vektorgarten.de/why-use-illustrator.html

My Behance Page: https://www.behance.net/vektorgarten

My artworks


Behance Live Stream Update



Kenneth Shinabery coaches educators in Higher Education and serves as an Adobe Community Professional for Illustrator. Kenn will be streaming from here on Sundays at 6am PST. We hope that you will enjoy his Adobe Illustrator sessions. 

Adobe Illustrator MAX update 26.0 and 26.0.1

What's new.gifThe Adobe MAX update to Illustrator brings to you several exciting features like Discover Panel, 3D enhancements and more!


26.0.1 has multiple performance improvements and bug fixes.



Trending Issues


1. Issue:- [Monterey] Save/export dialogs don't appear with Side-Car/external display connected-
   Action:- Bug has been logged with our engineering team for further investigation.
   Workaround:- Please follow the steps mentioned below:
    a.) Disconnect the sidecar/External display.
    b.) Set the iMac/Macbook as the main screen once, if not already. Then change it back to the way it was setup.


2. Issue:- Illustrator Crashing on launch due to Trend Micro Antivirus.
    Solution:- Update the Antivirus to 17.0 or above or add Illustrator to the exception list. Click here  for more details.


How to move artwork between Illustrator and Photoshop   


 Discover Panel: Making the most of Illustrator's native search panel






Helpful links

User guide | FAQ Common troubleshooting steps  System requirements | Tutorial | Known issues



Please follow our Adobe Illustrator Newsletter Home page to stay tuned and receive notifications for our newsletter on monthly basis.




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