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By default, in Photoshop, when you move a guide over the entire width, there is a pause that designates the precise center of a document thanks to magnetism. Same on the length.
I would like Illustrator to react in the same way, but I can't find the setting in question. I can find the different magnetisms in the "View" menu but despite my attempts, I can't understand which one corresponds to what I want.
I am using Illustrator 2023 version 27.6.1
Can you help me, please?
Thank you.
Besides being very lucky, I did it while dragging from the intersection of the Rulers while holding down the Cmd (Ctrl on Windows) key. This creates a horizontal and vertical guide at the same time. With a single guide, I could not get it to work.
It is faster and easier to drag a rectangle that has the same size as the artboard and drag the guides to the center.
You can draw a guide, select it and align it to the center with the align buttons.
Indeed, by dragging from the intersection of the rules while holding down the "Ctrl" key (under Windows), this creates a horizontal and vertical guide at the same time. All that remains is to move approximately towards the center until a small pink cross and the indication "Center" appear, to finally release the left click. Monika Gause's method also works and these two methods will be very useful to me!
Thank you for your help!
@mpchow Sorry, I saw your reply too late..
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@Deleted User have you tried installing the latest version Illustrator 2024, 28.6
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If you have smart guides (repères commentés) on and you are very lucky, you should be able to see an indication of the center of the artboard when dragging a guide.
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So I'm out of luck lol
The commented markers feature is checked, and I've reset the preferences and settings to default, but nothing happens.
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Besides being very lucky, I did it while dragging from the intersection of the Rulers while holding down the Cmd (Ctrl on Windows) key. This creates a horizontal and vertical guide at the same time. With a single guide, I could not get it to work.
It is faster and easier to drag a rectangle that has the same size as the artboard and drag the guides to the center.
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You can draw a guide, select it and align it to the center with the align buttons.
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I am sure a script can create guides at the center of the artboard. I have script that creates a rectangle that has the size of the artboard, combine it in an action with this script that creates guides at the center of a selected object and it does what you want.
Maybe @femkeblanco can help to create a script that places guides at the center of the artboard.
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Indeed, by dragging from the intersection of the rules while holding down the "Ctrl" key (under Windows), this creates a horizontal and vertical guide at the same time. All that remains is to move approximately towards the center until a small pink cross and the indication "Center" appear, to finally release the left click. Monika Gause's method also works and these two methods will be very useful to me!
Thank you for your help!
@mpchow Sorry, I saw your reply too late..
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Good to hear that helped (still hoping for a script that does it with one click).
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Bonjour, voici un script qui me donnait déjà satisfaction sur la version CS1 (11)
guide = true; pour vous
/*axe_centre.js réalisation LR
*** elleere
Trace un groupe composé de 2 axes X et Y au centre du plan de travail actif.
Possibilité d'ajouter plusieurs axes variable nbSeg par défaut = 2
Remarque: Si l'option guide = true, les axes sont tranformés en guide.
// INIT----------------------------------
var nomGroupAxe = "Axe centre";
var nomAxe ="axe";
var couleur = macmykColor(0,62.18,94.12,0);
var guide = false;
var nbSeg = 2;
var ep =1;
if (app.documents.length > 0) {
var Origin, largDoc, hautDoc, origX, origY, longAxe;
var docRef = app.activeDocument;
Origin = docRef.rulerOrigin;
largDoc =docRef.width;
hautDoc =docRef.height;
origX = (largDoc/2)-Origin[0];
origY = (hautDoc/2)-Origin[1];
longAxe = Math.max(hautDoc,largDoc);
var repereGroup, seg1, dupObjet;
if (!guide) {
repereGroup = docRef.activeLayer.groupItems.add(); = nomGroupAxe;
else repereGroup = docRef;
// axe horizontal
seg1 = repereGroup.pathItems.add();
if (guide) guides = true;
else {
filled = false;
strokeColor = couleur;
strokeWidth = ep;
name = nomAxe+1;
// axe(s) supplémentaire(s)
for (i = 1; i < nbSeg; i++) {
dupObjet = seg1.duplicate(repereGroup);
if (!guide) = nomAxe+(i+1);
// -------
function macmykColor(c,m,j,k)
{ //crée une nouvelle couleur CMJN
var cmykColor = new CMYKColor();
with (cmykColor) {cyan = c; magenta = m; yellow = j;black = k;}
return cmykColor;
// -------
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Merci beaucoup! Works fine!