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I'm having problems with Illustrator constantly crashing and giving me this message. I'm running windows 10 and just updated to cc 2017. I have not had any problems until this most recent update a day ago. There doesn't seem to be any correlation to what I'm trying to do regardless of the complexity of the function I'm using at the time. I read some recent fixes and have already made sure that the gpu performance was adjusted and checked "animated zoom" and "enhance thin lines". Please help
1 Correct answer
Thanks OM for the assistance. Windows update stated that the graphics driver was up to date. Went to the manufacturer's site and found a recent update within the past week and downloaded. So as of now the driver is up to date. So far so good, I'll post if the same problem continues as I work on projects.
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Here are some other things to try (you might have already tried some of these):
Do you have any third party plug-ins or extensions installed in Ilustrator? (e.g. font management).
- Try to uninstall any third party plug-ins or extensions. Depending on how these are installed (you might need to refer to user documentation for the specific plug-in), use the Extension Manager application to disable the extension, or you can locate the plug-ins inside the Illustrator application folder and remove them manually.
Also have you tried deleting/resetting the Illustrator preferences?
Also some other things that you could look at to isolate what is going on:
- Does the crashing behaviour occur only after you've opened existing files? Does it occur if you create a brand new document and start working in that? Or just in existing documents?
- Uninstall any third party installed fonts that are activated in your system. It could be that you are using a corrupt font, if the jobs on which Illustrator crashes seem to use the same font that might be something to look at.
- Create a new user account on your computer (you need to be an Administrator to do that), and see if the same issues occur with that user account. If the problem is resolved, it could mean that somewhere in the settings/preferences there is a file that corrupted somehow.
Hopefully we'll get to the bottom of it.
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p.s. are you seeing any particular error dialog or message when Illustrator crashes? Pls share a screenshot if you are able to do so.
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Contact support.
They can log into your computer to sort things out:
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This is the only message I've been receiving.
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: I don't have any extensions or plugins that I have installed.
: I've deleted and reset preferences, never set any to begin with, by uninstalling and reinstalling AI completely. This helped for a couple of hours, but I am now dealing with the same issue.
: I was currently reopening a file and working with that when it crashed most recently. But I've been getting the same messages whether or not its from a new project or old.
: Would love to actually talk with support other than a community forum, but I'm not really given that option. Am I missing a step or link? It seems to direct me straight to the forum.
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tjr39683965 schrieb
: Would love to actually talk with support other than a community forum, but I'm not really given that option. Am I missing a step or link? It seems to direct me straight to the forum.
Why can't you contact support?
Try a different browser if it does not work.
With the current version you are entitled to get support.
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I'm not sure why I can't contact someone. After step 3, my only option is community forum. Regardless of how many different ways I try to discover a solution or a direct link to support, I am always led to the same page and same option. Anyone have an actual phone number or email address?
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Unfortunately there is no phone number or e-mail.
I have tried and alerted someone.
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When you run through the Contact page steps, ensure that you are logged in with your Adobe ID (the one you use for your Illustrator CC license). I've noticed in the past that if someone's not logged in the contact options are different. So hopefully if you've logged in you will have access to 'Chat' in that case. Refer the person on the chat to this forum post as well, and have your Adobe ID handy. (It's the first thing they'll ask, and they will take you through all standard steps to try and fix the issue. This could take a bit of time, so allow some time to stay online in the chat).
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Hi tjr,
Sorry for the inconvenience caused. If I get it correctly, your Illustrator CC 2017 is crashing and you are using a Windows 10 computer? Please share a screenshot of the Event Viewer (a sample shown below) with Application selected at the left and the error selected for Illustrator which would show the "Faulty Application" and "Faulty Module" so that we can try to get to the cause of the crash.
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Hi tjr,
Thanks for the detailed screenshots. This clearly indicates that the faulty module is NVIDIA GPU. You need to check for the updated drivers for the the graphic card and make them up to date directly from their website. If that does not help, disable the graphic card in system settings and check Illustrator. Do share your findings.
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Thanks OM for the assistance. Windows update stated that the graphics driver was up to date. Went to the manufacturer's site and found a recent update within the past week and downloaded. So as of now the driver is up to date. So far so good, I'll post if the same problem continues as I work on projects.
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Thanks for the confirmation TJ. Feel free to get back to us in case the problem continues. Will be happy to help.