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I have an array variable called "products". Each product has a radio button generated for it. Is there a way to have the script remember the radio button selection made the previous time the script was used?
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var userPath = $.getenv("USERPROFILE");
var cloudPath = decodeURI("/Layouts - Documents/");
var savePath = userPath + cloudPath;
// setup each possible location and it's save path
var locations = {
Sharepoint: savePath,
Local: "C:/Layout/",
// setup each possible product type and it's save path folder name
var products = {
Tool: "Tooled/",
Molten: "Molten/",
Buff: "Buff/",
HPPRINT: "Print/",
//****************************************************************************** */
function settingsWin(location, product) {
// settings window
var win = new Window("dialog");
win.text = "Production Art Save Options";
// create a radio button for each location
win.add("statictext", undefined, "Please Verify Your Location");
var gLocation = win.add("group");
var rb;
var locationRBs = [];
for (var k in locations) {
var rb = gLocation.add("radiobutton", undefined, k);
if (location == k) rb.value = true;
// Automatically select Sharepoint by default
if (k === "Sharepoint" || location == k) rb.value = true;
// create a radio button for each product
win.add("statictext", undefined, "Select Your Product Type");
var gProducts = win.add("group");
var rb;
var productRBs = [];
for (var k in products) {
var rb = gProducts.add("radiobutton", undefined, k);
if (product == k) rb.value = true;
// pattern required panel
var gPatternRequired = win.add("group");
gPatternRequired.orientation = "column"; // set the orientation to column
gPatternRequired.alignChildren = ["center", "top"]; // center align the children vertically
var patternText = gPatternRequired.add(
"Pattern Required?"
patternText.alignment = "center"; // center align the static text
var patternRBGroup = gPatternRequired.add("group");
patternRBGroup.alignment = "center"; // center align the radio button group
var patternYesRB = patternRBGroup.add("radiobutton", undefined, "Yes");
var patternNoRB = patternRBGroup.add("radiobutton", undefined, "No");
patternNoRB.value = true;
// group - window buttons
var gWindowButtons = win.add("group", undefined);
gWindowButtons.orientation = "row";
gWindowButtons.alignChildren = ["Leftwards", "center"];
gWindowButtons.alignment = ["center", "top"];
var btOK = gWindowButtons.add("button", undefined, "OK");
var btCancel = gWindowButtons.add("button", undefined, "Cancel");
var btDefaults = gWindowButtons.add("button", undefined, "Set Defaults");
// quote panel
var pInfo = win.add("panel", undefined);
var quote = "Every Choice You Make Has An End Result";
var author = "Zig Ziglar";
pInfo.add("statictext", undefined, quote);
pInfo.add("statictext", undefined, "- " + author);
// save defaults
var selectedProduct;
btDefaults.onClick = function () {
selectedProduct = captureRBSelection(productRBs);
if (selectedProduct) {
writeJSONData({ product: selectedProduct }, defaultProduct);
//alert("Default Product saved as " + selectedProduct + ".");
} else {
alert("Make sure to select both a Location and a Product first!");
function captureRBSelection(rbs) {
// check to see which product was selected
var selection = null;
for (var i = 0; i < rbs.length; i++) {
if (rbs[i].value) selection = rbs[i].text;
return selection;
// if "ok" button clicked then return inputs
if ( == 1) {
var selectedLocation;
selectedLocation = captureRBSelection(locationRBs);
selectedProduct = captureRBSelection(productRBs);
// make sure both a location and a product was selected before continuing
if (selectedLocation && selectedProduct) {
return {
location: selectedLocation,
product: selectedProduct,
pattern: patternYesRB.value,
} else {
alert("Make sure to select both a Location and a Product first!");
} else {
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Hi @BryanPagenkopf, here are two methods:
(function () {
var key = "myPrefKey";
/* --------------------------- *
* --------------------------- */
// read environment var
var myEnvironmentValue = $.getenv(key)
$.writeln('myEnvironmentValue = ' + myEnvironmentValue);
// set environment var
$.setenv(key, "The quick brown fox");
/* --------------------------- *
* --------------------------- */
// read preference record
var myPreferenceValue = app.preferences.getStringPreference(key);
$.writeln('myPreferenceValue = ' + myPreferenceValue);
// set preference record
app.preferences.setStringPreference(key, 'jumps over the lazy dog');
On the first run both will be null/empty and on subsequent runs they will be show the value.
which returns "myPref = null" on the first run, and "myPref = The quick brown fox" on subsequent runs.
Environment vars are only present for the session, so once you quit Illustrator they will disappear. Preference values persist across sessions because they are stored in Illustrator's preference file..
And of course you can write your own preference file as a text file. This is actually a good way to go for scripts with complex settings.
- Mark