Placing automatic file path
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Does anyone know how to place file path/location (that automatically updates itself when file is moved) in illustrator artboard? My work requires to print large amount of illustrator artworks. So occasionally I have this problem in finding the file path of a printed copy.
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swaroops89506313 schrieb
(that automatically updates itself when file is moved)
Maybe you can find a script that places the file path into the artwork. But this part won't happen. Only a plugin would be able to do that, but I'm not aware of an existing one.
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Hi Swaroop,
Moving this discussion to Illustrator Scripting community so that you can get some more responses from our scripting experts.
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I'm not sure if it's doable with a script - you'd propably have to run the script after opening each file, to update it's location.
To update the file on every opening of file, i think it would require a plugin.
Maybe someone else will have an idea.
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If anyone could create a plugin for that, our office would be more than willing to pay.
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swaroops89506313 wrote
If anyone could create a plugin for that, our office would be more than willing to pay.
glad to hear
as others mentioned, there's no way to automatically update file paths using scripting. However, if you open the files via scripting, then you can do anything including updating file paths. So if you're willing to give up Illustrator native way of opening files, including double clicking on files or going to the File menu, then the script below can do what you want.
the script creates a floating window that has a button to open files, always use this button and your file paths will get updated. Just make sure you add a text frame place holder for the path and give it a name in the layers panel "file path"
the script will also add this text frame frame for you if the files don't have it, none of your existing files will have it so, it's a bonus. I place the text frame at the top/left corner of the document, you need to style it and place it in the location of your choice.
so to use, just press the Open... button, select one or more files and the script will open and update the text frame
after closing the file, moving it to a different folder and opening again
// = filePathUpdater_swaroops,jsx
// script.description = opens files and updates a text frame with file paths
// script.requirement = a text frame named "file path"
// script.parent = CarlosCanto // 07/12/2019
// script.reference =
#target illustrator
#targetengine main
function main () {
var win = new Window("palette","File Path Updater");
var btnOk = win.add("button", undefined, "Open...");
var btnDonate = win.add("button", undefined, "Donate");
var btnClose = win.add("button", undefined, "Exit");
win.alignChildren = "fill";
win.spacing = 8;
btnOk.onClick = function(){
var callFunction = openFiles + '\ropenFiles();';
btMessaging( 'illustrator', callFunction );
btnDonate.onClick = function(){
var callFunction = donate + '\rdonate();';
btMessaging( 'illustrator', callFunction );
btnClose.onClick = function(){
win.close ();
// open files, find "file path" tex frame and update file path. If text frame not found, add it to top/left corner of page
function openFiles() {
var idoc, filePath, filePathFrame;
var folderStrPref = '';
var preselectFolder = Folder(app.preferences.getStringPreference (folderStrPref));
if (!preselectFolder.exists) {
var preselectFolder = new Folder('~/Desktop');
var sourceFiles = preselectFolder.openDlg('Open Illustrator file...', 'AI: *.ai', true); // select source folder
if (sourceFiles==null) { // exit if press cancel in either dialog
alert('Cancelled by user');
var sourceFolder = sourceFiles[0].parent;
app.preferences.setStringPreference (folderStrPref, sourceFolder.fsName);
for (var a=0; a<sourceFiles.length; a++) {
idoc =;
filePath = idoc.fullName.fsName;
try {
filePathFrame = app.activeDocument.textFrames['file path'];
filePathFrame.contents = filePath;
catch (e) {
filePathFrame = app.activeDocument.textFrames.add(); = 'file path';
filePathFrame.contents = filePath;
function donate() {
//alert('entering donate...');
openURL( '' );
function openURL( address ) {
var f = File( Folder.desktop + '/aiOpenURL.url' ); 'w' );
f.write( '[InternetShortcut] URL=http://' + address);
function btMessaging( target, callFunction ) {
var bt = new BridgeTalk(); = target;
bt.body = callFunction;
bt.onResult = function(result) {
//alert('onresult: ' + result.body);
main ();
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I'm assuming I don't have to include the numbering isn't?
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no you don't, are the numbers being copied when you're copying the script? just select the text copy and paste into your text editor. Line numbers should not get copied.
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Ok I loaded it and it works!!.
Thank you very much for the effort.
But the donate button doesn't seem to work. It says the internet shortcut is not valid.
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glad to hear you got it working. I wonder why the donate button didn't work. Are you on mac? donate link is listed on line 98,
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Unfortunately not many people use PayPal in India. And I certainly can't ask my boss to create account just for this transaction. Is there any other way to make the donation?
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You can open file direct and using this script to get path of target document:
try {
var pointTextRef = app.activeDocument.textFrames["TXT-path"];
pointTextRef.contents = app.activeDocument.fullName.fsName;
catch (e) {
var pointTextRef = app.activeDocument.textFrames.add();
pointTextRef.contents = app.activeDocument.fullName.fsName;"TXT-path"; = 20;
pointTextRef.left = 10;
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Getting error
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You must open a file document before run script.
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Oh yeah, it works. Thank you very much.
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no I don't have other money transfer services account, other than bank wire transfer. What do people use in India?
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to place a file:
var doc=app.activeDocument;
var oplace=doc.placedItems.add();
var f=new File("C:\\Users\\pc\\Desktop\\");
If file in folder of target file , it will auto update when move to other file.
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Should I save the entire text in .js or only this part-
var doc=app.activeDocument;
var oplace=doc.placedItems.add();
var f=new File("C:\\Users\\pc\\Desktop\\");
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no, only this part.
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I pasted the file in text editor(Mac) and saved it in .js. When I load it from illustrator it shows syntax error.
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i think you must change path of file to your file: C:\\Users\\pc\\Desktop\\
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you have to save the script as plain text not rich text, and give it a *.jsx extension
to run scripts
Choose File > Scripts, and choose a script. Alternatively, choose File > Scripts > Other Script, and navigate to a script.
to install scripts
If you place the script in the Adobe Illustrator Scripts folder, the script will appear in the File > Scripts submenu.
If you place the script in another location on the hard disk, you can run the script in Illustrator by choosing File > Scripts > Other Script.
check this thread for the folder location
Installing Scripts in latest Illustrator CC release (V 22.0.1)