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There are 7 simalr sized oval objects that need to have even spacing, and also need to be enlarged (experimented with) to fit efficiently into the space.
It is taking me WAY too long to get it right.
In MS publisher, all you had to do was select the items and scale away!!!
There's got to be a better way.
Thanks as always for your help!
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Can you please show something?
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Do you want to arrange them nicely or pack the space with them?
I'm not quite sure what you expect to happen?
If you want to scale them while they all stay in place, use Object > Transform > Transform each
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Thank you. I would like to arrange nicely....
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I doubt that Microsoft Publisher arranges nicely by pressing a button. Arranging nicely needs to be done manually. Anywhere.
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You're right. I guess I meant rescaling multiple images...
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Judging by the image, which only shows 5 rather than 7 golden frames, you wish to have them at (slightly) different sizes/scaling and arranged with an even spacing all the way round an ellipse/oval, where you can try combinations of different sizes of frames and ellipse/oval (maybe also different ellipse/oval shapes) in a manageable way until you are satisfied?
If that is the case, you can do it with three simple steps, the first step done only once and being a simple horizontal alignment to obtain an even spacing of the frames without worrying about the actual/right/final distances, the second step being repeated and being the resizing of individual/all frames, the third step following each resizing of frames and being the creation of a temporary blend created and applied to the possibly resized/reshaped ellipse/oval and then expanded.
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Thank you. Yes. I'd like 7 equally sized frames to be perfectly spaced arounf an (invisible) oval shape.
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You can use the following elaborated version of the steps mentioned:
1) Create a set of 8 (7 + 1 temporary surplus) frames with an even spacing, you can create the first one and then use Object>Transform>Move (in the Object dropdown click Transform and then click Move) and set the Horizontal value to twice the frame width and tick Copy to get the first copy; after that you can apply Ctrl/Cmd+D (hold Ctrl/Cmd and press D) six times so you have 7 copies, 8 frames in total evely spaced;
2) Skip the step mentioned because you keep the frame size;
3) The contains the following parts:
3A) Select all the frames and use use Object>Blend>Blend Options and set Spacing to Specified Steps inserting the value 1, and keeping/setting the Orientation to Align to Page, then use Object>Blend>Make which will make it look like 15 frames close together;
3B) Select the ellipse/oval and cut it with the Scissors Tool at the top Anchor Point where you wish to have a frame (this will turn it into an open path starting and ending there), then use Object>Path>Add Anchor Points a couple of times (used to shorten the path segments because it is an ellipse/oval rather than a circle), to prepare the ellipse/oval to its being used as the Spine;
3D) Select both the Blend and the ellipse/oval and use Object>Blend>Replace Spine which will make it look like 14 frames close together round the (only 14 because the first and last frame will be on top of each other at the very top), to be followed by the cleanup;
3E) Use Object>Blend>Expand (which will turn the Blend into a Group of 15 frames) and use Shift+Ctrl/Cmd+G to Ungroup, to prepare for the cleanup;
3F) ShiftClick every second frame round the ellipse/oval starting with the bottom one and press Delete which will make it look like 7 frames, then Click the (topmost) frame at the very top and press Delete which will leave only the 7 frames, then select them all and press Ctrl/Cmd to Group them (optional, but a safe way to keep them together).