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I am trying to line up text in the following document using guides (if that is possible, which I would expect it is in illustrator as it is in Photoshop) I next the text to be lined up for all 12 months of the year - 3 in the top layer and 4 in the remaining except the last of one only.
However, the "create guide" is greyed out for some reason.
I have tried resetting to Illustrator default settings but that doesnt seem to help.
Can anybody provide solution or a workaround for me please. It would be much appreciated.
Tokyo, Japan
If the rulers are showing (View > Rulers > Show Rulers), you will be able to add ruler guides by dragging them out of the horizontal or vertical ruler.
If you are trying to use the command View > Guides > Make Guides, it works a little differently than in Photoshop. Make Guides will be grayed out unless you have an object selected. For example, below I have a rectangle selected and am able to convert it to guides. Any object, as long as it is vector, can be converted to guides in Illustrator.
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If the rulers are showing (View > Rulers > Show Rulers), you will be able to add ruler guides by dragging them out of the horizontal or vertical ruler.
If you are trying to use the command View > Guides > Make Guides, it works a little differently than in Photoshop. Make Guides will be grayed out unless you have an object selected. For example, below I have a rectangle selected and am able to convert it to guides. Any object, as long as it is vector, can be converted to guides in Illustrator.
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Ok they aren't vectors and on Japanese Illustrator I couldnt find View > Rulers > Show Rulers but I could add ruler guides by dragging them out of the horizontal or vertical ruler. So that is what I had been used to in Photoshop. Thank you so much for solving my problem.
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You're welcome, Sabina. Glad that worked for you.