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Hi, I use Illustrator to create worksheets for my students in preschool. I'm searching for tool or scrypt that allow me random mix postition of objects (letters, number). I have grid under those objects, and I wish that after mixing objects they stay in the middle of grid. Am I only dreaming that something like that exsist? Help ❤️
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using the above method I've outlined. here's a script to randomise the text thats currently in the frame.
if(app.activeDocument.selection.length==1 && app.activeDocument.selection[0].typename=="TextFrame"){
var StartContents = app.activeDocument.selection[0].contents
var ShuffledContents = shuffleArray(StartContents)
app.activeDocument.selection[0].contents = ShuffledContents
} else {
alert("Whoops!\nPlease select a text frame and try again.")
function shuffleArray(Arr) {
// select text frames
var doc = app.activeDocument;
var contents = [];
for (var i = 0; i < doc.selection.length; i++) {
for (var i = 0; i < doc.selection.length; i++) {
var index = Math.floor(Math.random() * contents.length);
doc.selection[i].contents = contents[index];
contents.splice(index, 1);
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While I am certain something could be created via scripting, if I'm understanding your ask correctly a similar effect can be achieved using native tools like area type options and text margins.
- Create your underlying grid
- Create a large Area Type Frame to cover the grid
- Edit the Area type options so that the Rows/Columns match the grid
- then get the Margins to push in and left to align
Here is a 50mm x 50mm grid that is ultimately a single text frame with a string of letters/numbers that flow from 1 box to the next. you could simply retype whatever you wish or copy/paste a string into the text frame and each character would flow into the next box in line
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Thank you for replay. Now it's easier to prepare grid with numbers/letters. The thing is I wish I could change/mix it somehow, so they randomly change their places, mix in those 5 rows and 5 columns. Sorry, I don't know how to explain it properly O_O I have 'randomus' script, but it only change properities not places ;(
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using the above method I've outlined. here's a script to randomise the text thats currently in the frame.
if(app.activeDocument.selection.length==1 && app.activeDocument.selection[0].typename=="TextFrame"){
var StartContents = app.activeDocument.selection[0].contents
var ShuffledContents = shuffleArray(StartContents)
app.activeDocument.selection[0].contents = ShuffledContents
} else {
alert("Whoops!\nPlease select a text frame and try again.")
function shuffleArray(Arr) {
if(typeof Arr=="string")Arr = Arr.split("")
for (var i = Arr.length - 1; i > 0; i--) {
var j = Math.floor(Math.random() * (i + 1));
var temp = Arr[i];
Arr[i] = Arr[j];
Arr[j] = temp;
return Arr.join("")
it will only work on a single text frame
it will take the contents of the text frame, in this case a string of numbers or letters, and randomise them amongst themselves and then set that text frame's contents to the new randomised string.
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// select text frames
var doc = app.activeDocument;
var contents = [];
for (var i = 0; i < doc.selection.length; i++) {
for (var i = 0; i < doc.selection.length; i++) {
var index = Math.floor(Math.random() * contents.length);
doc.selection[i].contents = contents[index];
contents.splice(index, 1);
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Thank you! I'll check them ! It took me so much precious time to prepare something for my kiddos.Tons of 💕