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Hi Folks
The below example not woking in illustror. Initially I applied underline = true for the textrange working fine but while removing its not working. Please help on this.
(function() {
var doc = app.activeDocument ;
for(var i = 0; i < doc.textFrames.length; i++) {
var txtFrame = doc.textFrames[i] ;
var textRange = txtFrame.s
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Hi @Jothi Sankar Anand S I think you have found a bug. I have posted a bug report. Please vote on it.
Here is my test script:
* @author m1b
* @discussion
(function () {
var doc = app.activeDocument,
tf = doc.activeLayer.textFrames.add(),
tr = tf.textRanges;
tf.contents = 'ab';
// change an attribute on the first character
tf.textRange.characters[0].characterAttributes.baselineShift = 1;
var results = ['Results:'];
// test 1 on first character
tr[0].characterAttributes.underline = true
results.push('tr[0] underline = TRUE: '
+ (true === tr[0].characterAttributes.underline ? 'PASSED' : 'FAILED'));
// test 2 on first character
tr[0].characterAttributes.underline = false;
results.push('tr[0] underline = FALSE: '
+ (false === tr[0].characterAttributes.underline ? 'PASSED' : 'FAILED'));
// test 1 on second character
tr[1].characterAttributes.underline = true;
results.push('tr[1] underline = TRUE: '
+ (true === tr[1].characterAttributes.underline ? 'PASSED' : 'FAILED'));
// test 2 on second character
tr[1].characterAttributes.underline = false;
results.push('tr[1] underline = FALSE: '
+ (false === tr[1].characterAttributes.underline ? 'PASSED' : 'FAILED'));
And my results are:
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(function() {
var doc = app.activeDocument ;
for(var i = 0; i < doc.textFrames.length; i++) {
var txtFrame = doc.textFrames[i] ;
var textRange = txtFrame.story.textRange ;
textRange.start = 0 ;
textRange.length = 5 ;
setUnderline(textRange, false) ;
})() ;
function setUnderline(textRange, dstUnderline) {
var appliedCharacterStyle = textRange.characterStyles[0] ;
var styleUnderline = appliedCharacterStyle.underline ;
if(styleUnderline === dstUnderline) {
appliedCharacterStyle.underline = !styleUnderline ;
textRange.underline = dstUnderline ;
appliedCharacterStyle.underline = styleUnderline ;
} else {
textRange.underline = dstUnderline ;
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Thanks @sttk3 that workaround is nice! I tried it with my test script and it worked. (I still consider this behaviour as a bug, by the way.)
- Mark
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It was possible to specify this correctly until Illustrator CS3. I would consider it a bug too.
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You did a great job to discover the problem. Thanks! I am surprised I hadn't noticed it before.
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Thanks a lot @sttk3
Its working fine for me.
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HI @sttk3
Superscript and Subscript working well. But while revert back to normalbaseline its not working.
Can you please advise on this below
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The reason it does not work is exactly the same as in the above script and the case of “Apply Character direction to textframe characters via Extendscript”.
Try writing your own this time.