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Possible to change linked images without AI?

Explorer ,
Apr 25, 2013 Apr 25, 2013

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Hi All!

I am relatively new to AI javascript coding, but I can't seem to solve my most recent problem. My company has 2 offices, each with their own local network server, but both offices can connect to the other's server. So California can connect to New York and vice versa. We transfer a lot of AI files between the two servers so that different people in the different offices can work on them.

The problem comes to linked images. If someone in New York tries to open a file from the California office, Illustrator is basically crippled if the image is linked to the CA server. I created a script that would copy the files (using a save as) to NY and relink them on that side, but bc you are still opening a file and saving it across a slow network connection so it isn't really a super efficient solution. Large files can take up to 3 min to save across the connection.

We can't apply the simple solution of just keeping the linked images in the same folder with the AI file, since we all have access to both servers it never breaks the link, and AI just grinds to a halt.

I found this post (http://stackoverflow.com/questions/524020/how-do-you-find-the-paths-of-linked-images-in-adobe-illust...) about using perl to read the header of the AI file and report back link names, but I know nothing about perl to know if you could have it go in there and change the link path. I also tried opening it in a text editor, changing the file path, but when I tried to open it back up in AI it said it was corrupted, so that doesn't seem to work.

Any ideas for an efficient way to change the absolute path of a linked file in AI without having AI open and trying to actually place the files over a slow connection? We basically just need to replace OAKServ with NYCServ in the link name, everything about the file organization is the same.

Our back up plan is to embed images, but some intial tests show that it can make AI slow and save times become a nightmare. I would love to avoid embedding if possible! Open to any other suggestions about other people's experience with working with files across multiple networks.

Stats: Illustrator CS5, PC (gross, I know), Windows 7, 64-bit OS

Thanks all! Love this forum!







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correct answers 1 Correct answer

Community Expert , Apr 25, 2013 Apr 25, 2013

I see what you need now, I misunderstood....unfortunately there's no way around not opening the file to make any changes...I think, maybe someone else chimes in.

any alternative would involve some kind of work on the users, many times we come up with weird workarounds and people complain because is not a "one-click" solution to their problems.

I have a similar solution to what you guys described now that opens up the file, and just re-places the image from the opposite server, but you have to trad




Community Expert ,
Apr 25, 2013 Apr 25, 2013

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The easiest way out is to just embed the images in the AI file.





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Community Expert ,
Apr 25, 2013 Apr 25, 2013

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one way I could think of is, for example if you open your ai file in LA and you see all linked images, make a script to

- add the actual address of the file to the "note" of each image (OAKServ\...\filename.ai)

write another script to restore the missing links,

- read each image's file property, if you get an error, the link is missing

- read the file name stored in the note's property

- replace OAKServ with NYCServ and viceversa

- relink the image





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Guru ,
Apr 25, 2013 Apr 25, 2013

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Yup I would agree with Carlos and use a 2 script solution… While all linked image file paths are in accessable by reading the file (in the xmp)… this is not where you want to be replacing the path string… Replacing the path part is simple enough… the problem is when the file is missing AI stores NO previous data… Using the Note or Tag properties should work for you…





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Explorer ,
Apr 25, 2013 Apr 25, 2013

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The problem is when you're in NYC you can still "see" the CA server, so the links never come up as missing/broken. It is still connecting to the CA images, and everything just locks up.

I have a similar solution to what you guys described now that opens up the file, and just re-places the image from the opposite server, but you have to trade off either opening the file being super slow or placing the correct images across the network being slow. Is there anyway to edit just the path, if the image exists on both servers? So when someone opens it, it will look in the local folder?

Thanks for your help guys! I always find your posts really helpful!





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Community Expert ,
Apr 25, 2013 Apr 25, 2013

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I see what you need now, I misunderstood....unfortunately there's no way around not opening the file to make any changes...I think, maybe someone else chimes in.

any alternative would involve some kind of work on the users, many times we come up with weird workarounds and people complain because is not a "one-click" solution to their problems.

I have a similar solution to what you guys described now that opens up the file, and just re-places the image from the opposite server, but you have to trade off either opening the file being super slow or placing the correct images across the network being slow

here's the first workaround I thought of

why don't you save your files with a super low resolution image (just a placeholder),  then on opening, just relink to your local copy. When you're done, relink back to the super low res image and save.





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Explorer ,
Apr 26, 2013 Apr 26, 2013

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Thanks Carlos! You feel my pain on the "one-click" solution! I figured that was likely the case after scouring forum after forum! I appreciate all your help on this post and the many others! You're a great contributer! (Same to you Mark!)





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Enthusiast ,
Apr 27, 2013 Apr 27, 2013

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If you uncheck the "Use Compression" option when saving your file, then it's possible to parse the date without AI.

The placed image data is like below, just change the file path will be ok.


%%FileType: 1

[1 0 0 -1 -7842 9325.9453] 7894 8612 8334 9198 4 4 0





In your situation, a find&replace will do the trick.





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